What are you currently excited for?

linucs@lemmy.ml to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 136 points –

The birth (or death) of a relative, the release of a new program, game, series, movie, the date you were dreaming about, could be anything


Very lame of me, but I'm really looking forward to the Conservatives losing the next British General Election.

Not from the UK but excited for that too. Asking just out of curiosty because I'm not too informed on the matter, do you really like the labour program or just happy to see conservatives kicked out?

Also I was thinking we should stop calling them conservatives and start calling them retrogrades since (at least in my country) they want to strip people of acquired rights making us go back in time.

I think "regressives" is suitable term.

I am actually excited for the Labour programme, though I realise I'm in the minority! The lack of enthusiasm is mainly because people have so little faith things will actually get better and partly because Labour haven't always been great at communicating why they've made (IMO necessary) changes to their policies.

Agree with you about conservatives, but that has always been the problem with conservatism, unfortunately.

My wife is next to me, holding me in her arms while she sleeps. I am excited for her to wake up naturally and then we will go get bagels from our favorite bagel place.

That's wonderful. My wife and I are similarly close and I find myself constantly looking forward to spending time together.

I've been working every day since January. Every weekday, every weekend day, every day. But finally on June 15th I'll be down to one remote job and can go sailing for a few weeks straight. I've finally sort of got my finances in reasonable shape, I've paid off my car, and have a little breathing room.

That's awesome! I commend people who can work nonstop like that. I hope you enjoy your well deserved break!

I bought a steam deck and have been checking every day waiting for it to arrive... Or even be shipped! They finally packaged the damn thing!

Congrats man, my deck was one of the best purchases I did in a long while

Yeah the shipping was weirdly the only bad part of the experience. You’re in for a great ride!

3 more...

New hydro power in Ethiopia - it's nowhere near me, but nice to see how optimistic the young people are there.

Hmm. I just realized I haven’t been excited about anything in a long time.

That sucks.

I had a similar realization recently. When I was younger I'd be excited for something for months at a time, but now that I'm older I can't really look forward to something until it's right there.

I've been trying to look forward to small things lately, even if it's something small I'm doing for myself like a nice dinner. It helps

2 more...

A new fursuit. Current one is almost 15 years old, has been to dozens of conventions with hours and hours of running around like an idiot.

Fursuiting for me is a hugely important form of self expression and escapism, I absolutely love it.

Going home. I’m at some weekend festival to support a hobby my husband has become very passionate about. I’m incredibly happy for him and love that he’s found this but it’s just not my thing and I want to go home. Also some asshole at a party last night said something stupid to me to make me feel unnecessarily unwelcome and I really shouldn’t be letting it affect me. Anywho

ETA I also really miss my dogs!

Also some asshole at a party last night said something stupid to me to make me feel unnecessarily unwelcome

Fuck that guy. He's the problem, not you. Try to look at it from that perspective and you may ease your mind a little.

Who does that? It's horrible to treat someone like that.

ultrasound basin. you know those small things with water and vibration you dip your jewelry to wash all the gunk off?

now maybe it's big enough to dunk jeans and shirts.

You can clean clothes in a. Ultrasonic bath?

on plain water, it can dislodge dirt without manual scrubbing.

if you add soap/ solvents in the solution, it's like a more efficient washing machine due to the micro bubbling process.

I'm a teacher. I'm looking forward to summer vacation starting June 29th where I get to have 66 days off to be with my 3 kids. They're now at a really fun age and I can't wait

Having just washed my clothes, as a night owl I'm going to reward myself with a nice dinner, when most people are having breakfast.
Here's the plan:

There's a coffee shop/deli in my town that has the best tomato soup, plus they make their own croutons, the best I've ever had for soup, as they are hard and don't get soggy. I'm going to order two soups for takeout, pour olive oil on it, as well as cracked pepper and cubed avocado. Also, I'm going to air fry some asparagus with garlic butter, on the side.

Then there's sharp cheddar in the fridge, I'm going to make a bunch of squares, place each square on a tortilla chip and bake at a low temp for a short time, just enough to make the cheese ooze without it thinning. On top of each chip, a teaspoon of green onion dip and a slice of fresh serrano chilies. That's the original, old school nachos recipe from Ciudad Juarez back in the 1930s or 40s, I believe.

Not to toot my own horn, but I think this all sounds pretty damn good!

I can feel the excitement from your comment! Love to see it! You're up for a sweet time, niktemadur!

Playing a show this weekend with my band, who are like family to me.

Cover band or you have original songs? Share something!

I'm building a new PC soon and today I'm trying some psychedelic mushrooms for the first time.

Don't eat anything if you can help it today. Also if you're on any antidepressant you will have diminished effects. Take at least 3.5 grams if you want to "trip" at all. Have fun!

