
1 Post – 31 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

That’s how you handle traitors.

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Religion is a mass delusion.

Not a fan.

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Install a router with content filtering.

Raising children is the parent’s responsibility. Stop oppressing the rest of us due to one’s own laziness or incompetence.

Send them to Ukraine instead.

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One of the concepts pushing back against simulation theory is, essentially, it would require infinite energy to simulate the universe.

A counter point is it only “renders” as it’s interacted with or observed. This where I like to think about simulation theory, coupled with particle behaviors like the double slit experiment.

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Wait until OP discovers where the idea for airplanes came from.

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We gonna need a bigger blyat!

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Alternate headline.

Republicans willing to hurt Americans, Ukrainians, and Israelis to pad their fragile egos and mask their inability to govern.

In my country Christians mutilate the genitals of newly born males, but leave the appendix, give them a gun and out the door — goodluck!

I asked it “how are you?”

After waiting 5 minutes it errors and my browser crashed.

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Prison terms would be really helpful.

You know, equitable application of the law.

You are the only person (so far) that’s understood this distinction in my name.

It’s intended to be inflammatory but also to make the point you did.

What do you recommend to do as an alternative?

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As an American, I agree with Russia on this one.

Boeing cut roughly 800 quality engineers from their staff in favor of “technology”.

“Some of you will die, but, that’s ok with us as long as we appease our capitalistic overlords” -Boeing

One source of many: https://www.heraldnet.com/business/boeing-revamps-quality-control-more-high-tech-fewer-humans/

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Absolutely and no doubt. Just suggesting a better and more responsible recipient of the additional arms.

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Not quite.

Genocidal Uber gonna genocide.

These knee pads and chapstick sponsored by Cerebral.

That’s rich coming from a guy that listens to Coldplay.

I’m hungry but can’t afford to eat right now because we are in surge pricing.

The thought reminds me of the Carl’s Jr machine in Idiocracy.

Genital mutilation is genital mutilation.

It’s fucked up, wrong, and should be criminal unless the receiving individual requests and consents to it.

Full stop.

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Sure, to be honest though, this five minute video does a good job. It’s corny but useful, skip to around 45 seconds or so if you want.


Exercises like these are extremely beneficial for interoperability.

This is competence on display.

I appreciate your conviction and morals, genuinely.

What you’re proposing is essentially sacrificing some form of democratic world order for full authoritarianism based on a single horrible event. Nuanced perspective may be more useful than absolutism in this scenario.

Hate to admit it, but, to me it seems we have been forced into a lesser of two evils scenario.

More poetically, a shit sandwich.

Also, please vote. Even in saturated areas your vote counts, especially in tight and artificially contested elections.

It’s got a sense of humor maybe…


50% failure rate within 1-2 years at my org.

Run away from MSFT hardware.

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I think people are potentially missing your sarcasm. Though I believe your comment on point.

What they’re describing is addiction withdrawal and an inability to interact with reality.

I’m not interested in discussing this with you but I do appreciate your reply.

Have a great day. :)

This is a Wendy’s sir.

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