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Joined 11 months ago

Given an infinite number of rooms and guests, it is highly likely both he and the boulder are already there. So he should go to the hotel where he already is and has a room

Happy comes from hap, which is essentially luck. So happy can imply lucky or fortunate. If he gets to the hotel and finds he already is checked into his room in an otherwise full hotel, then he is indeed lucky and likely happy.

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I read that as commandlets and now I'm worried Powershell has given me brain damage...

  1. if ((Get-God).Count -gt 1){Set-God -Identity "YHWH"}
  2. Get-Idol | Remove-Idol
  3. foreach($godsname in ((Get-God).Name){ if (($speech -like "$godsname") -and ($speech.vain)) {$speech = ""}}
  4. Set-Reminder -Start (Get-Date "06/29/2024") -Reoccurance 7 -Subject "Holy"
  5. Set-Person -Relation "Mother" -Honor $true; Set-Person -Relation "Father" -Honor $true;
  6. $murder = $false
  7. $adultry = $false
  8. $stealing = $false
  9. if ((Get-Truth $speech) -eq $false){$speech = ""}
  10. $NoCovet=(Get-Property -SearchDepth 2) + (Get-Person -Relation "Neighbor")
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I wonder if fossil fuel companies are pushing these stories to undermine support for climate change policies.

Isn't that essentially the story of Coca-cola. Early in their history they didn't think bottling would be successful, so they signed a perpetual contract to sell the bottlers syrup at a fixed price. Then when bottled coke became popular, the only way for coke to profit was on volume, so they launched a massive advertising campaign advertising the drink price of 5 cents.

Decades later, coke ads are classic Americana and it's popularity is one reason these drugs are needed.

So lead, plastic, and PFAS are fine but fluoride is where they draw the line…?

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Phone calls are rude. They demand your immediate attention with a loud alarm and no regard for where you might be or what you are doing. Texts/email are respectful. They make a small chime just to let you know they are around, then wait patiently for you to read and respond.

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The 10 commandments divide into two sections. Rules for the relation between people and God and rules for the relation between people and other people. 5 more would probably setup a third section. Like rules for the relation between people and nature or rules for one’s relation to oneself.

  1. Forgive your brother who has wronged you as you would want him to forgive your own transgressions.

  2. Honor creation and take only what you need from the mountains, streams, woodlands, and valleys.

  3. Respect the creatures of the earth as your brothers in creation.

  4. Avoid excesses and live humbly

  5. Love yourself for you were created in My image

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Apple managed to capture lightning in a bottle, twice. First by making a better Walkman, and then again by making that device a phone with internet access. They were able to leverage that success to revitalize their computer hardware business and act as a platform for selling accessories, and all of that made them very successful.

But the stock market doesn’t care about past success, it cares about growth, and without a major new, or buzz worthy product, investors might start to turn against Apple. Problem is, they have ridden the iPod horse about as far as it can go. They tried putting wheels on it, but that failed, and the jury is still out on whether tying one to your face will work out or not.

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Mitch McConnell is one of those people who make me want to buy a flagpole. So I can be sure to fly the flag at full staff when he finally dies.

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Supporting Israel with weapons and UN vetos is the only leverage the US has over Israel right now. The US is sort of trying to be the supportive buddy who talks their friend down instead of just another country on the list that yells at them but does nothing else.

Problem is, Israel has made it pretty clear they don’t care if they lose US support (or don’t believe it can politically happen) and so that leverage is almost nil which is making the US and Biden look both complicit and weak.

The US is also having to react in real time to changing attitudes on Israel. A year ago, opposition to Israel would have been political suicide in the U.S. Now opinions are much more mixed. We see 13% in one vote willing to protest and vote uncommitted, but we don’t see the other end. What percent would shift their vote to Trump in support of Israel if Biden toughened his stance. Biden is trying to appeal to both sides, which is a terrible strategy, but I doubt he has a choice as he likely needs both sides to win…

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Fun fact: the earliest known case of the 1918 "Spanish flu" was in Kansas.

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Wait, this award was supposed to be serious? Given the honorees I thought it was an ig nobel or Darwin award sort of thing, possibly run by the onion.

Why is there more concern about the bathrooms in schools than there is about people bringing in guns and killing the kids?

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Anxiety (especially now that planes are oversold and standby passengers are nearby waiting to grab empty seats...), the need for overhead bin space, not wanting to have to climb over people, illogical impatience, etc.

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The MAGA led culture wars have exposed many churches and many christian’s as insufferable bigots who are far more obsessed with making sure everyone in their group agrees on who to hate than they are with sharing such concepts as grace or love. The Methodist split has been especially damning. It is insane to me to see so many otherwise normal people frothing at the mouth with hate and anger because the main denomination dared to even consider being more accepting of homosexuality.

I was recently told about a woman who was glad her church disaffiliated from United Methodist because she didn’t want to have to find another church. I thought, but bit my tongue, “woman, had your church stayed it would still be the exact same church it always was, it changed by leaving…” these people have been manipulated into thinking any church that stays somehow becomes a satanic cult… because maybe, one day in the future, the main governing body might allow gay preachers… it’s so stupid…

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Most recently, Little Debbie oatmeal cream pies. I used to love the things and they were a nostalgic part of growing up, so I randomly decided to buy a box a few weeks back.

