
14 Post – 121 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Are you saying it might be a crime for a President to unilaterally invent a new law and make the federal government enforce it? Well, you see...

Hollow Knight 112% completion is what I'm most proud of. It was hard!

They just gotta keep up the illusion of consequences for Trump. Fines (which will never be collected). Gag orders (which will never be enforced). Bans from business and finance dealings (which will be reversed). But hey we're doing something!

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"I don't think so but if you want us to eat healthier and get more exercise I'm game"

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Middle-class suburban streets, miles away from farm or forest, full of sparkly clean gargantuan pickup trucks

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Each rotation of the first turbine’s 107-metre-long blades can produce enough clean energy to power an average home for two days.

I've never read this sort of description of the amount of energy things produce before. That's very cool.

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Blocking promotions of critical military roles over an unrelated social issue. Really. Why are there so many examples of how today's Republicans would rather burn the country to the ground than concede anything to representatives for roughly the half of the population..

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Sigh. Not this again. Look, I personally really don't like the Cybertruck. I think it's ugly and pointless. But as someone who likes EVs in general I have to call out the usual "the range is so bad lol" BS.

The two drivers who are using the EV said that the maximum range with a full battery was 206 miles and 164 miles with an 80% state of charge.

The range you get when not fully charging the battery is meaningless. It's like partially fueling an ICE and complaining it doesn't deliver the maximum range. Good for a clickbait headline though.

That test was done at a relatively constant speed of 70 miles per hour while the outside temperature was about 45 degrees. The truck was driven fairly aggressively most of the time

Driving aggressively, at high speed, in relatively cold weather is the perfect trifecta to make any EV underdeliver in range. Those are real downsides of EVs (and weather and speed are factors with ICE cars, just more so for EVs) but it's nothing new or specific to this vehicle. And it is not the scenario the EPA uses to come up with range numbers. Perhaps they should, but they don't.

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Perhaps he ought to address the overt corruption in his own court before worrying about literally anything else

No, they get it. And that is so much worse.

and loss of reputation

American cops worried about their reputation. Cheeky.

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I've read these warnings for several years now and I still haven't made up my mind about whether this is actually a bad thing or not.

If you check the numbers Japan has had economic stagnation, sure, but it's also a stable, modern country with a high Human Development Index. I'm sure they look back longingly to the economic boom times of the 60s to the 80s but even now it seems like a fine place to live.

Perhaps infinite economic growth is not actually necessary..

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This most extreme level can cause complete HF (high frequency) radio blackouts on the entire sunlit side of the Earth, lasting for a number of hours.

So, is that really it? A HF radio blackout? I can't imagine most of us would even notice if HF were disrupted. I don't know the physics involved, but if VHF/UHF were hit it would be a much bigger problem.

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I've been watching VASAviation on YouTube for years and, yeah, no shit. I see so many ATC-related incidents on there now. Not that anyone in particular is too blame, but controllers are overloaded, overworked and occasionally under-trained and confused. I'm very concerned.

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Having been through all this, I would most of all prioritize getting a permanent residence permit. This brings stability, and then you can decide whether to work in games (more fun) or elsewhere in tech (higher pay). Having been in both industries for a long time, I can tell you you'll always wonder if the grass is greener on the other side. But at least you'll have options. If a tech company gets you to permanent residence quicker, go for it.

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Eh. I work in tech. I have friends who work or worked at almost every big tech company you'd recognize. These are still jobs, dealing with layoffs, annoying bosses, etc. has always been a fact of life. But from what I can see the average techie still has it very good compared to most other jobs. My friend who is a nurse would certainly like to earn a tech salary, not have to deal with hospital politics, and not work night shifts all the damn time, and take time off whenever they want to not whenever there's availability...

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This has been said about many issues in the past. Effecting change isn't easy but giving up doesn't help. Americans support gun control. Only our crappy political system stands in the way.

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No, I won't give you my github.

For emulators which use recompilation techniques, I suppose it's technically possible to make them execute malware. But writing your malware in legacy XBox/PlayStation code to embed it in roms would also make it some of the most sophisticated in history just to infect a handful of retrogamers so I think it's very unlikely..