I’m gonna go camping. Not sure where or where yet, but I’m gonna drive up into the mountains and spend a couple nights in the tent.

A long weekend to rest. I had a hysterectomy on the 1st and went back to work last week and by last night I was so sore. I'm feeling a lot better overall but sitting up for 8 hours a day was a lot harder than I expected. Having 3 days where I can lay down when I need to is really nice. Plus, it's supposed to be really nice out, so maybe I'll do some of the resting in my hammock.

Good to hear you're healing up well! My significant other is going to have the same procedure done shortly and it's good to hear of overall timelines of healing and what to expect.

If it's laparoscopic, it shouldn't be too bad. I spent pretty much the whole first week in bed napping off and on, other than short walks every couple of hours. The second week, I worked from home (still in bed) and had to lay down for a few minutes here and there, but felt a lot better. With ice packs and rest, I only needed to take anything for pain the first 4-ish days and then occasionally when I pushed myself a little too hard, and I never needed anything stronger than advil/tylenol.

The only thing I wish I'd done was either taking higher doses of stool softeners or taking a laxative sooner - it's unpleasant to talk about but trust me when I say your SO really doesn't want to go several days without pooping when you can't really push without feeling like you're going to tear something important.

I feel bad it's so materialistic but I'm stoked that the new model of the Dirtywave M8 music tracker is shipping this week or next. In the past couple years that single device has improved my music output immensely, and the user community on its Discord is ridiculously friendly and helpful.

The new model isn't a radical update, but the new quality of life features plus the confidence that I will use it constantly really has me excited to continue my journey. For me it's like a toy that's always fun to play with, surprisingly deep, and after I play for a while I've accidentally created something. It's cut down on my doom scrolling and social media consumption as well. For me, that's money well spent.

By Q1 2025, I should have a full implant-supported denture, replacing my top teeth. I've had a partial for almost a year now, as I fussed around, trying to decide how to proceed. I'll be very glad to be done with this phase.

Then we'll deal with the bottom ones...

Got debt down from $18K to 6K in 8 months. Would be 1K if Colorado would ever approve our electric car rebate for 5K. Slow bastards.

Pay day, I've been working on a new project at work, and the time I've put in for it gets paid at a higher rate - I'll end up with a little more than double my usual paycheck!

Strawberries in my garden are ripening. I love taking my kids to our patch every day to see how many we can harvest :)

Fresh strawberries are amazing, I need to find a farm stands again that sells them!

Yeaha, I am looking for death. Feel so excited.

If you wonder if I am seeking death, no I am not.

My life is a game. I would try my best, survive as long as possible, earn as much as achievement.

Then after that, I will look at my scoreboard.

I hope next run, I have enough score to unlock more comfortable birthright.

Don't speedrun please <3

Hope you achieve amazing things in life

I am doing speed run, but a speed long run. Lifetime so short. I want to do more, suffer more. I want to earn as much as possible per run.

I know, i remember, each run come with a cost. Dunno what is the cost. Must make most of each run.

Playing hockey. I still need to buy gear, but i joined a team and will be hitting the ice next week. I haven't played hockey competitively since i was a kid, and i am looking forward to it. I will need to work on my cardio and getting my stamina back after 15 years off, drinking and smoking.

And i have $100 that says the Oilers take the cup this year!


Good luck man! I quit adult pickup like 5 years ago and miss it so much. Dont forget to keep your head up and those feet moving!

Taking my car to the track for the first time. My son is going to track it with me, should be a blast!

Getting the rear brakes and track oil (based on what Chevy recommends for track use) next week and then I'll schedule it!

Realistic: Getting a faster motorcycle and going on longer touring rides and track days with it. I currently have a Suzuki GZ250 but it struggles on the highway, and the acceleration of even a "middleweight" bike like the Trident 660 is exhilarating.

Unrealistic: Getting a girlfriend...

getting my offer letter. compensation is fair enough for my skills, so i am just playing some games waiting for the offer letter.

Found out yesterday that a manager that hates me is extremely demoralized, currently job hunting, and already tried to quit.

Earlier this month, I found out that a different manager, who in the past tried to get me fired, themselves tried to resign at the beginning of the year. That manager's contract is up in August and their department is failing on just about every metric imaginable so, they're likely going to quit or be asked to resign at that point.

