11 Post – 216 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I am me and always have been

So help them vote. Volunteer with efforts to get out the youth vote. Push for universal mail in voting where you are, or at least early voting. Help get politicians and initiatives on the ballot that they actually care about.

Shaming and complaining about the demographic you want to reach accomplishes nothing.

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Vancouver, BC in Canada did the same, though they actually fully banned foreign property purchasing. I'm guessing it's low hanging fruit that won't get much pushback within the country. Hopefully these are just first steps, in both cases.

Really wish fucking anything were being done in the US.


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Seriously! Apparently they try to claim ownership of you even after you leave now.

The one that kills me is when the glue they use to close the box is stronger than the box itself, so you wind up just ripping it open.

That's what you get for trying to have a real life.

This is why we don't let our kids play any sport that involves getting your head whacked on a regular basis.

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This headline is the opposite of clickbait. The details are amazing!

"WIRED reported that, at one point, the convoy's main bus pulled over onto a highway shoulder and kicked out one of the passengers.

It was unclear why the man was ejected, but he was left stranded in Florence, South Carolina, without his wallet, according to details from a livestream of someone in contact with the man."

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"The government" doesn't want to argue that. Some idiot politicians do.

It's not even smudge free stainless? LMAO

Minneapolis should make public transit free for a few* months, to encourage folks to use that instead. Golden opportunity.

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Don't they do this every year? "Oh, no, we're going to do soooooo badly this holiday season!!1!1!" Only to have record profits, yet again. Set market expectations low then ✨✨dazzle✨✨ them. 🙄 Meanwhile we're all paying more for lower quality plastic.

Okay, but do you know how angry the average Facebooker is about the price of eggs? It's a thing that certain people are quite upset about. Of all the inflationary hits, for some reason eggs have really hit theses folks' funny bones.

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Thanks, I was wondering if Taylor Swift's team won!

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Yes, it's the impeachment process. Same as for presidents.

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Oh, that last bit about volunteers not being beholden to shareholders is not something that had occurred to me before. That definitely raises the risk of this asset.

It is! In a pressure cooker, you can cook beets in a basket over a layer of potatoes and garlic cloves. The beet drippings turn the potatoes pinkish-red. Super fun for kids.

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But I thought god owned the rainbow™️? Now the good Christians are disavowing it??

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  1. is the reason many of us were on Twitter to begin with. I never kept to with friends there, but I really liked seeing breaking news, etc. It was useful and functional. Madstodon is not useful in this way, which breaks one of the key features many of us want in a Twitter replacement.

Sounds like I need to look at this Fish place instead.

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This is wealth redistribution at its finest. MAGAt donors --> Those who've been harmed by Trump, et al.

This is the perfect level of grumpy old man.

Took me a minute, then I 💀

A lot of beauty products. Nail polish, makeup, hair dryers, hairbrushes, you name it. Some terrible (and even ozone-destroying) chemicals have been removed, and with the proliferation of online reviews and images you can pick something that won't burn your eyes and will actually work.

Well, it's both. From the article, 2-3 wheelers do account for 60% of the drop:

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I see a lot of people willing to support the servers, but little conversation on how to support the admins. I support a living (and competitive) wage for folks, and don't think instance admins should be doing this work for free. If you set up your own tiny instance for your family, sure, I bet you won't be charging your family for it, but a huge instance with constant needs and a bunch of strangers is a totally different thing. Just donating toward server costs does not allow admins to pay their personal bills, while they put in hours of work to keep this place going. So, I appreciate you for including "admins" in the support needs!

Yep! It's a bunch of reddits that all talk to each other, and each one can have whatever communities (subs) it wants.

The only people who will "find out" are those who can't afford to travel for healthcare. These policies always hurt the lowest socioeconomic brackets first and foremost.

ETA: To be clear, this is a bad thing. These policies are evil and disgusting. Instead of getting mad at the people who may not have even been able to get the time off to vote, let's be mad at the perps who put up these policies to begin with.

I feel like that is basic evolutionary theory. Maybe I should actually RTFA..

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You skipped the baby showers. Sooo many baby showers.

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We call it Klanned Karenhood 'round here.

To be counted as active, you have to have commented or at least liked a post/comment, IIRC. So if you're hopping around from one login to another within 24 hours and actively engaging on them then yes, you'd be counted more than once in these stats. If you're just lurking, no.

In my experience, it takes months or even years of being in the same orbit of some people to actually become friends with them. It usually starts with meeting for coffee after an event, or some other time that works for both of you. I'm in the PNW (Pacific Northwest), so coffee is our go to. Just keep showing up, make sure you strike up conversations with people, and when it feels right ask them to swap contact info with you.

On Liftoff, I had to clear cache and storage in order to log back in. Still having issues with the website on Chrome, which keeps telling me I'm not logged in after clearing cache and logging back in.

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Not OP, but I've found that the older they get, the harder it gets. Schedules are all over the place, and they start advocating for things they want to do that don't fit neatly into the family calendar (vs when you were able to choose everything for them).

Expectations for parents have also skyrocketed. Your "best" now is far different than what the 1990s parents were expected to deliver. And, of course, you love them and want to provide them everything they need, so you bend over backwards to make it happen. That's what society demands, too.

I don't have as many kids as OP, and I can't fucking imagine wrangling five in the current world...😳

Think about something you care about, then search for a group that does something about it. If you're lucky, you'll find a local chapter of that group. Then start attending meetings - they might be online or in person - and just slowly get to know the people involved. In the meantime, you'll be involved in an organization doing stuff you care about, which is rewarding on its own.

Hmm, I pick "Goes on the lam". Feels like I haven't heard that one in a while!

I just used this and it was awesome. Just in case you were wondering.

     :        '.               
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Yes! What was up with that Jesus ad, ad nauseum? Weird and also just boring.

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I finally got a Nebula subscription. A lot of my YouTube favorites are on there, and I've found a couple new ones to follow. I still wind up on YT for a few folks, but that number is dropping.