2 Post – 232 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Tax exemption for religious organisations.

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Combine that with the 83% price increase in Australia!

YouTube can eat shit, they're screwing over even those of us willing to pay, Smarttube here I come!

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FYI; cans are plastic lined.

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"fuck it"

Google-owned YouTube succeeded in shutting down the popular third-party YouTube Vanced app back in 2022

And 4 seconds later an alternative appeared.

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Honestly it's bullshit, thousands of dollars of games have died with my brother-in-law, and it's just another reason to pirate everything digital you can.

Don't die without a will and don't die without telling family important details/passwords.

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In other news; the USA slowly becoming a modern western nation.

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No and anyone claiming they can is lying, mentally unwell or both.

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Hahaha fuck yeah!

Microwave, lounge, fridge, dozen office chairs and a shit load of stationary.

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What about the writers good fundamentals?

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It's only on while I'm using it; why waste power to save 20 seconds?

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Anyone offended by this should put their head back up their arse...

It's a ham bag with Christmas trees on it!

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1 day old account, lots of negative posts, easy block.

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I've been waiting in line to die for the last 43yrs, I'm not in rush, so it's okay.

Yeah, nah, that didn't happen.

For fuck sake, it's a ham bag with Christmas trees on it, Kmart should have told them to pull their heads out of their arses.

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Burning themselves on a light bulb!

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Isn't it the broadcasters often air them out of production order?

I don't know how to answer this properly, I've only had 3 serious/long term girlfriends and I married the 3rd nearly 20yrs ago.

I'd have to say being down to earth, farting on the 3rd date and just laughing about it.

She's always been my best friend, one of my dickhead mates I can let my hair down around and we can both be ourselves, all day, every day.

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Cross instance post/comment deletion.

Sometimes I just don't want my comments to live forever and deleting shouldn't be impossible.

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And in 5yrs you'll have watch a fullscreen ad before you can reply to a message.

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Leaving Sydney for a cheaper quieter life in Central West NSW!

Nice 4 bedroom home with views, 1200m² block with trees, quiet area, school almost across the road, close to everything else and best of all, a tiny manageable mortgage!

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Get a VPN and pirate everytime!

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I made jokes about Google adding full screen video ads when they introduced recommendations paid ads and I was laughed at.

So glad I ditched the stock launcher.

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Grew up on a farm with limited water. Flush a shit, always, and piss only after it started to smell.

Fast forward 20yrs, living in town, have a family and we still do the same.

Water is a valuable resource everywhere; a bit of piss in the dunny really isn't a big deal.

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I have the same gripe with Spotify, you dare like a song and that's all you get over and over.

I really miss Google Play Music!

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I honestly couldn't name anyone I don't like because I simply avoid stuff I don't like. I almost exclusively only watch channels I'm subscribed too.

Why are you watching people you don't like? You're literally giving money and attention to them by watching.

Can I do a TV show?... I'm gonna do a TV show.

The Mandalorian is boring!

They should have called it "Shiny Boba Fett and Baby Yoda travel planet to planet doing stuff".

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Maybe you're just getting older.

If it wasn't for my kids, I wouldn't even bother with the tree.

That's extremely fucked up if true!

Guess I'll be blowing the dust off my media PC if Google dare to do something so blatantly greedy.

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Build a basic i5 desktop.

It'll cost less, be much faster and easier to upgrade; the "NAS" platform is so overrated.

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Can we please just have an app for our Android tablets?

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The Nightmare Before Christmas

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suggestions paid advertisements

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And here I am just wanting the clock back in a safer location and the return of the weather.

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I do this all the time, just stick 2 fans in windows on opposite sides of the house, 1 facing in, 1 facing out. Bam; cross ventilation!

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Choice Australia did a test of different washing liquid recently and found the Aldi stuff to be one of the best and a bunch of expensive brands to be no better than plain hot water.

I'm pretty sure they focus on other ways like device ID; IPs are problematic since they're shared and recycled a lot.

Wanking is a free and enjoyable hobby.

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I like Windows, it's MS that I hate and the bullshit they add to Windows.

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