Senate Republicans block Ukraine, Israel funding bill to politics – 329 points –
Senate Republicans block Ukraine, Israel funding bill

We need to get rid of riders... Someone propose a "one bill-one item" rule already, and stick that motherfucker on every single fucking bill as a rider until something comes along that'll bait em all into that shit.

perhaps, but combining bills does allow for good ways of compromise… i’ll pass your bill that i don’t agree with if you pass a change to this other thing that addresses my concerns, etc

Obama did something like that. It didn't work. All the little add ons are so each politician in a contested district can get something for their voters to justify all the other parts of the bill their voters don't like. Without that nothing ever gets passed.

And like that you've broken the biggest tool legislators have to negotiate marginal votes into their camp

What if I told you that slime ball Matt Gaetz has already proposed this issue multiple times. Not sure how I feel about that but it’s the only sane thing I’ve heard from his side.

Because it would cause gridlock. That's why Gaetz wants to do it. There are too many things to pass one at a time. There are not enough affirmative votes on most single issues to pass anything. You need the little extra things to pull in the politicians who would otherwise not vote for that one thing because their local base doesn't want it.

Yeah I don’t really support that implementation. The single topic vote causes problems. Not every senator needs to be well informed on every single issue they vote for. That’s what committees are for. And what the rest of the party is for.

Don't know a single thing about Matt Gaetz, and Google suggests I really wouldn't care to :)

I'm a moderate, a (GASP!) Jordan Peterson type. Gaetz sounds partisan enough that I wouldn't listen to him for more than about 15 seconds, but I gotta qualify that remark by saying I'm not really part of his opposition either, because not choosing a side is basically not a thing anymore and I do it anyway ;)

I’m registered as an independent, and am not a fan of how political parties lead people to bundle opinions together. However, if you insist on not “taking a side” in today’s political climate, you either aren’t paying attention or you’re in denial that you prefer the bad guys. If you don’t know anything about Matt Gaetz, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re the former.

This independent’s “side” for the foreseeable future is whoever has the highest likelihood of beating their Republican opponent.

I don't think "moderate" means what you think it means.

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The Putin Caucus at work. (Trump is Putin's lapdog. Tell your friends.)

So I guess Moscow Mitch is back.

He glitched enough times it forced a rebuild of his OS back to Komrad v1.01

Republicans/Conservatives are Russian assets.

As they are paid to do.

Almost as if they where working for china and Russia trying to discredit the us internally but they are or too stupid or too greedy to notice.

Or both

Trump moved billions for the useless border wall from military funding without consulting the House.

Just do that and write an IOU to the pentagon. Although I'm sure they won't mind. The more Russians Ukraine blows up are less our troops will have to fight in the future.

I am happy to say that Cornyn (R-TX) hates Israel.

Texas passed a law in 2022 preventing Texas from doing business with companies that "boycott Israel" can we somehow get rid of Cruz and Cornyn for this?

I hate everyone you mentioned, but Cruz and Cornyn are federal legislators. They don't pass state laws. That's not how it works.

Yeah, my comment was not meant as a "there they are officer, book em'" kind of thing. I was just being snarky and pointing out, that Texas already had a weird relationship with Israli politics. Not like the GOP cares about maintaining consistent views anyways.

Honestly best thing Republicans have done in the past 20 years. Don't get me wrong Ukraine needs US support, but this is the fault of the dinosaurs that decided Ukrainian and aid support for Israel's genocide are synonymous.

Ukraine support was already under fire, they tried to push it through by attaching it to the Israel package.

Well I guess in a way they're standing up for their principles? Anyway I just wish Ukrainian aid could just pass without support for Israel's genocide.

This has nothing to do with Israel. Republicans would nuke Gaza if they could.

This is them holding up broadly popular legislation in order to make some stupid demands on "border security" so they can tell their constituents that they basically built a wall.

Yeah I know. I'm just happy they're fucking themselves over at the expense of Israel's genocide, though it's sad that Ukraine got caught up in the mess.

Anyone blocking fee bombs for israel is based. Good jobs repubs.

Boy Libs sure do love themselves a war. Especially when it's halfway across the world and they don't have to send their own children to die.

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Correct me of I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure the president has the authority to send troops to engage an enemy for up to like 60 days before needing to have anything cleared by congress.

If this is how Republicans want to play, we could still still support Ukraine by intervening directly.

Oh buddy, don't wish for that.

What I wish for is that Putin trips over a dildo and suffers a spinal injury that triggers every single one of his pain receptors so that all he can experience from here on out is pure agony, effectively removing him from power and marking an end to his stupid fucking war.

