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Joined 1 years ago

honestly even just saying "shaped" is a bit of a stretch

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See that's interesting, couple days now I've been having issues with anything past page 1 getting stuck loading indefinitely, and I'm on desktop; and now that you mention it it does only happen when I'm logged in. So whatever it is, it's not just you, if that's any consolation.

Thank god, for a second there I thought they meant "cracking down on people dodging Windows 11 by intentionally disabling TPM," like I've been doing. False alarm, carry on.

this is the weirdest political compass I've ever seen

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"Djinn", specifically, being the correct word choice. We're way past fun-loving blue cartoon Robin Williams genies granting wishes, doing impressions of Jack Nicholson and getting into madcap hijinks. We're back into fuckin'... shapeshifting cobras woven of fire and dust by the archdevil Iblis, hiding in caves and slithering out into the desert at night to tempt mortal men to sin. That mythologically-accurate shit.

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Shit, an emulator getting taken down for... actual copyright infringement? You don't see that every day.

Hell I have yet to see him have worth.

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Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, Florida

Holy shit. I've figured it out. I've cracked the master plan.

"Um, excuse me, stolen classified documents piled high to the rafters in my bathroom? I believe that's the New York attorney general's bathroom, athankyouverymuch. Case dismissed!"

This makes the fairly generous assumption that the man is capable of planning, but whatever.

"Now now, Batman, you should know that when a little pest like you dances with the Bug Zapper... He'd better be ready for a shock!"

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Once had an order arrive on-time, but the tracking information never got updated and kept telling me the package was "running late" and pushing back the expected delivery date, and then after like a week of that they just said "sorry, it's been delayed indefinitely" and gave me a refund. For an order I'd already received. And I mean, I wasn't gonna be the one to tell 'em they were wrong.

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"Security footage shows several ne'er-do-wells in domino masks fleeing the scene with a number of burlap sacks, clearly-marked with bright green dollar signs, no doubt containing the compromised data. AT&T security suggests the culprits must have 'jimmied open' their servers with a crowbar, or perhaps a bundle of dynamite detonated via plunger from a safe distance. One suspect is currently in police custody after attempting to escape through a tunnel painted on the side of a brick wall. More on this story as it develops."

It would be very out-of-character for him to just now try to distance himself from the morally reprehensible, so I'm going to assume he simply forgot the man existed the moment he left his field of view.

“Oh, this new post already has a comment, let’s check it out! … Dang it!”

That's pretty much my gripe. One time I saw a post with maybe six, seven comments, opened it up, and they were all either the bot, or replies to the bot.

And even if you block the bot the post still shows up as having comments. So you'll open up a post boasting the aforementioned six or seven comments expecting to find a lively debate, or at least a wisecrack about global affairs, and leave with a bunch of tumbleweeds and the lingering knowledge that somewhere, two or more people are arguing with a machine about whether or not it thinks the newspaper is any good.

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You Wouldn't Download Loaves and Fishes

I mean I can certainly understand where the confusion may have come from.

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To say nothing of the whole, y'know, "grafting experimental hardware directly into peoples' brains" thing.

Beyond that, it also just runs way worse; new.reddit takes at least twice as long to load a page than old.reddit. And when your entire business model is based on exploiting my stunted attention span to trick me into reading advertisements, you can't give me that extra two and a half seconds to realize maybe I don't give a shit about half the garbage I just mindlessly scrolled through, or else I'm gonna just go, like, fly a kite or something. And I don't wanna do that, where do you even get a kite?

And hell, it's entirely possible this rate limit isn't just restricted to old.reddit, but nobody's noticed yet because new.reddit is too slow to make 100 requests in a measly 10 minutes.

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Doctor Ruth died in-between those two; we're onto a new set of threes now.

There's always old reliable, "that thing over there"

I mean... Five minutes before the slap, he was sitting in his front-row seat at an internationally-televised award ceremony where he had just been nominated for two of the most coveted honors in cinema. I dunno if he was that bad off.

Obama's spicy dijon mustard...

And why do we bake cookies but cook bacon?

