3 Post – 271 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This might just be the push I need to switch to Linux desktop.

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Teacher here.

My favourite “lesson” I ever gave was in a grade 9 technology class. It was a pretty small class, about 10 kids. I split them up into two teams and made a competition. They chose their own teams — it ended up being boys vs girls. I never would have made it that way on my own but that’s how it worked out.

The school had a bunch of old, decommissioned PCs that were headed to the junk yard. I sorted through all of them to get two exact sets of working parts for the competition.

The goal of the competition was to recover a jpeg from one of the hard drives. Each team had a computer with the ram removed and two hard drives. One was blank and the other had the jpeg on it. They also had a Linux Mint installer on a usb stick.

I don’t remember exactly how I had set it up but it was points based, something about getting to different stages first. Like 5 points to be the team that turns the computer on first. One of the big ones was that they got an extra 10 points if they did the whole thing without a mouse.

I told the other classes about the competition and asked some other teachers if it would be okay for them to watch and cheer on. It ended up being the nerdiest and most exciting class ever. Students were literally cheering each team through a Linux install. One team got stuck and had to pull out the mouse. There was booing. It was so epic.

The girls won, being the first to recover the jpeg and they did it all without a mouse. It was so awesome. The jpeg was the meme about how would a dog wear pants.

It was about 5 years ago, my first year teaching. I really miss those days. I only teach math now, and while I like that, there was something magical about showing kids how fun computers can be.

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A lot of people use “folks” for plural.

I feel like “guys” is fairly un-gendered but people disagree with me. Personally, I haven’t used the word “guys” to refer to anything male in what seems like forever.

“Bud” and “fella” are good singulars.

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It’s perfectly possible to have a smart home that does not call home. Home Assistant is an amazing piece of software that can allow smart devices from different manufacturers talk to each other without connecting to a cloud service — all done locally.

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I was wondering what was going on with that post. I’m glad it resonated with people across the fediverse. Cool!

Now I’ve got to figure out how to log into Mastadon with my Lemmy account. I didn’t even realize this was a thing.

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As a teacher, I have to say I do get a lot of thank you’s. I get Christmas presents, gift cards, coffee, and hand written letters/cards. Sometimes my students reach out and/or visit me after they graduate. I feel quite valued and thanked. I live in Canada, if that makes a difference.

My wife who is a social worker spends her days slaving over people’s cases and is repeatedly harassed, and has been assaulted countless times. Now that is a thankless job.

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If they finish working on PC support then they’ll have no problem clearing their stock.

I think a lot of people also misuse the word and use it as a catch-all for companies doing something they don’t like.

Raising prices is not enshittification, that’s inflation.

Not paying employees well is not enshittification, that’s under-compensation.

YouTube putting more ads in their videos including when the video is paused isn’t enshittification that’s… wait no that is enshittification.

Enshittification refers to offering the same service (often free, or at least with an option to pay more) but making it worse in order to squeeze you onto a paid (or higher paid) tier of service. This sounds good to shareholders but ultimately it alienates their customers and often leads to a company dying.

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For anyone wanting to contribute but on a smaller and more feasible scale, you can help distribute their database using torrents.

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Are competitive FPSs intended for handhelds?

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Meh, I pay for Usenet and donate to some of my favourite private trackers. My NAS, network switches, firewall, and drives cost probably more than 10 years of subscriptions to services I would otherwise use. I don’t pirate because I’m cheap, I pirate because I hate DRM.

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You’re not dumb you just haven’t needed that use case before.

Here’s an example of the last time JDownloader saved me. There was a website where people were posting archives of old skateboard videos. There were hundreds of links across dozens of pages in a forum. All links to sites like mega.

I was able to view all pages in one document and extracted all of the hundreds of links and put them in JDownloader. Over the course of the next several weeks JDownloader was able to manage those downloads without clogging my bandwidth. If a download failed it would notify me and I could retry it.

Can you imagine trying to do that in Firefox?

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Yeah the headline is dead wrong. Privacy ≠ ad free.

That said, paying for a service is the one solution to getting rid of ads that I can see working in general. In general I don’t see this as a bad thing.

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Audiobookbay, My Anonamouse, Audiobookshelf

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From what I understand CDPR purchased the licensing for the Witcher IP a long time ago. At the time the Witcher was not popular outside of Poland so they didn’t have to pay very much. Since then they made the series really popular and the English translation brought it to a much wider market. So he felt like he wasn’t fairly compensated for his IP.