...but short of that, I'll settle for another option that marks an end to his stupid fucking war; and while we can hope for the former, we can actually accomplish the latter.

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The LAST thing we want is to be directly involved.

The last thing we want to do is show Russia that the threat of escalation is their free pass to wipe other countries off the map. The best thing we can do in terms of impact on the US, is to arm Ukraine so that they're capable of winning this stupid fucking war on their own; but republicans are blocking that, because they don't give a fuck about human life.

I don't see any good options on the table... so, what's the least-bad option?

Fuck that!

That really will escalate the war.

Oh dang, I forgot about escalation. Which country should we feed to Putin after he's done destroying Ukraine? Gotta keep him appeased at all costs!

A nato one. Give them all the materiel they want, and arm them to the teeth, just not boots on ground.

So... just sit back and hope the next country they invade is a NATO member? Got a plan B for when it isn't?

So you would like to march American troops into another fucking war? We have been at war over half my life, I’m done with it.

Give those boys all they need short of boots on ground.

If you don’t like my opinion, feel free to block me.✌️

Putin can end the war any minute. That's what I'd like. But he won't.

Failing that, enabling Ukraine to defend itself is the next best option. That's what I'd like. But republicans are doing their evil shit again and blocking that route.

All of the remaining options are shit. If you don't like what I'm proposing, dude I'm with you: I don't like it either. This whole situation is horrible, and it's shameful as fuck that we have politicians here in the US that are hell-bent on enabling Putin.

...but what's left to do? Throw our hands up and say "gg republicans, you outplayed us! Putin, Ukraine's all yours!"?

1 more... want dead or wounded American soldiers? Disgusting.

Edit: just to clarify, my point is that we're all human, no matter the occupation. You shouldn't think of sending troops like moving a chess piece. That's someone's family member.

Speaking as a vet - I understand the implication. I also understand the implication of just letting Russia decimate other countries without consequence. Families are being murdered on your chess board right now whether or not they fly our colors. Russia is currently in a severely weakened state, so a full military response from the US and hopefully our allies would end the war practically over night.

The best option is for Russia to pull out on its own - that's not going to happen. The second best option is for Ukraine to defend itself in a manner effective enough to force Russia to withdraw - republicans are blocking that. The third best option is for the rest of the world to step in to swiftly end wars of aggression.

The worst thing we can do is show Russia that the threat of escalation is enough to give them a free pass to just wipe other countries off the map.

I mean, if it's between people who didn't volunteer and people who did, I would have to say it should be the volunteers (US military)

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They have actually done something good for once. God damn. I know it's not out of the goodness of their hearts, but still, I like it. Bring on the downvotes. Yummy in my tummy.

Ukraine both needs and deserves that aid.

But Israel doesn't. Fuck them.

I'm with you on that one, but I wish the attention from Ukraine hadn't been completely diverted to Gaza. I'm sure Putin is very happy about it, however.

Dems trying to conflate the problems of Ukraine with the problems of Israel is a joke. They are not the same, and to even pretend they are is disingenuous and downright ignorant.

Good, Both Ukraine and Israel need to fight their own wars.

Every dollar spent on Ukraine is more Russian blood in the ground. And we get to feed the MIC.

Good ROI if you ask me.

Plus, every dollar spent on Ukraine buys a lessened chance of other nuclear powers trying to invade their neighbors willy-nilly. If Russia is allowed to just invade whomever they want with minimal pushback from the world, that just emboldens more wannabe Putins to start wars of aggression or worse, build up nuclear arsenals.

Yes, every country is an island, just like every man.


How do you not see that Ukraine is fighting not only for itself, but for the entire Western order?

Ukraine is fighting for US. Self-interests and nothing else. The US has not fighting to win this war. The US is fighting to prolong this war to decimate you crane and allow corporations like Citibank and Black Rock to take over all of its resources

Ok then. When Ukraine falls, we'll send in US troops to stop Russia. I take it you'll be first in line to join them.

If you haven't been paying attention Ukraine is failing, and everything we've been told will happen to Russia has been a lie.

So when you see a state fail when pulled into a war by a fascistic country, led by a psychopath dictator who has bigger desires of waging more wars after Ukraine falls, your proposal is to just let them go and fail? Do you need a history lesson on what happened a couple of decades ago when that type of appeasement went very wrong?

There would be no war had the US stayed out of it

Glad you recognize this as a war instead of the russian deceptive ‘special operation’.

And there would be no war if russia did not start one. Lets keep the facts real.

Russia only fired the first shot, the US/Obama started it years back. Let's keep the facts real

Wow. Putin needed to start this war so that Russians would be distracted from the fact that Putin was not good for the country. Obama had nothing to do with it.