Why Do or Do You Not Capitalize Your Post Title?

abort_christian_babies@lemmy.world to No Stupid Questions@lemmy.world – 6 points –

Because It’s Clumsy And Annoying To Read

The only people I know who do it are 60s and up and they also do it when it's inappropriate. I would have capitalized all of these words for effect, but fuck that.

Capitalizing all letters only makes sense if you're quoting an actual news article headline, like from the New York Times or wherever. But capitalizing the first letter of every word makes reading the sentence stilted and hard to read, so should be avoided whenever possible

if it's short and not in a sentence format, it makes sense as well. For example, if you're posting a pet photo, "My Dog is a Doofus" looks weird. but "Cat Burglar" doesn't.

I go both ways (giggity).

If it's a headline or news article, I'll title case it.

If I'm posting a question or a statement, I'll use regular sentence case since it's easier to read.

I do because most of my posts tonally benefit from it. Non capitalized to me seems too casual, not to say it doesn't ever have a place.

Also I feel capitalization reaffirms that the title is just a title and the post has more information beyond it.