
10 Post – 97 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The only Muslim group mentioned is hardly left-wing:

Another decree targeted a group called Jonas Paris, which it said claims to support France’s Muslim community but instead promotes violence, hate and discrimination toward non-Muslims, women and LGBTQ+ people.

Also, the antisemitism talked about in the article is genuine hatred of Jewish people, not just anti-Israel rhetoric.

What groups from the left? The article doesn't mention any left-wing groups that were ordered to dissolve.

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poast.org is run by neo Nazis?

> Tango makes a great game
> Put it day one on Game Pass
> Close the studio when it doesn't meet sale targets

Corp. logic truly is something else.

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Social media for people who have a favourite text editor.

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Dutch not beating the fake language allegations.

Can't believe they didn't call it Stadium.

It cannot be understated how much porn there is on Twitter.

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What do you mean by "pro Jewish"? I doubt a comment like "Jewish people are human beings that deserve respect" would get you downvoted.

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Yeah, it should be six.

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What eldritch god do I have to pray to to have this happen to me.

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Goated design.

Did she kill two people or is Killing 2: Cops some game I've never heard of?

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Chrome, and browsers based on it, currently account for more than three quarters of web traffic. This gives Google a huge amount of power over the web and how people are able to interact with it. Google is also a company who's primary business is advertising and surveillance; this means they have every incentive to curtail your ability to stop websites from spying on you and force you to use the web on their terms. They're currently exercising this power with the rollout of Manifest V3, where they're severely limiting the functionality of content blocking extensions like uBlock Origin.

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Why are two remakes on this? It's not like this year has been short on good releases.

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God, your profile picture is ominous.

It's amazing how Vaush got scarcely mentioned on lemmy until hexbear started federating. VDS in full effect.

Checking if the user is using Firefox is pretty easy:

CSS.supports('(-moz-user-input: none)') // only returns true in FF
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Thank god for reader view because this makes me feel physically sick to look at.

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I'd assume it got removed because the title didn't include rule, but the modlogs just calls you unhinged.

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I really enjoyed the show, it was good. I just wish it didn't take place in California. I hate that Bethesda's idea of Fallout is a wasteland in never-ending strife, one that can never move past the scrappy survivor stage of the post-apocalypse.

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If we don't have the power to stop generative AI, then what makes you think we have the power the change copyright law? Generative AI uses up huge amount of power and water to the point of causing issues for national infrastructure. There is a clear climate case to be made against generative AI and unlike copyright law the public actually care about climate change.

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I think it's the thing that gives your account avatar cat ears. But IDK, I don't use Misskey.

I miss r/bonehurtingjuce

If only Ben was wiser.

Mammals need to be pregnant to produce milk, so to get cow milk you have to impregnate a cow. That's what they mean by rapist.

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I think your keyboard got messed up because you really misspelled Emacs.

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I don't believe this is mine or Mat's first time making it onto this (I also only changed a number, hardly work).

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It's genuinely amazing how Americas can be so blazé about what's like half the length of my entire country.

Must be a bad one give the reaction.

devs are begging

Do you mean beginning?

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I'm glad they decided to not ship beta-quality software to users, even if it makes for an unexciting release. I like Fedora because it's (mostly) stable.

There's been like 3 posts about this in the last 2 days, which is very uncharacteristic of 196.

Anyway, if you guys get bored of this then may I recommend some Fit For An Autopsy.

I haven't seen that myself, but I'm sure some of them exist and they're dumb for thinking that. The person I'm replying to, though, is clearly taking the position that anti-Zionism = antisemitism.

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I wouldn't say Mr House is meritocracy, he even admits to being an autocrat. I remember watching this great video on how Mr House is basically Singapore.

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That video showing the hibernation of a GUI app was so cool and might just be Wayland's first killer feature.

Mastodon users don't want such a thing, they see things like it as potential vectors for abuse and harassment.

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A better solution is a curated list of tags users can attach to their posts.

I understand some communities wouldn't want unrestricted tags, but it'd be nice if this was an option they could configure. It'd be annoying for say a gaming community to have to add a tag for every game ever, or a music comm every band ever.