Biden's memory is 'hazy' and 'poor,' says a special counsel's report raising questions about his age to politics – -51 points –
Biden's memory is 'hazy' and 'poor,' says a special counsel's report raising questions about his age

“He did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended (‘if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?’)

This was a five-hour interview the day after the October 7 attack in Israel. He was thinking about a brewing war in the Middle East and couldn’t recall a date. He also strikes me as the kind of person who thinks about things like this out loud. It doesn’t necessarily mean he didn’t know, just that he was processing it externally.

“He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

OK, fuck, that’s not great. Then again, I’m 40 years younger than him and I can’t tell you the exact dates when important people in my life died.

This right here. I'm 43 and don't remember birthdays or death days for most of my family. I also have to think things through to remember at times. I also have problems recalling specific words at random ass times, for example I wouldn't be able to bring up the word "table" but could tell you about fermis paradox, another time it would be "sidewalk" that my brain could be assed to remember.

Biden is old and should be retired somewhere on the beach. He chose to run again because he knew we needed to get rid of trump, remember that, he chose to run again. Now he is the only thing standing between democracy and another large step into fascism with a future dictator.

“He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died.”

This one just pisses me off. It's framed so dishonestly.

I can recall extremely specific things about when people I know died. What the weather was, what I was wearing, what video game I was playing when I heard the news, and so on. But I couldn't necessarily pull the right year out of my brain without checking. Or necessarily even the date for some people.

I promise that Biden remembers the death of his son in whatever specific way is meaningful to him. It might not be "on this day/month/year." It might be "on a Tuesday" or might be "a cold snowy day when I was baking bread." I have no idea. But this just isn't how memory works, and it's hurtful, evil even, to print something that dishonest. It boils my blood to read such dishonest reporting.

Hey - AP News - where’s the shocking exposé that Trump is a demented, convicted fraud and rapist who organized a coup the last time you gave him a four year free ride without ONCE calling him a liar, or definitely guilty of collusion or violating emoluments or anything of the kind? Hm? WHERE IS THAT COMMON SENSE REPORTING WE’VE BEEN DOING FOR YOU FOR EIGHT YEARS.

Fucking Biden can’t remember things. You fucks. You republiQan-owned turd factory. Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit horserace clickbait. God damn you.

This smells EXACTLY like the report on Hillary's emails that came out just before the election that didn't amount to anything but losing the election for her.

Oh yes. that’s why she lost…,

Coverage of the Comey letter absolutely tanked her polling numbers. Her lead was cut in half in like 2 days, within like 10 days of the election. Sure, it's not the only reason, but it was absolutely a serious contributing factor.

I am not a 91 felon count and twice impeached crook...

Well, that's not great.

Hur is Republican, but he doesn't have anything really egregious in his past to suggest he's a hardcore ideologue. But man does it sound like that report was constructed for political purposes. On the other hand, those are direct quotes, and lying about that would be a significantly worse act than trying to describe the president unkindly. And if he were a regular suspect, saying he's a kindly old man with memory problems wouldn't really be inappropriate, and would be relevant for whether he should be held culpable, so I guess it's plausible Hur's trying to be objective.

Hur was appointed as special counsel by Garland who was appointed by Biden.

Hur is a Republican. Garland picked him to pacify the Republicans. His opinion of Biden doesn't mean anything to me.

On a scale of 1-10 how pacified would you say Republicans are right now?

That was a stupid thing for Garland to do. Not defending that. Nothing pacifies Republicans.

This whole thing is McGovern 2.0. Biden is self-destructing his own candidacy in spectacular fashion. It's going to be a disaster in November if Democrats don't do something drastic to turn things around.

I don't get what you're trying to say here. Being appointed by Merrick Garland doesn't make him not a Republican or definitely not a ideologue. Centrist Democrats love picking conservatives for positions because it will demonstrate how enlightened they are and definitely (100%, for sure) defuse any criticism that an acquittal was political.

So the Biden administration is appointing fascist sympathizers to highly sensitive positions?

If there's a fascist at the table...

MBFC rating for AP News:

Bias Rating: LEFT-CENTER

Factual Reporting: HIGH


This is the best summary I could come up with:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The longstanding concerns about President Joe Biden’s age and memory intensified on Thursday after the release of a special counsel’s report investigating his possession of classified documents.

The White House pushed back on the characterizations of Biden’s memory in a Feb. 5 letter from the president’s lawyers that was published in special counsel Robert Hur’s report.

Biden noted in a statement issued Thursday that he had sat for five hours of interviews with Hur’s team over two days on Oct. 8 and 9, “even though Israel had just been attacked on October 7th and I was in the middle of handling an international crisis.”

The release of the report overlapped with recent Biden speeches in which he mistakenly claimed to talk with European leaders — France’s Francois Mitterand and Germany’s Helmut Kohl — who had, in fact, not held office since the 1990s and had died several years ago.