Took two bits of one and threw the whole box away. They were nasty. Chemically tasting, dry, full of little hard bits from poorly milled oats, etc. pure garbage. And this is not a matter of my tastes changing. I remember exactly how those are supposed to be, and the modern version is crap.

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Everything goes dark. You open your eyes. You are standing on a bridge. A warm salty breeze is in the air. Birds fly over. A fish splashes in the water. You could go anywhere, do anything, a whole new world is open to you. But you stay put for now and enjoy this peaceful bridge.

A child runs by. She avoids making eye contact and runs behind you. Then another, and another. “Kids these days”, you think, “always in a hurry.” Another child approaches, before he can slip by, you turn, and make eye contact. It’s on!

You each bring out your Pokémon and oh god, oh god, oh god, it’s god. The unfathomable, immortal deity who shaped the entire world, and it is taking orders from a child! and you have… a magikarp.

Before you can even speak, a blast of energy strikes your fish, killing it instantly. You are knocked back, stunned. The child frisks your pockets and takes your wallet. Everything goes dark. You open your eyes. You are standing on a bridge. A warm salty breeze is in the air…

I really wonder how much of this “Biden old” talk is just GOP propaganda.

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Does it come in diet or caffeine free?

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A subscription to the now defunct children's magazine 3-2-1 Contact. That magazine would sometimes include the code for simple BASIC computer programs. Eventually I figured out they would run on the (then common) Apple II classroom computer at school, tried one (a simple guess the number game with a preset answer), figured out how to change the answer and tweak the code, and got hooked.

Ultimately this led to a degree in software engineering and a job in IT that I quite enjoy, especially when writing scripts or working with code.

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Now AI is stealing jobs from lithium miners

You are lucky. Last night both Linus Torvalds and Bill Gates broke in my house and held me at gunpoint until I made my choice. (Tim Cook would have been there too, but apparently he was guided down the wrong street.)

Short term this is disappointing, but long term I think it is for the best. Being unanimous makes it less likely a state will ignore the rulling, and had they ruled against Trump, then we would have seen decades of retaliation from red states removing all democrats for any reason.

The root of the problem remains that nearly half our voting citizens support electing a violent and hateful criminal.

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Lincoln’s booth in Ford’s theater on the night of the assassination right before it happens. Saving the president will immediately give me some credibility and influence, and it could improve reconstruction of the south to an extent that positively impacts modern America.

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Cups, teaspoons, and tablespoons in this context are standardized units of measure. It is very common to find at least one set of measuring cups and spoons in a US kitchen. Scales are uncommon.

I use both. For flour, scales are far, far superior. For sugar, it does not really seem to matter. For small amounts, I suspect my tea/tablespoons might be more accurate than my scale...

Not that accuracy matters that much in a recipe using eggs. Chickens aren't necessarily known for precision...

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Asteroid mining. This may still be too far off and too expensive. But the first person to get this working successfully will be a trillionare.

This plus fusion are the two things most needed to transition humanity to a space based civilization.

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I've never understood this... are people just blindly launching their butts at toilets? Are the lights off? Is alcohol involved?

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Tik for Tok

It should be possible to get the boot strap paradox out of the way and establish a stable time loop in which case the traveler just hands me a storage device full of everything I need to know to make a lot of money and establish a time travel research organization that will 50 years later send the traveler back to me.

I don’t disagree, but I’ve heard this before. Assembly devs complaining about compiled languages. C/c++ devs complaining about every newer language. Traditional devs complaining about web developers. Backend web developers complaining about blogs/cms tools. Nearly everyone complaining about electron.

And honestly I think those folks had a point. The old stuff written when the tools were simple and memory scarce were almost works of art. The quality of software development (especially with regard to optimization) has been going downhill for decades. What ever the llms do will just be part of this trend.

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I stopped going to five guys three years ago when a burger, fries, and a drink hit over $20. I'm not sure the local place was ever under $10.

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If there exists a place outside time, then the only way to travel there is to already be there, and if you are there, you can never leave.

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The penny, then I’ll try and take the rest. (Flips coin, it landed on heads!)

Seems like if they really cared about emergencies they would require car radios to support the actual weather band frequencies as well.

  1. What two questions could I ask you that would provide me with the best possible benefit in a way I would be happy with

  2. (And 3) those questions

Voyager just loaded a copyrighted image on my phone. Guess someone's gonna have to sue them too.

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I don't hate links opening in Edge, but I loathe the stupid split panel crap. What moron at Microsoft thinks I need a copy of the email,message,whatever that I just read AND STILL HAVE OPEN IN OUTLOOK taking up space in the browser?

I’ve wondered about this before, but it seems like a coincidence.

As I understand it, serpent type monsters are one of the oldest surviving concepts from ancient myths and stories, and are usually more associated with evil or chaos than sex.