6 Post – 148 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I think we are just still in the early stages of a breakup lol

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??? Who uses Teams to talk to their friends? Teams is for work.

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Chernobyl comes to mind as the biggest fuck up ever. Whenever I think I fucked up I try to remember, it can never be as bad as Chernobyl.

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Bitwarden, bonus points if you self host it. I use the Vaultwarden variation.

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"He took my name from me, I'm not allowed to be called by my name anymore. But its ok, I still love him."

Besides the privacy aspect of it all, I just know in 5 years they will declare the camera a security problem and shut it off. I want a porch camera that lasts for 20 years.

Being his last name is Bowser i thought i had to be a joke. This is wild.

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I went ahead and just deleted my entire pictrs cache and will definitely disable caching other servers images when it becomes available.

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It is highly likely they are, I think the exodus from reddit is still happening.

I never really saw the point in it being on Steam anyways. Maybe so it was easier to get up and running on the Steam Deck?

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Yep, time will tell if the users that left were the quality users.

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With most VPN providers you can use OpenVPN clients to connect to them. But if you are asking can i host an OpenVPN server for free and use it for piracy the answer is no. The entire point of a VPN is to conceal yourself and you are not accomplishing that if ypu are hosting it yourself. You need a VPN service.

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I actually dont mind most of them not coming over. There will be far less posts from people whining about getting viruses from Pirate Bay.

Denovo isnt getting cracked in days. Sure Empress cracks it, but they are doing a handful of games per year. Most games with Denovo are years to never cracked.

Ya this is they type of stuff John loves and I'm sure no matter what he will bring it up first chance he gets when they come back.

We should stop calling them Meta. You cant just change your name and pretend like nothing happened. Fuck em

Pretty much inevitable I've been amazed they went this long. $10 just does not seem sustainable.

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If you can convince my friends to switch to Matrix I'd appreciate it. Until then I guess im lazy.

I believe direct links are againt the rules but what you want is sportsurge. Its an aggregator of lots of links.

If you are not familiar with docker, I suggest you learn it. Then follow this guide.

If you are planning on hosting from home I highly suggest that you use something like cloudflare tunnels. You are going to be advertising your instance to the fediverse, so you do not want your home ip exposed.

Use this to setup the cloudflare tunnel into a reverse proxy, then point the reverse proxy to you lemmy instance.

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Discord is flat out garbage as a forum. Once you pass say even 15 people, it becomes a total mess of posts burying other posts, you can never find anything. I have no idea why everyone wants to use it for something it was never meant to be.

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Im sure this is a dumb take, but can they just open source the 360? Then they are not giving away games they are not allowed to.

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Ya I could never post on reddit without someone butting in to disagree

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That's a bug I think, I see it happen all the time.

You dont want to disable defender completely. Add an exlcuded folder and put your downloads in that. Also exclude the folder it downloads to.

As a fellow dog owner, the internet always seems to be the most judgemental place to get dog advice. If you dont spend 6 hours a day training your dog, feed the top of the line kibble, and vax them for diseases only 3 dogs have got ever, then you dont deserve to have a dog.

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It has reached the point that any new product they launch I ignore.

With a lot of photographers you dont own the photos they take and all that stuff is part of the deal. The whole thing is ridiculous.

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Only 1 week? That should be fine. Thanks!

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I did it. So far I've noticed a few things, for example you have to populate/federate the communities yourself, and it can take a long time. It took hours to retrieve and catch up all the posts. I expect it to be an ongoing thing. When you first connect to a community, it downloads the first 20 posts, but all the comments are empty.

The plus side though is it is very fast for me. And nobody can delete my profile.

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That thread was a fun read lol

I do think that sums it up pretty well, and as other have said, the last season had a "I don't want to do this anymore, lets wrap this up vibe" and to make matters worse, they completely abandoned so many plots that you thought had a point to them. To me it felt so obvious that during the fall of kings landing, Cersi should have flipped out and Jamie should have killed her. History repeating itself. Maybe that was just too predictable for them to actually do it, but all the character development up to that point was the perfect setup for it and they just dropped it altogether.

I dont think most people actually read the article. These women performed an abortion at 28 weeks, abortion that late in the game has always been illegal in every state.

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Yep, while other were complaining about issues it was smooth sailing for me.

On the flip side, discovering new communities is a pain, and whenever i subscribe to a new community it can take hours to start populating comments.

Ya im not sure what the deal with the hate is. ChatGPT gives you an excellent starting point and if you give it good feedback and direction you can actually churn out some pretty decent code with it.

My question is, when will they fix search crashing. Half the time I go to search it's broken, if I have to restart windows explorer to fix it.

I really like the name

I would love to one day switch over completely to Linux. Microsoft has got me trapped with their games.

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No thanks. Special hardware to play old games. And of course, I'm sure it won't be compatible with their next console, that way they can continue to sell you the same games over and over.