0 Post – 262 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I'm gonna steal this ogre for an NPC.

Reg, why'd you just stab yourself in the shoulder?

Ah cmon, ain't ya ever seen a movie?

Well of course I've seen a movie, but what the hell are ya doing?

Every time the guy stabs himself in a movie, it's right before he kicks the piss outta the guy he's fightin'!

Well that don't.. when that happens, the guys gotta plan Reg, what the hell's your plan?

I dunno, but I'm gonna find out!

I can confirm this. I'm not a wolf expert, or even seen that many wolves really, but I have a dog and I don't think she'd wear a bonnet.

Gee I sure wish RATM never got so political /s

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There's probably gonna be a lot of trolls in here, but I have to say this is incredibly sad. I do hope his sermons preached love and acceptance rather than the hate that caused him to take his life.

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Figma balls lmao gottem

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"I think it's funny how everyone's saying I got booted off stage, when in reality, we just did a hard cutoff time and just happened to leave at that time.."

Lmfao solid save

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Who the hell wants to do that?

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He was in one of the last episodes, thanking them for inspiring a generation of young minds to be interested in science. Enough people probably looked it up for it to effect the algorithm

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"Oh yeah? Well what'll happen if I push this button and then turn all the knobs to max?"

"Everything will be fucked up."

"Well I just did it. Now what?"

"Everything is fucked up."

"Bet ya didn't think of that 😎"

These people voting for him are the same ones that voted for him in 2016 and complained about a stolen election in 2020. At this point they've tripled down.

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Lemmy users be like: I built my own phone

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It's crazy how the first thing you did was complain about people with premade talking points rushing to brigade a post, yet you're in here posting walls of text under everyone who is pointing out the logical inconsistencies of banning unregulated 3d printers but not other hardware related purchases.

Even stranger is, I can't figure out what you're upset about. You yourself say that only a tiny fraction of gun violence comes from 3d printed weapons, you say you're against the bill, so why are you getting hostile and making wild, baseless as hominem attacks against people who think it's a pointless bill?

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Lemmy users when anything moderately bad happens to Reddit:

Wojak pointing

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Not sure how to handle this,

In times of great dishonor, the Samurai would commit seppuku with their sword.

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Correction because I'm annoying: it's when you press shift 5 times in a row. It would be terrible if just holding it down for 5 seconds activated it, haha

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Anywhere that casually lists spiders and centipedes along with reptiles is not somewhere that I wanna be.

Yes, I find it sad when someone is driven to suicide. It's weird, I know.

I feel that a man who dresses up as a woman in their free time did not decide for himself that gay/trans people are evil. This man probably had been lying to himself and others about who he was for decades, living through self-hate and trying to convince himself that he was "normal" and not "one of those fags" and the like.

Now that he's accepted himself and thought that he was safe to express who he was in private online communities (obviously stupid for someone in his position), his whole world is coming down on him. Now everyone knows he's "one of them".

I don't know enough about the guy to comment with certainty on what harm he may have caused as mayor, if he actively made life harder for gay/ trans people then that's really shitty of him. All I'm saying is, things don't happen in a vacuum, and this guy is just as much a victim of hate and bigotry as anyone else who's killed themselves over it.

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I asked my chem professor this question last semester. He said that single molecules are considered gases.

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Yeah... This was a really rough read. I feel awful for everyone involved but the author was really struggling to paint a lot of things about them in a positive light

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Feel like these are definitely permanent status effects

A man walking by loudly said “oh my gosh” when this happened.

I think we need to hear more from this man. What's his angle on this? Haven't seen journalism like this since Ron Burgundy.

The character described is often given the haircut in the image.

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I'm all for gender-inclusive language and try to use it as much as possible (ie "mail person" instead of "mail man" and using "they" instead of defaulting to "he" when gender is unknown). But God am I tired of replacing everything with an X, haha.

I'd just call them "teacher [last name]" like how college professors tend to go by "professor [last name]" and call it a day.

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You really can't think of anything else that 100% of the population can use a bidet for?

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I'm able to make this comment right now because I called out of work because I fucking hate my job and they treat us like shit. So yeah I'd have to agree.

Funnily enough, I tried this once when my Internet (shitfinity) went out for two days. I asked the online chat rep if I could be reimbursed for the outage. They replied with, "due to the outage, we will be crediting (128.99/30*2)=$8.60 to your account." With the math included and everything. They probably have a lot of people trying to get a free month out of a few hours without service and just started doing that, haha. I couldn't be mad.

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I love it when people come in with these comments with zero context lol. Did you know that some people adopt dogs from previous owners? You're gonna give someone all the smartass energy you can muster and they're gonna answer with "we rescued him from an abusive home and nursed him back to health and resocialized him but thanks for your brilliant advice"

Tbf, is there any chance that could've come out not looking dumb as shit?

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I have nipples, Greg. Can you make me a magnetic antenna?

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Aw man, I liked informing people that they technically could still order DVDs through them. Now I'll have to find some other random tidbit.

How is this a shitpost?

What am I missing

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Just wanted to point out that Etsy isn't really in the same category as the other shops you listed. Think handmade crafts and souvenir store compared to Walmart.

Edit: I'm apparently reminiscing on the Etsy of yesteryear. I guess it's shit now.

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Damnable egg! Cursed object!

I thought the pro-egg passage was pretty funny, but this immediately made me cackle.

Touching grass is a (usually condescending) phrase that just means "going outside".

90% of the time when I've seen someone going ape shit in DDR they're standing exactly like this

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Yup, I got through like 4 sentences and thought, "no way this guy wrote this up just for this post", saw how long it was and the tell-tale formatting and yeah chatgpt wrote this

How do you assert your authority over a bunch of children without forcing them to acknowledge your superiority every time they address you? /s