Joe Biden is unfit to lead this nation,” said Alex Pfeiffer, a spokesman for Make America Great Again Inc., the main super PAC backing Trump’s candidacy.

Shortly before the special counsel’s report was publicly released, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was playing down Biden’s gaffes at the daily news briefing.

The original article contains 926 words, the summary contains 203 words. Saved 78%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Seems like the Democrats want Trump in the office in 2024, running Genocide Joe instead of getting someone younger or just slightly better...

In an August poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs, 77% of U.S. adults said Biden is too old to be effective for four more years. It was one of the rare sources of bipartisan agreement during a politically polarized era, with 89% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats saying Biden’s age is a problem.

You do know Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden, right?

Yes, I knew they were close in age.

The people think it is an age problem, when it is really a mental health problem.

Donald was Born: Donald John Trump, June 14, 1946, Queens, New York City, U.S.; Age: 77 years

Joe was Born: Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, November 20, 1942, Scranton, Pennsylvania, U.S.; Age: 81 years

So you're saying Donald Trump is mentally healthy?

Obviously, he knows what a whale is!

I am not a fan of Donald or Joe.

It just seems one of them has more mental health problems than the other.

They should both be retired and enjoy their vast wealth while they can...

It just seems one of them has more mental health problems than the other.

Yes. Trump. Very clearly.

You may not like what Trump is for and what he says and stands for, but Joe is the one showing mental health problems.

I would suggest to compare them both when they talk or when they are in the public.

No need to lie about Genocide Joe's mental health problems.

Yes, the sundowning, unstable behavior, throwing childish storm offs in court, and rampant narcissistic behavior of Trump sure aren't mental health issues. Yep, not showing mental health issues at all!

You are right in that they both have problems, but it still stands to the fact that Genocide Joe is showing it way more.

Trump is a narcissism and some other things thrown in there, like being surronded by "Yes Men" must of not helped him either.

Looking at what the US populist are thinking, they still see Genocide Joe as a bigger problem.

Not to mention we are in three plus wars as of now, not counting the ghost wars we have been in for a while.

Trump did the same damn things, and more often, you disingenuous hack. He's been telling stories about how he was beating Obama in the polls (and in past elections), mixing up world leaders, and spoke to Nikki Haley (Nancy Pelosi) on insurrection day. Dude bragged he passed a dementia test and said it was hard.

This new news just reveals Biden doing some of the same things. Both of them are unfit to run the country, but not in a million years has Biden been worse than Trump.

Again Genocide Joe is a really low bar and same with Donald.

I would suggest to raise your standards and check out 3rd party candidates!

Good luck on the search, Sabby Sabs has interviewed a good amount of them, check them out if interested!

I would suggest to compare them both when they talk or when they are in the public.

It's like you've never watched a video of Trump speaking. You could go to Youtube right now and do that, if you weren't so busy bending over backwards to defend Trump.

You definitely win the most dishonest argument of the day award.

I am not for Genocide Joe or Donald.

I do not vote for the duopoly.

There are certain views the working class is saying, and one is that they see the mental health problems Genocide Joe has.

They have also had Donald as president before, so nothing new in 2024

That is the best Democrats can do against Donald, seems similar to 2016 Killary Clinton.

I hope we keep increasing 3rd Party engagement this year!

Genocide Joe

Killary Clinton

I do not vote for the duopoly.

Spoken like a true MAGA believer, or at least such a useful idiot that the difference is indistinguishable.

You may not "vote for the duopoly" but you've clearly chosen to support the fascist side of it.

I sincerely hope you learn how the US political system works before the election so that you can understand what the outcome of your actions will be.

We can both learn much more, for one to question politicians and not to take them at face value, they tend to lie.

I don’t criticize Democrats cuz I side with Republicans, I criticize Democrats Cuz THEY side with Republicans.

Left of Bernie Sanders is not fascist, you are mistaken.

I hope you learn to expose yourself to much more diverse ideas, not just what you agree with.

Thanks for the chat!

You're assuming -- incorrectly -- a whole lot about me that I never said.

You also didn't understand the meaning behind why I said you've chosen to support the fascists side.

I'm not here to start fights with internet strangers so I'm not going to poke you further. Let's just both do our best to improve and educate ourselves. Good luck to you. I hope you can figure out what I meant.

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It just seems one of them has more mental health problems than the other.

Yes. The one who:

has Confused Nikki Haley for Nancy Pelosi

thinks that Obama is the current president

thinks he beat both Bush and Obama in elections

has on multiple occasions bragged about acing a "difficult" cognitive tests that doctors say are simple for people with normal function. As one doctor put it, “It’s a very, very low bar for somebody who carries the nuclear launch codes in their pocket to pass and certainly nothing to brag about.”

And this is just sample of the recent stuff. Would you like to go back to the time period where he was suggesting that people inject bleach to protect themselves from COVID?

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