
5 Post – 107 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Find me on Mastodon too.

Mom: "We have CERN particle accelerator at home."


I have zero desire to own an Internet-connected car wherein I can't "own" it without abiding by the rules set forth by the auto manufacturer. BMW recently killed their subscription seat heaters but who knows what Egon Smells is cooking up at Tesla.

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I'm an instance owner and mod. I'll describe what we see.

Like anyone else, I can check a post or comment and see the upvote and downvote counts. If I click on a specific menu item by a post or comment I can also see who voted which way.

I check it often and to date have only banned two users, out of thousands, who were consistently downvoting posts. These bot accounts were literally voting within seconds of the post going federated.

It's a useful feature on my end and I think others should be able to see it.

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It'll be unavailable on Sundays.

I taught my pet rock to "stay" in 1988.

It hasn't moved since.

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Worked at a place where our CIO was completely unqualified to be a leader, much less a leader in IT. She was a micromanager who took the position of "telling stakeholders" instead of "working with stakeholders" so any project she was on was really her pushing through whatever agenda she had at the time. Meanwhile her deputy CIO was stealing computer equipment from the server room but I digress....

April fools one year and I decide to prank it up. I moved the hinges (not the door handles) of the freezer/fridge in the breakroom so that the handle and hinges were on the same side. It's a fifteen minute job to move everything so I did it the night before the 1st.

The next morning our hungover CIO stumbles into the breakroom and cannot get the fridge to open. After a few seconds of futile tugging on the handle, she gave up and took her lunch to her office.

Others in the office figured it out pretty quickly and had a good chuckle.

Later on that day CIO sends out a nastygram about pranks being unprofessional, property damage, someone was going to be in huge trouble, yadda yadda....

But she's not the director. The director tells her to basically fuck off, it was a funny prank, and perhaps she needed to lighten up.

She never found out it was me.

https://favicon.io/favicon-converter/ - Convert an image to a favicon file in many formats.

https://ninite.com/ - Easiest way to set up a new Windows PC with the latest common applications without toolbars, prompts, or anything like that. Not necessarily obscure but I like to peddle it.

https://www.printablepaper.net/ - Need a check register? Graph paper? Lined paper? College ruled or wide ruled? Dot paper? Calendars? If it's on paper, chances are you can find it and print it here.

https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/ - Need a good bedtime story? This site is best read right before falling asleep.

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The small penis rule was referenced in a 2006 dispute between Michael Crowley and Michael Crichton. Crowley alleged that after he wrote an unflattering review of Crichton's novel State of Fear, Crichton included a character named "Mick Crowley" in the novel Next. The character is a child rapist, described as being a Washington, D.C.–based journalist and Yale graduate with a small penis.

Power move

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I figured we're not going to have much choice in the future. We'll be driving cars under End User License Agreements that already send tons and tons of data about us back to the manufacturers.

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Just wow, yeah. Nothing should ever send you a password in cleartext - once that's been done, a MITM attack's success rate just went to 100%.

It's painless to use password resets if the person forgot the password. Never, ever should a password be in cleartext.


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Backblaze is a great backup solution. They publish drive stats and even show you the hardware they use.



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The issue I've come across is vindictive or mean editors who 'own' pages and refuse to allow changes to 'their' article.

Case in point, when a rather well-known bishop was convicted of child molestation I edited his article to add that information.

Boom, reverted, no reasons given.

Anytime I added the block of information back to the article he or she reverted the changes. Wikipedia was no help, so now I refuse to edit Wikipedia articles or even treat them as factual - too many editors have their own agendas.

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Ex-Army infantry guy here.

In basic training, location Ft. Benning GA, late August. Hydration was important, and that was impressed upon us by the drill sergeants, who would pause the activity at hand for the moment and do the 'Drink Water!' call, to which we'd reply mostly in uninspired enthusiasm 'Beat the heat drill sergeant beat the heat.'

We'd then down a canteen (a quart) of water. On especially hot days, we'd do two canteens. No dumping on your head or on the ground - you had to finish one or both. We'd refill canteens and get back to the day's task of doing push-ups, sit-ups, crunches, and in-between those, learning Army stuff (sir).