Citizens wouldn't be facing so much danger if we didn't have guns everywhere..

9 more...

"Arroooooo!" feels more appropriate

Yeah Lithium batteries stay healthy for much longer if you keep them roughly between 20%-80% charge. Many laptops and phones now use similar management strategies to avoid wearing out the battery.

I think Big Tech is still pretty much a dream job for most people. High pay. Perks. Work/life flexibility. It's certainly not as dreamy as it was 5 years ago perhaps, but realistically I'd take it over pretty much anything else.

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Check the results of other cars in this test here: https://outofspecstudios.com/70-mph-range

Yeah ambient temperature dramatically affects the range of EVs. One time I took my Model 3 on a roadtrip and I had quite a bit of range left when I got to the hotel, but the next morning the temperature had plummeted and suddenly I had to make for the nearest charger instead of continuing on for a while. It's just something we have to get used to with EVs I guess.

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As a previously mostly-content Tesla owner, these Autopilot updates are a big step back in safety. The "checking for eyes on the road" feature is now so aggressive it will loudly beep at me and flash warnings anytime I even look at the touchscreen to change the temperature while autopilot is engaged. On a straight freeway. Then what's the goddamn use of having a single touchscreen control everything?

Honestly, Autopilot/Autosteer was fine. For years. It's a driver aide which, just like regular old dumb cruise-control, makes driving a little less tiring but still obviously requires the user to pay attention. It's just irresponsible drivers and Tesla's own "it's self driving" advertising ruining it for everyone.

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Yeah, counting only fatal shootings as "mass shootings" is strange. A gunshot wound can easily be a life-altering injury, and this should be reflected in the statistics.

Well it is a disaster (of a) movie :)

I hope instance admins can clean up their databases from this stuff, because I suspect these Reddit mirroring bots take up enormous amounts of database storage on popular instances once all those posts get pushed there.

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By asking this question you're already ahead.

Be your genuine self. Share your wisdom. Love your child.

Can't wait for the EU's user-replaceable batteries regulation to take effect in 2027. Finally we can go back to what we used to have!

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Moderation tools on Lemmy are supposedly seriously lacking. Defederation may sometimes be the only practical option even if it's not ideal.

Yeah Lemmy, besides news and technology, is very quiet and I think it suffers from having communities fractured between instances, so niche interests get even less traffic than they would on Reddit. But my Mastodon feed is always busy and interesting. If it isn't you're not following the right people yet. I recommend some hashtag searches for things you're interested in.

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I think nuclear is expensive in part because we didn't build enough of it. The more you build of something the more costs come down.

An opportunity was lost in the 80s when everybody abandoned nuclear as oil prices were coming down and energy demand stagnated. And Three Mile Island just happened which, understandably, made utilities nervous to invest in nuclear.

This post probably should go in !support@lemmy.world and perhaps an admin might see it.

It also seems strange to me to immediately permaban someone for this, especially as I also can't find this blacklist anywhere.

If you're happy with your instance, there's arguably no need to switch. Just follow people anywhere on Fedi and interact with them. Before you know it you'll have a community.

I ran my own Mastodon instance for a while, and it didn't matter I was on a server with only one user (me). It's all about following, followers and interacting. The instance itself fades away quickly.

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I think most companies biggest expense is in fact payroll. I would guess that's especially true in tech. 700 people. Let's imagine on average each cost the company 100k/year (pay+benefits+taxes+admin+etc). That's 70 million dollars a year, and probably a very conservative estimate.

Outer Wilds, and its expansion, is one of the most innovative and interesting games I've played. Made by students!

I'm guessing regular non-LP DDR works fine socketed in desktops because power is nearly a non-issue. Need to burn a few watts to guarantee signal integrity? We've got a chonky PSU, so no problem. On mobile devices however every watt matters..

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Killer Bean? What year is it!?

I enjoy opamps. Texas Instruments LME49723 is one of my favorites :P