12 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Young men are always more likely to fall for investment scams

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accorns are brown... I'm sure it had a gun

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I'm trans

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If it was released today we'd have another rage from the "fucking pronouns" guy

for a moment there I didn't get it, since it can't possibly have 65° on a land that grows grass yet, then I realised you have never heared of Celcius

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Laser cooling exists, but I don't suppose you can afford one or want your beer on 2°K

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Media piracy.

If I wanted to watch a show, I'd have to pay 80€/month, because every streaming site only has one or two seasons.

I'm just done with corporate greed, fuck big companies, piracy is a service problem.

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I'm in fovour of conversion therapy, everyone should be prevented from being a king/queen. there is even a simple french cure for this issue

the concept of science fiction is way to librul, since it suggests that science is real

yes, and if you're homeless just buy a house

btw, it's not a free market if it's controlled by a hand full of companies

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Apple when Europe wants them to protect their customers vs. Apple when China wants them to lock every profitable app out

People who know how to use a terminal know how to block ads

Lemmy Silver

Male depends on a java library, but I preffer Rust

In europe: "Do you need that surgery to survive/live your life normally?"


"Ok, then it's free"

In the us: "Do you need that surgery to survive/live your life normally?"


"That'll be 999,999.99$"

I mean I'm not straight-phobic, I just think it should be illegal, because I don't agree with their lifestyle and don't want them to indoctrinate my kids

However the Texas state Senate decided that arguing about where someone should be allowed to pee was more important than licensure for neurodiagnostics.

The avarege conservative's monkey brain won't vote for something that makes actual sense. They'll only vote for some ideological religios bs no one else cares about.

I live in central europe, I could travel across the entire continent in a day for not that much money and could go anywhere in the eastern part of my country for 60€/year, I could go to any western part of my country in 5h for less than 20€

this dark magic I could use is called a "train system" also reffered to as "good public infrastructure" by many

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A important thing, that a lot of people here seem to forget: teenagers are more likely to be influenced by fashion trends, than reason, but they aren't stupid.

I once got banned on 4chan for calling a christofashist a fucking retarded crackpot hobo conspiracy theorist

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Good to know, now what is Michael Kors?

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das Stör(t) mich

Don't understand it, so it's evil and the cause of all my problems

Capitalists when 10% taxes vs capitalists when 18% fee


Because those people will spend it poorly. And that's not entirely their fault. They don't know any better.

I wouldn't say poorly, if your kids need a few new things for school, is that money really spent poorly? Most people know better, but they can't spend it on anything else, than the things they need at the moment. You can't save/invest money if you are starving.

I don't think so, as I stated earlier I hate my nationalist coworkers, but my problem is, that I have the same feelings for people like them that I don't know.

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Sprich Deutsch, du elendiger Englisch sprechender Hurensohn!

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shrines bad

Most people agree with you there

To the geological formations and all, it's just nice to explore them. For me the fun about them weren't potential rewards, but for the purpose of exploring itself, but I get that it's not for everyone I don't think the world is empty though, there are plenty of nice sidequests, easter eggs and items to find, especially if you haven't read any guides.

not really Zelda games.

They are, but Zelda games have changed due to better technical possibilities, ooc wasn't anything like the 2d Zeldas for example

They probably mistook right wing for auth

Not too long ago I was in school and some guys had a presentation about computers in the 70s-90s they talked about magnetic data media. One of my class mates asked "what the fuck is that magnet thing" the guy answered:"it's something like DVDs for example"

What if you could "lock on" a target like in star trek?

One of my coworkers unfortunatly became a conspiracy theorist due to andrew tate. He was a nice young man, now he's a misogynist piece of shit. Claiming things like "the secret jewish world goverment wants Tate removed, because he tells the truth" or "women are inferior in every way, so rape is okay because women are a mens property and he can also own more than one"

It's very sad how young, religios men and teens can be so easily exploited for personal gain.

A lot of people here seem to hate smokers in generall, I assume it's due to their culture, since smoking is pretty normal in my country and europe in generall

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the ones in new vegas just have grilled/cooked food in them I've also got grilled mantis in my fridge, since I don't have space in the oven (where else am I supposed to put my pilot lights in?)

That one:

Don't know, I only got youtube dislike and ublock addon, it also doesn't work for my friends tho

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In german "Frau" can translate to woman or wife

That's why I love Star Trek

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I did this, but I just spent the normal cis amount of time thinking about it