One guy, Peterson (name changed), couldn't do a canteen of water. This guy was the opposite of Joey Chestnut. He ate and drank like a bird but never lost weight. Slow metabolism and high energy conversion I guess. He never seemed dehydrated I would say. But water and food were just minimal for the guy. He'd drink a pint, maybe a sip more, and done.

Our drill sergeants weren't having that. You had to finish the canteen and flip it over your head. Failure to comply was met with drinking more water, until you finished the canteen, while your platoon did push-ups. No pressure.

The rest of the story transpired really quickly.

The drill sergeants hit him with the order to drink more water, and he did, and he stopped, and then they said keep going private, and he was in obvious pain, and he said no drill sergeant, and you could see the crinkle in the eyes of the questioned, but before that drill sergeant's body language became verbal, Peterson puked up water, gallons of water it seemed, then breakfast, and the upper contents of his colon I'm pretty sure (j/k being illustrative). A medic, who just happened to be Starship Trooping on by, got on the horn and got the kid to a clinic. He was water intoxicated, we later found out.

One of the great things they forget to show you on the recruitment brochure lol. He was eventually fine, and we were relegated to drinking until we could spit out saliva a few inches.

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Before you throw me at a wall, may I talk you into throwing cheap condiments instead?

You're forgetting wear and tear. When the Yaris is moving, the gas is not the only being used, but so are the tires. And the brake pads and rotors. You're putting mileage on the odometer, spinning those wheel bearings, blasting the A/C, and maybe loosening up that CV joint more and more every time you turn left. Was that an exhaust leak I'm starting to hear?

With the moving truck, you don't care about that stuff, as it's baked into the rental cost. Even when the cost of the trailer is factored in you've saved money from wear. You still win.

No-fail kitchen garbage bag replacement.

  1. Buy high quality (not Walmart) plastic kitchen bin. Note bag size printed on giant, impossible to remove sticker.

  2. Buy proper bag size from name brand. You can spend a bit of money up front, or spend your valuable time later cleaning up garbage juice. Your call.

  3. Remove bag from roll.

  4. Open bag and scare the crap out of the dog by inflating the bag with swift, loud, jarring noises.

  5. Place bag in bin. DO NOT ATTACH YET.

  6. Starting at one corner, seal the bag around the edge while simultaneously reaching into the clean bag and forcing air out from between the bin and bag.

  7. Work your way around until entire inside of bin looks like a reverse condom.

  8. Good to go.

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I have a Windows 7 install key memorized from my days working in IT for a university.

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Fine life. Unforgettable voice. Rest in peace sir.

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Coney-Barrett, Alito, Thomas, Cavanaugh: Hold our beers.

Cavanaugh: Actually I want mine back. I LIKE BEER!

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Chocolatey isn't really made for the DIYer setting up their computer for a one-off install - for that I always recommend Ninite. Chocolatey is useful for enterprises and advanced DIYers though.

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I'm delighted you get the reference!

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Go to https://(home_instance)/settings, click on Blocks tab, block all the things.

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Flipper Zero - I'm not being devious with it. Yet.

Kidding - I bought it since I am a ham and I can find a dozen uses for it in the field.

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The crass may say "don't hate the player, hate the game", but a more accurate way to get the point across is that one can indeed separate the content from the creator and should not be judged for it.

Jewish people can watch Disney movies and not have to consider that Walt Disney was a huge anti-semite and a terrible human being.

People use Linux and don't even care that Torvolds is no stranger to controversy himself.

It's OK to like a story and not like the person who wrote it.

Once you have the written report in hand get a quote from the best remodeling firm around. Have them check over the report and give you an estimate based on how much it will cost for everything.

Use that report and estimate as your bargaining position. Be prepared to walk away, as it already sounds like this lady isn't taking very good care of the place.

Did your computer lose its bios settings lately? Check to see if it's set to ahci and not raid if using a single, non-raid disk.

You can try some of the suggestions at https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/how-can-we-fix-this-no-irq-handler-for-vector-4175692269/, too.