I think they’ve reached new agreements since then but it wasn’t easy for either party to reach agreement.

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Put home assistant on a raspberry pi, plug a Zigbee dongle to it, and start connecting smart gadgets to it. Or better yet buy a home assistant Green. You can check the home assistant docs to see if a smart device requires cloud connectivity to work — in general if it connects through Zigbee (or ZWave or Matter) then you’re good, but if it connects through WiFi then it probably is cloud based.

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Don’t large services have many duplicates/caches spread across the globe to balance load and reduce latency? Couldn’t this be seen as a positive? It could also be seen as a redundancy layer.

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Totally. The classic MBA move of firing important people who’s role he doesn’t understand, seeing short term gains from lack of salaries, and exits the company just in time for it to tank because it can’t operate without those people. Walks away with a few cool million, on to his next company to suck dry.

Unraid and the *arr stack works really really well.

I don’t think it’s possible to takedown a project that doesn’t use any proprietary code. You have to supply your own rom.

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There are plenty of small torrents. Use the torrent generator and tell the script how much space you have and it will give you the “best” (least seeded) torrents whose sum is the size you give it. It doesn’t have to be big, even a few GB is suitable for some smaller torrents.

I love me some privacy but have always been skeptical of Tor because I am afraid that I am acting as a relay for CSAM, which, even if encrypted I am not okay with.

Is that fear unfounded? To be honest I don’t really know how Tor works aside from some broad strokes.

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I’m a teacher too and it shocks me. Even kids who are successful in school struggle to use a file system — usually just dumping everything into google drive and “searching it up” when they need it. I almost never see a kid directly type a url (let alone know what a url is) since they google everything.

I’ve even had this interaction:

“Why are you googling everything?” “I’m not googling this is safari, I have an iPhone”

In a lot of ways I think they’re worse than boomers. At least they’re good at making tik tok videos!

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My company recently started using MS Authenticator for 2FA in our emails. At first I was pleased about the extra security. But the way they implemented it is so fucking bonkers I can’t even handle it.

When you log in, it tells you to check your phone. On your phone you have to enter your password, then wait about 10 seconds, use biometrics, then they show you a number, and then ask you to type that number - on your phone, the same fucking device they showed it to you. And if you miss the number flashing, the text box where you enter the number covers the number so you have to tap “I can’t see the number, hide this box”. Then, if you’re trying to check your email on mobile, you have to force quit Outlook because it won’t load new emails until it launches.

The worst part is that you lose your token two times a day. So you have to log in twice a day on every device you use. It’s such a hindrance to productivity it’s insane.

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If I recall correctly I didn’t tell them much about anything. One of them had a nerd dad who set up his daughter with Linux at home but she wasn’t familiar with the install process. I gave them some basic info when I gave them the rules (you have to connect the hard drives and ram) but for the most part everything was new to them.

On the other hand, I also ran a computer club with some other kids (in a younger grade) where we took that pile of broken computers and salvaged working parts. We ended up with 3 or 4 working pcs that we ran Linux mint on. They used the computers for Roblox or something at lunch lol. The computers ended up being a popular attraction at lunch!

It’s surprising just how bad printer/scanner software is. The desired function is so so simple but the software gets in the way so bad.

All I want from my printer/scanner is to press print, and have it not change its IP address so Windows can’t find it. And to have a big scan button that scans and uploads to an FTP server, none of this Windows Scanner nonsense. (FWIW I actually use NAPS2 which is quite good)

Who said anything about your data not being tracked and sold still?

That’s the approximate price meta gets paid just for serving the ad. I would imagine your data is worth much more than that.

I don’t think anyone who isn’t already curious about Linux should install Linux. And I sure as hell am not going to try to convince anyone and be blamed for not being able to use adobe products.

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And often the documentation is nowhere to be seen.


Smuggling pythons.

If it’s not running Linux could one not just… install Linux? I wouldn’t be surprised if drivers were out before long.

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Right. But most people who subscribe to a Linux community on Lemmy have probably heard of Linux before.

Vinegar for iOS is worth adding to this list.

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I don’t like this either but that’s not what enshittification means.

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Or someone who has penetrated your network.

Yet here you are on a research project.

While I share your sentiment completely, I have a bad feeling that this is the beginning of something bigger. AFAIK the Twitter purchase was Musk’s first venture into building an everything app, and he already owns I think this is one of the first steps.

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True, but privacy is especially important for pirates.