They never were to – 806 points –

Don't say that, those drawings have a wonderful and bright future ahead of them :(

Ah, but they continue to exist in my conscience thoughts for as long as I continue to think of them, despite never existing

You will now never be able to sleep or do anything, knowing that the moment you let your attention slip they will die only to be revived to die again


This is one of those comics that causes a bunch of readers to check in on my mental health, isn't it?

maybe the people in the picture are real and the reader isn't

Sometimes Zach Wienersmith gets a little too wordy and abstract, but this SMBC has been burned in my memory since I was first exposed to it's cold and condensed existentialism.

Reminds me of the very last credits gag they did in Community; Community, the board game

You stupid child. Nobody's winning anything. Don't you see? This means we don't exist. We're not created by God, we're created by a joke. We were never born, and we will never actually live.

Dice not included, some assembly required.

I've been having this problem with This Is How You Lose the Time War which totally implies the human species will survive the next few centuries regardless of the climate crisis, the plastic crisis and our preference for fascism or annihilation rather than giving up capitalism and hierarchy.

In fact, the conflict is just an epic tastes great / less filling choice between two transhuman far futures in which all of today's culture is recovered and preserved. We matter!

But yeah, its just the correspondence between two fictional heroes in love. They don't exist past the page.

No need to check on my sanity. Im long diagnosed and a soul crushing emo whose suicide risk is carefully managed.

The world is full of endless possibilities. Fiction is fun because no matter how improbable, the words on that page could come true some day. At other times, is fun to imagine what could've been if things had gone slightly differently.

The people in the picture are not pictures. It's not a picture of pictures. The fact that the picture is not real does not make its subject not real. In fact, because the picture is a simplification, the picture could apply to any number of real people

Technically they are lights emitted by your computer screen that make up a picture that represent people that do not exist.

Even more technically they are electrical impulses perceived by your brain due to light signals interpreted by your eyes.