
18 Post – 60 Comments
Joined 4 years ago


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  • Posts "Surprised Picachu face" image
  • Gets DMCA'ed by Nintendo lawyers
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I cast "Fuck everything in that general direction"!

There's an M on the BK roof

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There will be more controlposting going forward

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I'm the happiest past 9pm, guess I'll just give up then

Now what the hell does this mean "beni Çekemeyne ANTEN, Çözemeyne DECODER, Dengesine TERAZi ve Elekktrikk Alamayana TRAFO Temin Edilir... NOT: MONTAAJÜCRETSiZDiR..."?

It's Turkish for something like "An ANTENNA is provided to those who cannot attract me, a DECODER is provided to those who cannot decipher me, a SCALE is provided to those who cannot [....], and a TRANSFORMER is provided to those who cannot [....].... NOTE: INSTALLATION IS FREE..."


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Bruh, his fingers go through her short's belt strap. The developers went out of their way to make it unambiguous ☠️☠️☠️


i dont fangirl for big tech in general

Then what is this post? It's an Apple ad in shitpost clothing.

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I am homophagic (cannibal)

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< We appreciate the Enthusiasm/Upvote >

< The Beloved/Darling is Tuning in/Harmonizing >

< Wait for Right time/Sequel/Buddies >

Are those dead stingrays?

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I have been permanently scarred by this:

Hey that's a similar setup to mine, except I have 6700XT, on ultra settings, worst case scenario I get ~60FPS, on average it's 80

Hahaha, there's a video where he says this. I guess most people here don't know about it. I think Nick shared it on mastodon, but I'm not sure now.

~/go is created when compiling go programs, you can change it's location with the GOPATH environment variable to something like GOPATH=$HOME/.local/go, and moving the directory there.

Never seen ~/perl5, could you provide the output of perl -V

The guns! There are guns in your ice blocks! That's where the guns go! The guns go on the wings! You're are eating a holster basically!

What does the forbidden swastika mean? /s

The hell? This images loads all fancy for me, as if it had "Levels of Detail", not top to bottom like most images.

Reminder that Fedora Sericea was renamed to Fedora Sway Atomic


For me the appeal is potentially being able to verify that my code at least compiles and has basic functionality on Darwin. No idea if this can be useful for anyone other than developers.

In the thumbnail, jesse-bob looks like a south park version of michael bay.

Long-ish time Kakoune user here.

For those who have tried Kakoune, once you’ve included things like Treesitter and the clangd language server, which one feels faster, Kakoune or Neovim?

I never felt the need to install something like Treesitter because I feel selection-based editing is already powerful enough, if that gives you an idea of how much faster I am with Kakoune compared to Neovim. Maybe I just don't know everything Treesitter can do 🤔

which apparently allows you to have one master Kakoune instance and multiple slave instances that would be in sync

It's not a master/slave setup, it really is client/server, even the first instance of kakoune that you open will be a client that you can close without the other instances going down with it.

I’m not sure if Kakoune shares the clipboard with all of those instances?

Yup, all shared: registers, buffers, marks, hooks. (You can choose not to share stuff between clients)

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Reminds me of that video "why we need terrorism", let me find it...

What does GTFO mean in this context exactly?

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I work with backend web development, so running code could not be any easier, normally there's a docker image setup watch for changes, recompile and execute.

My text editor is Kakoune, after learning the keybindings I just cannot go back to vim or vscode, selection based editing just makes so much sense to me.

I use NixOS, which comes in handy for keeping my home and office computers in-sync. I also use nix shells to declare the tools necessary to develop each project.

As for window management I use sway, one big window for kakoune to the left, other terminals for docker/tests/git to the right.

They come factory-domesticated, no need to domesticate at home.

The pirate song distorts you

~/.config/mimeapps.list contains a line “terminal=foot.desktop” (tried also without .desktop).

I don't think that is a real option.

There is no standard way to set the default terminal emulator, you need to tell your launcher application(sometimes through your DE settings) to use that terminal. For example, j4-dmenu-desktop has the option --term.

As a file managers I use lf and nnn, they both contain .desktop-files but I can’t launch them with keybinds or menu launcher. Same applies to vim.desktop, nothing happens.

How are you launching these programs? For keyboard shortcuts you generally need to specifically run the terminal emulator together with the program: bindsym Mod4+Return exec alacritty -e hollywood

Edit. I managed to find a workaround for lf and nnn by editing the Exec= line in /usr/share/applications/*.desktop file. (Exec=/usr/bin/foot -e nnn) but I still can’t figure the swayimg imageviewer.

I would advise you to copy those files to ~/.local/share/applications so they do not get overwritten during updates.

Super robot

Why is this marked NSFW? 🍎

Maybe you don't have a short attention span 🤣 The only reason I use Kakoune is because I completely lose my train of thought if I can't get an edit done quick enough.

You're totally right, it's not good. (I don't know anything about Diablo 4)