21 Post – 74 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

The top 10% of Americans own 70% of the country's wealth.

Have you ever stopped to consider the logical conclusions of that? If they lived at the same standard as the average American, we would only need to use 30% of the resources we're currently burning through. It's grossly inefficient. We waste more than 2/3rds of our resources so that rich assholes can live in $100 million mansions and fly around on private jets.

Say you're an American working a 9 to 5 job. Once you hit 1 pm on Tuesday, you've done enough work for the week to meet all the actual needs for society. The rest of Tuesday, all of Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are all just to pay for rich assholes to take a "hunting" trip to Africa and needlessly slaughter native wildlife. Or to buy the 400th car in their special collections that they've nearly forgotten about. Etc. Etc.

70% of the irreplaceble oil being drilled? Flushed down the drain just so that rich assholes can horde wealth. 70% of the pollution in the air? Put there so that billionaires can have parties on a private island. So that they can fly their private jets to private retreats and pretend to be outdoorspeople for a weekend. 70% of the new extreme weather being caused by anthropogenic climate change? All so that rich assholes can do things like jet around the world so they can say they've played a round of golf on 7 different continents in 7 days. Etc. Etc.

It's nowhere near sustainable.

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Here's a reminder of all the stuff Democrats gave up back in June and got absolutely nothing in return:

  • Defunded the IRS by $21 billion
  • New work requirements for SNAP and TANF
  • Defunded Covid relief by $30 billion
  • Restarted student loan payments
  • Severe 1% cap on budget increases for the rest of Biden's presidency (meanwhile inflation is near 4%)
  • New natural gas pipeline in West Virginia and Virginia
  • Major weakening of NEPA environmental reviews
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I'm looking. Is something supposed to stand out about Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, and the UK?

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What does Substack plan to do with the profits that it makes from hosting Nazi content?

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You've already long missed the boat for keeping fascism out of France if the sitting head of state is calling for measures like these.

This is why people on the left are so exasperated with centrists - they're so much more willing to take heavy-handed actions against democratic issues like "hey maybe police shouldn't be executing people" and are so much more reticent to even speak out against extremist views that have gained a solid foothold in France like "the progressive Islamisation of our country is calling into question the survival of our civilisation".

For some reason, they see the latter as much more "valuable discussion" than the former.

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Why would she drop out, she's the leading eligible candidate.

Exactly. There's basically two parties right now: the one running around setting things on fire, and the one beholden to corporate interests that won't let them use a fire extinguisher or a water hose.

Is starting fires worse than letting an already started fire continue to burn? Yes. Are the currently burning fires going to be extinguished either way? No.

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Is this projection? Why hasn't Cotton denied being a member of the CCP, is there something he's hiding? He sure claims to know quite a lot about what's going on behind the scenes in China, maybe somebody should check this out

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It's closer to 1 in every 80 who have been killed now (26,083 out of apx 2.1 million).

Now do West Palestine

Huh, I'm starting to think that the guy who hung a portrait of a mass shooter in his living room and who was exempted from mandatory IDF service for his far right political background, might not be the good guy here

That's certainly a strange new precedent. I hope Congress gets to work quickly writing legislation for all the other amendments before a president realizes there aren't laws spelling out how freedom of speech is defined or how to enforce it, etc. etc.

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Rafah is pretty much the last place for people to go, that's why 3/4ths of the population is there at this point. There aren't any "safe zones".

And Ben-Gvir is still the National Security Minister, completely untouched.

But at least he finally took down his tribute to a mass killer that's been hanging in his home for decades. Small steps, right? I wonder if he ever gave Rabin's hood ornament back.

Quite an interesting contrast between how the US dealt with Soleimani vs. Ben-Gvir.

When I heard about the change to block unregistered users from even reading tweets, I wondered if it affected embeds too.

One of the few good things to come out of this mess if it stops news sites from writing articles that are little more than 6 tweet embeds back to back.

  • post

  • actual ad

  • post

  • weekly repost of video from Youtuber who's been pushing their content to the front page every week for several months

  • post

  • actual ad

  • random PR post from some Hollywood star's agency: nobody knows about their secret charity work that we've told millions of people about every month!

  • post

  • comedian advertising their standup show on reddit

  • actual ad

  • wow look at this tshirt/gadget/macguffin that I absolutely must have! If only I knew where to find it...

Redditors don’t doom-scroll—they engage with intent.

Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Once things start stabilizing from the latest influx, I feel like outreach like that should be the next phase

That's the thing about felony murder. If her death occurred as a result of their commission of a felony, then they should be on the hook for felony murder. It doesn't matter that they didn't directly kill her.

Felony murder isn't a phrase to disambiguate between a murder that's a felony and some kind of nonexistent misdemeanor murder. It refers to a very specific type of "murder" where somebody dies as a result of somebody else committing a felony. The commission of the felony is enough to make the person liable - they don't have to have intended to kill anybody in the process or be directly involved in the death.

Four unarmed teenagers break into a house. The homeowner shoots and kills one of them. The three survivors are all liable for felony murder for the fourth's death, and can face life in prison or even a death sentence.

A group of criminals break into a house. One stays outside as a lookout, completely unaware of what is happening in the house. The elderly homeowner tries to stop the criminals in the house, but slips and falls and hits his head and dies from a brain hemorrhage. The lookout is liable for felony murder.

Two cops are having a disagreement at work. They get a call of a burglary in progress and drive out there and start chasing the suspect. One of the cops shoots at the suspect, but "accidentally" misses and fatally wounds the other cop they were fighting with back at the station. The burglar is liable for felony murder for the cop's death.

If the same standards were applied to the criminals who raided the journalist's house, then they'd all be charged with felony murder.

Seeing as Ben-Gvir isn't mentioned at all, I think you already have your answer.

Unfortunately they've either learned nothing, or are more than happy to let it happen again - this time with the military. By 2026 or so there's a very real chance that the military will be full of far right appointees that have no qualms about using nuclear weapons on population centers, carrying out genocides, employing the military against the American people, etc. etc. Just like the judiciary in 2014-2016, the military is full of vacancies waiting for the next far right president to fill overnight as soon as he takes power.

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I'm sure opening up all the high-karma-only subs is gonna go over real well.

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In each instance, Weiss allegedly fills a shopping cart with hundreds of dollars in merchandise, then scans and pays for a few items to generate a receipt she can show to a store associate as she walks out.

Right? Hillary wins, Democrats still have less than 60 in the Senate, and no Supreme Court justices get appointed, including RBG's seat after she passes. Next Republican president wins, Kennedy retires, and Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barret still get appointed. The end.

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This guy sounds real confused. He looked at bat and dog fetuses and thought that those were lifes? How many "lifes" did he terminate during his practice?

And yet Republicans have never ever held a supermajority in the past 106 years since cloture was added to Senate rules.

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Maybe Musk should work harder on making his own automobiles not the most accident-prone cars on the road.

An AI can't be fined or imprisoned.

MBFC rating for The Telegraph:

Factual Reporting: MIXED


Overall, we rate The Telegraph Right Biased based on story selection that strongly favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to poor sourcing of information and some failed fact checks.

MBFC rating for AP News:

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER

Factual Reporting: HIGH


Scratch a liberal...

And the 2nd Amendment!

This is a pretty optimistic view. Inflation is (mostly) a one way street. The rate at which prices are rising might have slowed down, but the prices themselves aren't going to go back down. That damage is already done. Come next year, I don't think people are going to be thinking "I'm paying an extra dollar for a big mac than I was 4 years ago, but at least it didn't go up another dollar this year too"

Interest rates had been historically low for a long time. Loans were cheap and venture capital was flowing freely. Tech companies could focus more on growing their market share with lots and lots of runway before they needed to become profitable.

Then during the pandemic, Congress gave a massive bailout to businesses. Inflation went skyrocketing, and the Fed had to raise interest rates to limit the damage.

Now money isn't flowing nearly as freely for tech companies. Loans are more expensive, and investors are more content to leave their money in high-yield bonds instead. Tech companies are pivoting to stop chasing market share and instead start taking their profits from their current market share, even if it means their market share stops growing.

And barbers/hairstylists. Unlikely to come up during a short visit though.

Just replaced my launcher icon for RIF with Liftoff

And what you're going to find too is that as the sub price goes up, the users who use it the least (generating less API costs) get priced out first. In other words, the average cost per user increases because the users who are willing to pay more are the ones who are generating more costs. If 75% of users stop using it because of the subscription cost, the API costs won't fall by anywhere close to 75%.

Even with a strict definition, gerrymandering is still absolutely a thing with presidential elections, with Dakota boundaries being drawn to break it into two states to give Republicans twice as many electoral votes.

You're implying that the worst thing that Republicans have done in over a century is to obstruct. Seems to me that they've done much worse.

Gun manufacturers have special protection, specific legislation at the federal level singling them out to not be liable.

Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act