14 Post – 57 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Thnk mr skltl

Pipewire is a true blessing for Linux

God I love FOSS, I contributed with a very tiny feature but it made me feel so good knowing I contributed to a beautiful, community owned, project


I propose to make it a 3 day party. Only one rule: no poop

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  • What are your dream features or rework you would ask a magic genie? I mean nice features that require a huge amount of work
  • If you were to rewrite Lemmy from scratch, would you do everything the same way or would you rethink something?

Thanks for your amazing work, you guys are changing the world!

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No. It's pronounced Fronkensteen.

Not from the UK but excited for that too. Asking just out of curiosty because I'm not too informed on the matter, do you really like the labour program or just happy to see conservatives kicked out?

Also I was thinking we should stop calling them conservatives and start calling them retrogrades since (at least in my country) they want to strip people of acquired rights making us go back in time.

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I would recommend RethinkDNS instead of NetGuard, it has the same firewall capabilities but it also lets you change DNS (with Dnscrypt / DoT / DoH) and also lets you connect to a Wireguard VPN. It's amazing.

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End of segretation

I know about your decision regarding Threads but what are your thoughts on the blog post from the Mastodon CEO? especially the address to the EEE concern

Let's go removedeeeees

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I know it's not what you're asking but switching back is truly horrible, I have to use w11 at work and I hate every second of it. One drive shoven down your throat, Xbox stuff wants to install something everytime I update, installing stuff from random exes found on websites (I know the store exists but it sucks if your needs are not "I want to install candy crush"), changed something in your path variable? Reboot! Wtf? I really hope microsoft abandons windows in favour of its cloud apps for people who need it and lets Linux distros rule the desktop world

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You sure Dolph won't be busy busting heads because he smelled crime or performing outrageous sexual experiments on his incredibly hot but skeptical female lab partner?

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Can you please explain how you did it or link to a guide explaining it? It could be useful to many people

Don't speedrun please <3

Hope you achieve amazing things in life

Ba dum tssss

Mine are:

Quanta Magazine super interesting and awesomely written articles about scientific topics.

LessWrong blog posts on a variety of topics analyzed with rationality.

Big Think articles about everything, interesting analyses.

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Nice, what's for dinner?

1 more... It's not that it is useless, it' just not the solution

Go wolves!

Scrubs is still my favorite. If you want a (very) little gem I would recommend Over the Garden Wall. Such a beautiful Autumn atmosphere, awesome music, a great story.

Which is public data, you don't need to run an instance to have it. What am I missing?

I agree, the rules in AskReddit were too limiting

Cover band or you have original songs? Share something!

Who's yelling at this time of the night?

I said in a different thread but: It's a good, and very scary, reading but I would argue that it does not directly translate here because Lemmy / Kbin and Reddit are not social media per se, they are content focused instead of being person focus. Here no one cares who you are, we are all here for content. The XMPP EEE succeeded because once defederated people were not able to talk to their friends, defederating Threads would cut us off from strangers and their content, it's not a big deal.

We'll see what happens, hopefully the Fediverse will not be another free social media attempt killed by greedy corporates.

Makes sense, forget booleans my new best friends are enums

That's amazing, do you guys have the said post and related trolling framed at home?

I felt the same way but then I read this and changed my mind about it

Thinking about it I'm in an European country where Whatsapp is the default messenger app, if it had interoperability I could be on another FOSS app and be tracked by Meta just when I talk to people who are on Whatsapp and be free when talking to people not on Whatsapp, this could be great to make people switch "clients", which is damn hard now because "everyone is on Whatsapp". Interoperability is the shit and we should embrace it!

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Good bot

Forgot to mention also the possibility of adding blocklists to block ads, trackers and everything you want. It's really the best of its kind!

I have multiple - it depends on the occasion:

  • illegal (I love mezcal)
  • moscow mule
  • bloody mary
  • piƱa colada
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I don't know what you're using for Lemmy and have never used Apollo but I'm using Voyager and many people say it really feels like Apollo. P.S. I am using the web app but they also have native app options now

Thanks, appreciate it!

Good bot

They just copied the idea from terrorists

I don't know if this could help even with allergies but I usually do this and it's awesome

In the proxy tab you can add wireguard profiles. E.g. for the protonvpn one you need to download the wireguard configuration files and add it there

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It has the same vibe but I don't think that is it. I didn't know TBoGT so I was thinking about another song.

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