2 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Easy. Never buy HP. Their printers are shit and so are their laptops.

10 more...

Rather take your money to the casino kids. I think the reddit IPO will crash and burn. Not only because spez is a total fucking tool destroying the platform. But the reddit model will be tough to be a booming profitable business. All they really have is add revenue and users will start seeing through the smoke and mirrors no matter how hard they try to disguise them as normal posts. We have already seen this type of manoeuvre is not easy with Twitter.

7 more...

Avicci was rich, he had severe mental problems which lead to his suicide. They don't have financial problems but I can bet they deal with similar personal problems.

Avicci was just the first that came to mind.

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You gotta be dumb as fuck to work for free at a profit company

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There is a reason Microsoft has branded it copilot...

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I don't agree with this comment. Both of those acts are fucking awful. Anyone to be raped must be an awful experience and extremely traumatic. I understand that some who is raped are not dead, but still a vile act.

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I cannot wait to see this Reddit IPO fail, it will be the fucking most glorious thing when fuck face spez has to face the music.

He must have a tiny pp to be that insecure

Lol! Classic Abigail!

I get this reference.

I have started cooking more in the last two years. Cooking is actually not that difficult once you grasp some of the fundamentals. I now usually just check the ingredients and go my merry way, very seldomly do I follow the method to a T. If you fuck up a little while cooking chances are good you can pull it back.

Baking on the other hand, fuck baking! Baking is way different than cooking, add 5 tsp instead of 6? You have fucked it up, start again.

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Fuck meta, fuck x, and YouTube is not far off.

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Thanks, I fucking hate it.

Spez can suck a sick

In theory the idea is great. Unfortunately in reality people in those positions are fucking greedy and will throw citizens under the bus to get a few extra bucks. In South Africa we see the ruling party ANC politicians who earn decent money but they still can't keep their fucking greasy hands out of the cookie jar. It's pretty fucking disgusting since their is still so much poverty in the country but they will rather steal to enrich themselves.

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This is one positive about the Switch, cartridges are still a thing and I hope this trend continues with future Nintendo releases. Other than that fuck this, if that's their stance I will be comfortable to sail the high seas.

It 645 mins since the start of the day

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There is no way this would hold up in my country if they are advertising prices and you get there and the price is more from a legal perspective. They would not be able to advertise if they did this. Also we don't have Wendy's...

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Will ramen do?

Infinite was fucking great. I remeber feeling really immersed in the game and the story. It had super weird and dark theme which had me gripped. Oh Booker and Elizabeth, I miss you.

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Retail traders have zero chance against the big corps and hedgies. Manipulation is rife

It depends on your goals. 5x5 is a pretty good program for muscle gain. Nutrition is super important to take in enough and the right stuff.

Sometimes you just gotta let your tits get a bit of fresh air!

You know what. Fuck HP they will never see a cent from me again.

Aww! Green is big spoon and white is little spoon 🤗

Well they way I see it I literally dgaf about how much or how little money a person it's the way they behave in society and what they contribute contribute to society that carries their value an worth to me at least. Just because Mr Jones happens to be more successful than me according to bank account, I'm not gonna be sour about it.

Succefull people are still people. They have the same emotions as each of us. Like I said they don't have financial problems but they certainly have emotional problems, family problems, relationship problems etc.

Yes this thread is about Taylor Swift. Whether she is a good or a bad person, I couldn't tell you. I don't follow her.

There are good people on this world and you don't have to look too far. Whether they have money or less is irrelevant.

Tldr; yes many wealthy people are dicks but not all.

I'm drunk rn. Don't take this too seriously

Rancid, Face to face, Nofx, Alkaline trio, Pennywise

I used to like anti flag, but fuck Justin sane, the rest of the band are fine but can't listen to his voice anymore. Fucking pedo.

I was like this. It is the worst thing about the music scenes. I try not to be like this anymore.

Dude takes a 22 minute flight. My god how small do you need to feel to boost your ego to do that instead of video.

An Enthusiast Googler

Jesus Christ this is low point even for him.

I read the text without seeing the bottom of the photo. I was thinking it would be a dog that pooped. Boy was I surprised.

And it is beautiful!

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See! This is the positivity we all want!

Those mfs lied to us

I fear this is the way South Africa is going. The African National Congress (ANC) is not the same ANC that fought for democracy. All the moral leaders have been ejected by the corrupt. They blatantly steal money meant to uplift the nation. The leaders flash their lavish lifestyles while majority live in poverty. Corruption is rife within the party.

The ANC has taken side the side of Gaza, which is morally correct. Yet, they remain on the fence with Russia and Ukraine, because of their close ties with Putin and Co.

We fear that our democratic election in 2 months time is at risk and the ANC will use playbooks from Russia.

If South Africa has any chance of turning things around the ANC needs to be voted out.

I am going to be using this phrase going forward.

The words of a saint! Man I fall into this trap every fucking time

I did not need to see this!

With you on that one.