Finally, a coworker who was working with that second manager to try and get me fired was themselves fired by corporate for a multitude of reasons. These reasons include but are not limited to: credible accusations of drunk driving company vehicles, harassing and bullying others, offering cocaine to both coworkers and clients, and allegedly attempting to extort someone else out of their job... which is a felony (we're currently encouraging their victim to go to authorities, but it involves leaked nudes and they are understandably embarrassed about the whole thing... which is their decision, no one can force them). This fired coworker once told a whole room of people "well if [TrueStoryBob] and I both walk into the GM's office, who do you think is gonna walk out with a job." Well, we can now definitively say it was them who would walk out of that office unemployed. They had to be forced off company property; like physically escorted onto the sidewalk by the GM and the Business Manager.

All of this has legitimately put a pep in my step. Overall, I like my job, however I was already putting my CV out there just in case. Now, I can stop the job search and not worry about potentially having to move as I also like where I live. By the way, my manager is an absolute dream who's been watching these other two departments burn to the ground with unadulterated glee as both of these managers walk ass backwards into their own demise.

Going to Australia in a week, get immersed in their culture for two weeks, and getting to snorkel the Great Barrier Reef during my time there! All with my wife and 10 yo son. It’s going to be so great!

I'm currently excited for the batch of ice cream setting up in my freezer. gonna be tasty.

homemade? what flav?

"Poor man's ice cream from '49"

Vanilla flavor. I've got some apples I intend to bake, and some strawberries I've cut up, it'll go great with both.

While the original publisher of the recipe called it "Poor man's ice cream" and it is indeed quite inexpensive to make, I prefer to think of it as homemade soft serve. It comes out with a much softer smoother texture than traditionally churned ice cream; you're in no danger of bending a tablespoon in this stuff. It also requires no churn; it can be made with more multifunctional tools like a hand or stand mixer.

Selling my current motorcycle, getting a new one, and finally getting to go and see some places I've wanted to ride through for years

BIL got the Slay the Spire board game the other day. We played Act 1, hoping to beat Act 2 at some point this weekend. Pretty enjoyable playing the game in a cooperative fashion.

The day I finally move to Belgium.

Unfortunately that day is still pretty far away from today. At least 5 years far away.

I'm curious, why the holdup, why not move there asap?

A little something called visa restrictions is what's preventing me from going there immediately.

6 more...

Only thing I'm looking forward to at the moment is getting a new car. I don't know when I'll get one or even which one I'll get but I'm saving

Excited might be going a bit far but hopefully getting a referral to General Medicine and a little closer to understanding what's wrong with me all the time.

Beyond that some D&D I plan to run when I'm better. Planning and plotting as we speak 😎

Going to see NOFX next month, during their final tour. I can't wait to sing My Vagina out loud with a big crowd.

In a few days I'll be moving to a new state to be closer with my long distance girlfriend of a year. I've been feeling pretty directionless and stuck for a long time now, so I'm looking forward to being able to start a new chapter of my life.

Destiny 2's final raid drops in 13 days. It's the culmination of the entire franchise's storyline and my raiding team has been practicing for weeks to prep for the day 1 raid race.

We won't get first place or anything but we hope to finish in the 99th percentile.

What storyline?

I can't tell if you're familiar with the franchise making a sick, well deserved burn or if you're actually earnestly asking.

I played Destiny to death. Every daily and weekly on three different characters. I loved it. But then Destiny 2 came along and I lost interest. Got sick of the grind.

But as much as I used to love the game there was never really a coherent story.

D2 Is where they took the general fragments of lore and organized them into a plot arc - story elements from the first game (Xivu for example) are all culminating in a final showdown that releases June 4 with the last raid June 7

Starship IFT-4 and WWDC.

Yes, I’m a huge nerd. How did you know?

My kid will go to summer camp soon and I'll have a little bit of time again. Looking forward to it.

Our TTRPG group just wrapped up a campaign, we'll be starting a new one soon with new players. There was some campaign fatigue, so I'm stoked for a fresh start (and I know some others are, too), with new players, too!

I think a lot of the worst people on earth are getting pretty old and grey, so it'll be fun to watch the world turn as they fall off.

Project Hail Mary the movie. It's going to be fun.

Also whatever the new Bobbyverse book is called.

Je peux parler français (encore)

I can speak french (again)

No, these children aren’t French. They’re American!

In all seriousness though, that’s amazing! I wish I knew another language.

Cue the deep male voice saying

"Je suis la jeune fille"

Haha! Thank you! I was wondering if someone else would get this reference.

C'est fou! Felicitations à toi

D'accord et merci! J'ai hâte d'explorer la francophonie!

How did you learn it? How long did it take?

French was my father's first language so even though we were an English-first home, I had an excellent study buddy when I started studying French in middle and highschool. I was nearly proficient by age 18 but lost it once life took over. Fast forward 20 years and I wanted to make sure my child had the opportunity to speak with her pépère in his native language.