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Someone, somewhere has evidently misinterpreted the fact that US presidential candidate Kamala Harris (pictured center) is of Indian ancestry - as in her family is from the country in south Asia - and instead photoshopped her into the stereotypical Native American "Indian" aesthetic. Why they have chosen to do this eludes me.

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"Complicit in faking the moon landing/covering up the Flat Earth™" are the obvious ones. "Space cadet" always a classic. These, being the low-hanging fruit, I think will be the ones we'll see the most going forward, but I'd still like to throw my hat in the ring:

"An astronaut? You mean those guys that get off on flying their little rockets out of the atmosphere so they can breathe bottled air for a week? Like some sort of oxygen cuck?"

(obviously this implies a repubican pundit using the word "atmosphere" in a complete sentence, so I think we're safe)

I was gonna make some joke like "is one of them 'being pressured into taking out a predatory loan at age 17?'", but then I went to actually read the article, missed the "Continue Reading" button, and mistook the list of "Trending Now" links at the bottom of the page for the qualifying factors... I was very confused as to why:

  1. Your 50-year-old mom building a $1.3B startup
  2. Being a 29-year-old making $125,000 working in tech without a bachelor’s degree
  3. The value of bitcoin being 'halved', or
  4. Nvidia stock prices soaring over the past 5 years

Would qualify someone for debt forgiveness. Hell, I was confused why your billionaire mom would let you take out student loans to begin with. I thought billionaires loved nepotism. And who's this guy with student loans without a bachelor's degree? Needless to say, I had assumed the whole administration had lost its mind.

("being pressured into taking out a predatory loan at age 17" is not, explicitly, one of the 17 factors.)

I know for a fact I've said I was going to "Xerox some copies" on a machine that was almost certainly not manufactured by the Xerox Holdings Corporation.

I only purchased this toothbrush because that was the only way to get the water-resistant Entertainment Center/Speaker/Corporate Surveillance Device for the one room in my house that is the least comfortable, has the worst acoustics, and has the strongest expectation of privacy, and also I can't just put a regular Alexa in like a plastic bag or something because I blew my plastic bag budget on a fucking app-controlled toothbrush or whatever the fuck this is supposed to be, jesus christ

I've had nightmares containing the phrase "Vice President Shapiro" and I'd like to avoid having that image in my head for even just the split-second it takes me to disambiguate the two.

Also the other guy's been to space, so.

does that mean that 36x10^25^ Scaramuccis is equal to one ronnaRonna?

Maaan, all I got was some stupid spatulas.

Yeah skimming it very briefly, it looks like your instance doesn't even show bot indicators, so, no way you could've known really. But there should be a button to turn it off somewhere in your user settings, probably down near the bottom.

"Do it for the X" sounds less like a slogan for a hip new social media platform and more like the preamble to an algebra exam. Or a reminder to pay alimony. Of course, I'd rather be doing either of those than using Twitter right now.

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Oh, yeah, I saw a documentary about those once, from the '50s. I Love Lucy, they called it...

Maybe, but on further reading...

Saynewsy is a Professional News Platform. Here we will provide you only interesting content, which you will like very much. We're dedicated to providing you the best of News, with a focus on dependability and News. We're working to turn our passion for News into a booming online website. We hope you enjoy our News as much as we enjoy offering them to you.

Copyright © 2022 BlogName.

...I have some concerns about the reputability of this particular outlet in general.

Edit: ... and the header at the top of the page is just the default logo for that blogspot theme, the dates are in French, the "Contact Us" form says "We will revert you as soon as possible", and the Facebook link at the bottom leads to a page named "Painting Art" with one post from September 2023. Yeah, I dunno about this one, fellas.

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Well your corp don't dance and if it don't dance then it's no friend of mine

Season 4 episode 1, as well.

"Hey Tray, how's connecting with the common man going?"

"It's going super great, Dotcom. Meet my new friends, Nobody, and his wife, Susan Walters hyphen Nobody!"

That was my impression as well, yeah. Big "hey ChatGPT, summarize this news article" vibes coming off of this one. And this is the only site the OP ever posts, they've got no comments, their account is literally named "Solo Ad"... All the standard robot warning signs, really.

Betcha there'd be more posts there if people actually knew where to get kites...