Good luck

When I was stationed in Korea some mates and I accompanied a local we worked closely with to Lotte World in Seoul. Our group was mixed: two women, three guys for us Americans and our Korean friend brought along another coworker we weren't familiar with, but ended up becoming fast friends with.

Anyhoo, long story short, the ENTIRE SEOUL SCHOOL DISTRICT decided to show up that day and we were treated to the most friendly, enthusiastic kiddos we'd ever seen.

The kids would gaggle up, giggle, run over to us, say "Hi!" crisply and loudly, and run back to her friends, laughing the whole time.

I hardly remember the rides, but I will never forget seeing those young school kids just having the times of their lives.

There's a trick I learned for clearing a stuffy nose.

Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth. Then, place a finger on the bridge of your nose.

In very small motions, alternate between pushing up on the roof of your mouth, and then releasing that and pushing on the bridge of the nose. Use a gentle teeter-totter to rock the pallette. Repeat ten or so times and, within a few seconds, your nose will be open.

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Wow. A tornado needs to find its way there.

One caveat is that this was introduced in 0.19.0 so if the instance is running a version prior to that you may be missing some options.

This is the best part about Lemmy: if you disagree with the way an instance is run, you can setup your own and do what you want to do.

Personally I leave it up to people to block instances. The only instances I've had to block are the ones that post illegal content like CSAM.

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A Catholic Christmas Eve Vigil (not Midnight - different kind of Mass).

The scene was thus: A strange-to-me Catholic church off of something and Capital in Milwaukee, near where my mom, not a religious person but a nice person, took me and my sis when Christmas happened to fall on our regular visitation weekend one particular year.

The priest spoke on and on, as fathers and Father tend to do. The readings familiar, unre(M)arkable, (L)ukewarm, Psalm verse, same as the first.

The Homily was delivered in the patented priestly monotonic nasally drone, the incense and insensitivity flowing too freely. The easily-employed white, gray-haired, "middle class rich", Kohl's-suited, stoic husbands stood, sat, knelt, genuflected, stood, knelt, stood, sat, stood, knelt, genuflected, prayed, sang-chanted, with their wives, who were fully guilt-jeweled for common marital slights, whether real or imagined, or who benefited from rich parents who left their ill-gotten legacies to their ill-raised, now boomer kids who have become reluctantly over-sexed wives. The department store credit cards tucked safely in their expensive clutch purses, these women were fully-prepared to wage full-out Karen-esque, post-Christmas sale consumerist war in the following post-holiday sales season.

Retail workers never stood a chance.

In short: The church was overheated, like hell hot, probably good prep for some of these people, and my not-Catholic mother was next to me trying to morally fix or better herself, or maybe she was trying to impress my sister and I, or, more than likely on reflection, trying to placate my very-Catholic dad and stepmom, but mostly I had been standing for what seemed like FOREVER, and my knees alternately locked and unlocked, and my youth-fitting suit that was too small but too expensive to replace at Kohls just yet sweltered me under imagined and real guilt, and the incense, and the droning, and the HEAT...

I was about 4 seconds from passing out when some stranger approached me and said "Hey, you don't look OK. Let's go outside now before you faint." and I swear it's the best religious experience I've ever had: A human being a human and taking pity on a young kid dealing with physical and emotional distress. I went outside and cooled off in the Midwestern December air. Soon after, my mom and sis came outside and we left in the beater car that smelt like gas if the heater was fully turned on, so we had to leave the freash air selector on and the slider control at no more than 3/4 quarters, but that's OK because the A/C, which hadn't functioned in many presidential election cycles, was fully-replaced by the December air, the religious experiment over.

I'm not at all religious but I hope that guy knows just what he did for us that night. We were faking faith, just trying to be good people, and the droning, heat, guilt, and THAT FUCKING CHRISTMAS INCENSE just did us in.

Lesson learned.

It's designed to keep the prongs from collapsing or extending during manufacturing and shipping.

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The correct gear to be wearing to get alcohol for sure.

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Nowadays? Depends on a whole set of indeterminate variables.

But odds point to tazing. arrest, something on that end of the spectrum.

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Girl smiles at boy in kind way. Boy smiles back. Reeks of forbidden attraction.

Isn't that special??

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