So I spent 6 months mainlining Learn French and specifically Québec TikTok and fought like hell to rewire those old, decrepit neural pathways. You can get access to an incredible wealth of native content in manageable bites all tagged and categorized for free

Ça marche!

Merci. I've been putting it off for a while now and wonder if I can still learn fast in my 30s. I'll try and get back to it

It's beginning to look like Anthropic's recent interpretability research didn't just uncover a "golden gate feature" in their production model, but some kind of "sensations related to the golden gate" feature.

I'm excited to see what more generative exploration of the model variation with that feature vector maximized ends up showing.

I have a suspicion that it's the kind of thing that's going to blow minds as it becomes clearer.

I went clothes shopping in the US today and the Memorial Day sales and coupons meant I really cleaned up. I am looking through my piles of clothes and shoes like a rapper rolling around on a bed of cash or something.

I'm currently at solshine rêverie (formerly summer camp) in Illinois, enjoying the vibes and being way too baked to function in normal society, but here it's considered good etiquette

Still waiting for GNU Taler to become a thing in the EU.

The colour ereader I just got is pretty cool. It draws much faster than anticipated and looks pretty good. The pen (mpp type) from my laptop works with it so I don't have to pay even more to scribble dicks in my books like its 2009. It's actually repairable unlike the previous ones too. I'm still bitter about the screen of my previous one getting permanent stripes down the left side and across the top and repair not being an option at all, not even by sending it out.

Would you mind sharing mark and model?

oh its the kobo libra colour and libra 2.

Heres my unasked for review of sorts of both just for the hell of it...

The colour is probably about 1mm reduced in outer shell with the same screen dimensions but slightly different usb location so cases dont carry over perfectly. I'm still using the old case for the time being but being careful not let it pop out.

The libra 2 I've had since 2022 and pampered the damned thing but hilariously close to the release of the colour models the screen died. It would still be an excellent device that I'd be using otherwise. I have carried it in my jacket's tablet pocket with my tablet and kobo's screens facing each other, the kobo in the magnetic cover case and a piece of microfiber wrapped cardboard between them. somehow it must have gotten imperceptibility bent and ruined the screen recently between home and work. To the best of my knowledge there is no replacement part for the bw screen.

The Libra 2 screen has fewer layers compared to the colour so white is whiter, imagine stacking screen protectors until it starts to darken or making a mirror tunnel and comparing how it gets darker the deeper in it goes. The colours arent super vibrant but it's still pretty cool and more mind boggling how it doesn't drain more power once drawn even compared to the previous gen panels. Picture is no backlight night mode in a dim room.

I'm a little bitter and wouldn't recommend the libra 2 in hindsight but it's not available any more. The colour has the disadvantage of case incompatibility and darker white but with the black shell it's not very noticeable because of the contrast. The latest models, kobo libra colour and clara colour/bw, have repair parts available through ifixit (except for clara bw screen it seems) for actually pretty reasonable prices. Kobo itself has seemingly no tech support for the english speaking world and their own site as well as their twitter seem to be bots that give you the runaround on every topic. They released the linux kernel sources for older models but not for the new devices and not for some previous models and revisions so other linux distro projects like quill os are potentially hindered.

Monday is a holiday in the US, and I am going to make one of my fav dips for it.....I am gonna eat so much fucking dip. I can't wait lol. Its the small things, ya know?

What kind of dip?

Artichoke Fondue Dip, it's a recipe from Amy Theilan's book The New Midwestern Table. I highly recommend it.

Bcachefs, it's the filesystem of the future now.

Is it really going to be that huge? I'm using btrfs, how is bcachefs better?

It has most of the major features of BTRFS + tiered storage + per file/directory redundancy + native encryption support. It also seems to be architectured in a way that avoids the write-hole issue for RAID 5/6 that BTRFS has and therefore once that feature is added, it won't be as likely to eat your data. It also had a better system for handling different sized drives.

Overall, it seems like a redesigned BTRFS with the experience of bcache development and benefit of hindsight avoiding some of the early pitfalls that BTRFS had. It already seems like the ideal filesystem that does it all for single systems. Especially if Kent gets the backing he needs to fill out the rest of the roadmap, I really don't see what other filesystems have to offer that are worth losing the other benefits.

Maybe I'm wrong and it will stall or something, but it has been almost a decade already and there have been steady improvements throughout. I plan to switch to it as soon as I can get it working. It is still a bit rough getting a proper multi-drive encrypted system booting since it is still early days of mainline support and disros don't have very good support for it yet.

Plenty new tech I'm curious about seeing evolving; self-driving cars, EVs, articifical-intelligence, VR/AR .. Advances in medicine overall but especially due to Crispr. My new job as a self-employed contractor is both exciting and also stressful. It's the start of the summer here which is also exciting to me.