
18 Post – 134 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Fairphone proves the usual excuses for ending Android support aren't valid.

That alone is worth a lot. Their endeavour for longevity is also great. I hope they get the attention they need.

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The way mobile providers charge. The likes of Vodafone, any random Telecom, T-Mobile and so forth. It's a huge scam, bordering theft sometimes. Want samples? Here we go:

"Your credit expires in x days. Better recharge now to not lose it!" (Banks should start doing this /s)

"Your credit has expired. Better give us more money within our generous deadline, or else we are forced to delete your number. We love you."

"Your data has expired. We now charge you a horrendous amount every minute, because we are too greedy to warn you in time. For technical reasons we also cannot stop you from using data after your allowance has been used. Fortunately you still have credit, huh?"

"Your data expires today. We don't insult your intelligence by telling you when. Surely you remember when you bought the package, right? It's not hard to count 24 hours. We also do not send any SMS anymore to save the environment."

"Your data has expired. You need data to buy a new bundle. Our app charges data for our convenience."

"Social media data only works for WhatsApp, but not for Signal. But who uses Signal anyways?"

"Use our customer friendly support chat. Conveniently it uses data. 'Hello, I am your smart bot speaking. How can I help you? I might understand you if you type one of the three questions I have been programmed to answer. Do you want to know more about our products?'"

Edit: added point 2, minor corrections for clarity

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For a public spokesperson, this is such a hostile and condescending response:

Asked if Reddit could confirm the reinstatement, Rathschmidt declined, saying, “I’m not going to set a precedent of confirming with The Verge every action we do or don’t take to ensure users can access their communities.”

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OpenStreetMap (OSM)

OpenStreetMap is a free, editable map of the world, created and maintained by millions of volunteers. It includes data about roads, buildings, shops, points of interest, and more.

Many of the benefits of Google Maps without all its spying and advertising.

Bonus in line with this: OsmAnd.

Edit: a more lightweight, but fully FOSS OSM client: Organic Maps. Blazing fast and under constant development.

Edit 2: Here is a Lemmy community dedicated to OsmAnd: !osmand@lemmy.ml

Looking at the world getting worse every single day and realising that so few people care that we're essentially doomed unless some miracle happens.

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I see Denuvo, I don't buy.


"Whaling in the Faroe Islands is conducted in accordance with international law and globally recognized principles of sustainable development," according to the island's government website. "It is sustainable and fully regulated, with a strong emphasis on animal welfare, and a requirement today for participants to be licensed to use the mandatory methods and equipment. Whale drives only take place in bays that are officially approved for the purpose, and only schools of whales found in close proximity to land, usually within one nautical mile, are driven ashore."

The fact that it has to be justified in this way shows that something isn't right. Just because something is legal doesn't make it right.

Also, what kind of nonsense is this: "with a strong emphasis on animal welfare". It's a species hunted and killed by the hundreds! What kind of welfare is seen there!?

Humans' way of justifying their dubious morals can be disgusting!

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Make others on here feel good where possible, respect all and have fun.

Leave the forced controversialism to the red alien.

Welcome. 🫱

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I do. I use several search engines, but depending on the topic, Bing returns accurate results, especially since they integrated Bing Chat (their AI).

And I'm not alone.

Google a) is littered with ads, sponsored and overly SEOified results and b) has too much dominance.

So I use Bing, Ecosia (which uses Bing) and a number of other search engines.

I would consider paying, but giving money to support Reddit? With its current attitude? It is a moral choice rather than a financial one.

"Improving" is not a word I would use in this case.

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And (at the moment, at least) we can edit the post title and body. So it is fixable. 👍

I agree that it's not great that telemetry is shared, but to say that you buy it "just" to share your data is an exaggeration. I am sure you do useful things with it.

That said, yes, it is bloated and I wish you could really turn off all telemetry. Am totally with you on that.

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I'd venture out there and say Vivaldi in functionality and customisation.

Privacy probably not, though Vivaldi does quite well.

Sadly it's a Chromium browser.

Edit: a simple comparison.

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Saved you a search.

Largely true, though the full answer is a bit more nuanced.


SCEE is described as StreetComplete for advanced users. Does anyone have experience with this?

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highly anticipated Windows 12

Microsoft wants to make the taskbar appear to float above the desktop by separating it from the desktop and rounding off the corners

Who gets excited about that!?

Plus, all the (always online, storing everything we say, type and look at) AI features should be looked at critically and not with high anticipation.

What exactly are you looking for? Its easier to look for something specific than search in the dark.

Still, here's a list to get you started. Awesome that you contribute!

I am quite confident that the platform will go up in quality quick. Here is why I am confident:

GitHub Lemmy Activity Pulse (LemmyNet / lemmy)

PeerTube needs more traction.

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A sad day. I enjoyed Infinity a lot.


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“A man chooses, a slave obeys.” — BioShock

From Andrew Ryan, the founder of Rapture, the underwater utopia gone wrong in BioShock. This is Ryan’s philosophy valuing individual freedom and rationality over collectivism and morality. I can never decide whether I agree with this or not. There's truth in it, but it can be misguided and extreme as well.

Social media platforms should be built to serve their communities, not just to produce profits for investors and executives. And however successful they may become, they should never turn their backs on the committed and enthusiastic developers that helped them at the start.

This is painful to read. Calling out the betrayal.

To answer your question.

Send Reddit this:

Sample Data Erasure Request (GDPR)

Here is the actual website of the European Union (GDPR) explaining this.

If you end up sueing them, please update us.

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Expressing genuine love for someone with words or even better: with a kind deed.

Simple. 😊

Someone has something to hide.

Better to overwrite it with a different message. Twice. That makes restoration more difficult.

Not sure if that's OT, but what stops such companies from packing with paper? All this plastic is just... 😦

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Solus didn't die. Source: Solus Blog

Thank you for your suggestion of Tumbleweed (I assume you are writing about). Checking that out as well.

Everything by Bart Bonte.

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They eat them. But there is no need to do so. It's a tradition.

Source: Britannica.

This source also highlights the hypocrisy of saying that there's a focus on animal welfare.

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Looks like you're on Mars.


Endless Sky found it's way onto my device recently.

Depends on the definition of smart. Even if I know the most, I might still be socially awkward and have to learn to be socially and emotionally apt.

Or vice versa.

To add to this great advice: lemmyverse.net. Fantastic way to find your favourite - or totally new - communities.

The lies are alwsys free, though.

Who wants this? 🤔🤷‍♂️

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Quoting Wikipedia:

Each PeerTube instance provides a website to browse and watch videos, and is by default independent from others in terms of appearance, features and rules.

Several instances, with common rules (e.g. allowing for similar content, requiring registration) can form federations, where they follow one's videos, even though each video is stored only by the instance that published it. Federations are independent from each other and asymmetrical: one instance can follow another to display their videos without them having to do the same. Instances' administrators can each choose to mirror individual videos or whole friend instances, creating an incentive to build communities of shared bandwidth.

Videos are made available via HTTP to download, but playback favors a peer-to-peer playback using HLS and WebTorrent. Users connected to the platform act as relay points that send pieces of video to other users, lessening the bandwidth of each to the server and thus allowing smaller hardware to operate at a lower cost.

Wikipedia Source

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