Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer to – 112 points –
Final Fantasy 17 needs "a younger generation" of lead developers, suggests FF16 producer

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I have an idea lets make a game that embodied the spirit of the successful versions, lets stop trying to court devil may cry/elden ring fans and get back to making a turn based rpg or similar to ff10.

Ff3, ff7, ff9, ff10

Are great examples of the story lines I loved.

It doesn't have to be turn-based. FFXI and FFXII are also great. I feel the bigger issue is that making a story heavy game while everyone else is also making story heavy games makes it no longer unique.

I wouldn't mind going back to ATB, but I don't think that would win back an audience except for nostalgia points.

Maybe more FF:T though? Kinda miss that.

I would love a modern FFT or even a paid mobile one with good mobile controls.

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I enjoyed all of them and FFXVI too. I think it's okay to reinvent FF combat every iteration to keep it fresh. I'm not sure if I'd enjoy a turn based combat today like I enjoyed it 20 years ago.

I was pretty happy to let FF innovate and leave DQ as the stable JRPG release and then they announced DQ12 would be more action focused


I don't know. I know I played 9 in its entirety, but it is completely un-rememberable.

But yeah, 100% lets get back to the turn-based formula it was meant to be.
Bonus if we could go back to a 5-team instead of a 3-team

5, 8, 9, and 10 are the best of the earlier games and I will fight anyone who says otherwise.

And this is why there can be no such thing as an "ideal" FF game outside of perhaps re-remastering 10 again.

Vivi? Beatrix? Queen Brahne? Burmecia??

I found it to be one of the most memorable FFs.

9 is fucking amazing. Best cast of any of that generation.

10 was the beginning of the end.

Only issue with 9 is it's slow

Love this idea. The turn-based system in FFX was my absolute favorite, and I was really sad they didn't follow this direction further (even for FFX-II, like WTF).

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