Linux hit over 3% desktop user share according to Statcounter to – 328 points –
Linux hit over 3% desktop user share according to Statcounter

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I would love to one day switch over completely to Linux. Microsoft has got me trapped with their games.

I'm quite the gamer and run into very few issues gaming on linux these days. Proton is a game changer. The only real issues are if you're trying to run the latest AAA game at peak performance, or games with certain anti-cheat. But I would say more than half of the anti-cheat games still just work for me.

Or if a company decides for some cursed reason to use windows media codecs for their game's cutscenes.

One day ill get to play kingdom hearts on linux with all the cutscenes. That day is not today.

Interesting, I guess there's licensing issues for steam/proton to distribute the proprietary codecs? Seems like there should still be a way via unofficial means.

Did a quick search, have you seen this?

I guess there's licensing issues for steam/proton to distribute the proprietary codecs?

Bingo. Theyve been making great strides on that front, but since KH isnt released on steam, Valve efforts have been only indirectly helpful to fix it.

It has been baby steps for now: Cutscenes used to crash the game, then they played but without video nor audio, just black screen until the game resumes. Now we can hear its audio. At one point video will work. No idea when, but it will.

Did a quick search, have you seen this?.

I appreciate your help, though that tutorial is more geared towards teaching how to use Lutris in order to play the game. In that same guide you can see my issue:

Also, (...) rename every EPIC folder into EPIC.bak. You'll be able to avoid the unplayable cutscenes that way.

The EPIC folder is where the FMVs are. Deleting the folder grants the same result: you can play the game without FMV cutscenes. It does the job, but i want the full experience.

I could emulate some of the original games for ps2, but i prefer to wait until the pc ports work. Because they will at some point.

Ahhh, whoops, missed that line. Well damn. At least there's some hope, sounds like someone is at least able to emulate their codec to some degree. Yeah, probably just a matter of time.

I don't even engage with their gaming platform. It's those darned foreign adult games that are windows only.

Most games work really good on Linux these days. Maybe not the latest AAA games but really, almost everything.