There were supposed to be 15 commandments, but Moses accidentally dropped and broke a tablet. What are some of the five missing commandments? to – 141 points –

And I know we're mostly atheists here, but please keep the theological discussion to a minimum and appreciate the lighthearted hypothetical scenario for what it is.


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The 10 commandments divide into two sections. Rules for the relation between people and God and rules for the relation between people and other people. 5 more would probably setup a third section. Like rules for the relation between people and nature or rules for one’s relation to oneself.

  1. Forgive your brother who has wronged you as you would want him to forgive your own transgressions.

  2. Honor creation and take only what you need from the mountains, streams, woodlands, and valleys.

  3. Respect the creatures of the earth as your brothers in creation.

  4. Avoid excesses and live humbly

  5. Love yourself for you were created in My image

  1. Love yourself for you were created in My image
  1. But not like that.
  2. No, not like that either...
  3. Listen you little shit, if I catch you doing that again I'll come down from this cloud and seduce your wife as a swan.
  1. Ignore copyright laws that haven't been invented yet and don't tell Zeus...

World would be a better place if these made it in...