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Joined 1 years ago

You forgot traitor. It's the worst one in my book and shouldn't be left out.

I tried the 100 free searches from Kagi and compared the results to DDG. In almost every search the results were the same. Even the order. I think the real benefit to Kagi is the lack of ads and tracking, tha's all.

I think the real reason search sucks these days is the AI they put between you and what your looking for. It's no longer searching for what you typed, it's searching for what it thinks you want.

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I think the weapons are traveling through Russia. I also think it benefits Russia more than China considering the US is supplying Ukraine. I suspect that Putin strategized that splitting US involvement would weaken US support in Ukraine.

There was a recent story about weapons leaving North Korea via train bound for Russia.

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I'd really like it if we stopped blaming the corporation and start blaming the people that make the decisions there and the people that implement those decisions. From the CEO's to the programmers. Put their names everywhere, show the world who actually ruined it. Google was the best resource humanity had to access information. Now, more often than not, I can not find anything related to my search. The search algorithm they used 20 years ago was better than this new junk.

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As soon as the cop turned around and went for the second round while on the bull horn warning they were about to run people over I would have unloaded into the drivers windshield. That motherfucker was a real and present threat to the safety of bystanders. Fuck that motherfucking piece of inbred shit.

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Why SpaceX? I hate Musk and do not support any of his other... anythings. However, rocket go zoom then land without boom is fun to watch. I am genuinely curious why SpaceX is bad.

I completely agree about everything else you mentioned.

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Yet, somehow the rich get richer, even in "once in a lifetime" economics crashes.

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I have a close relative that was killed by the Philips CPAP Machine. The lawyers for the class action recently told us that almost a billion dollars were set aside by Philips to pay out claims. It's not enough. The people at the top need be put in prison for this. Fines and monetary compensation for the families is not enough. If they do end up in prison it would be some of the most wonderful schadenfreude if someone used the money they get from the lawsuit to hire other prisoners to torture the Philips CEO's every day they are in until they can take it no more and kill themselves.

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I wonder how long until facebook adds it to their surveillance stack.

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I'm willing to pay a monthly subscription to help keep uBO fully functional. If I pay a subscription to a service like youtube to remove ads then I am only ad free on youtube. Whereas uBO blocks ads on everything.

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In my experience, Jellyfin is better than Plex in every single way.

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For fucks sake.

I clearly said I do not like musk. I even went as far as saying I hate him but still that's the first place you went. What the fuck?

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Because we have a first-past-the-post voting system that all but guarantees only two parties are ever real contenders. We must to move toward ranked-choice voting if we ever want to have more options.

You are either too lazy or commenting in bad faith because what you are requesting is in the linked article. I left Texas because of people like you who only see what they want. Y'all blind.

You forgot the overdraft charge. That -2 is now -37.

It is properly called Freedom of Navigation and has nothing to do with one-upmanship. It is international law that pretty much everyone agrees to except China. We, as Americans, are in the best position to counter their territory grabs in the area by conducting Freedom of Navigation operations.\_of\_navigation

I have read about the interference with astronomy and am not for it. It didn't occur to me when I asked.

Thanks for answering my question.

This person only comments in bad faith. Check their history.

I think the probability of the cops catching you using a net launcher is too high.

I think a diy directional emp would be a better choice.!

For the more technically inclined, I would imagine something like a software defined radio with a powerful transmitter could take control of the drone and go park it in the Hudson.

I'm pretty sure all of these options are highly illegal. So this is just for informational purposes only. :)

I remember Scott Manley asked someone important on the dev team of ksp2 how they approached the 2 body problem. They guy gave a vague answer that they had solved it. If that were true they would have a Nobel Prize but they don't. So then and there I decided that KSP2 will not get my money. Which sucks because I have put a little over 2000 hours into KSP1.

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You don't risk the queen in the first move. An aircraft carrier will never port near an active war zone.

There are now two carrier strike groups in the Mediterranean. That is a big fucking deal. They are staging for a serious war. When we retaliated after 911 there was only 1 carrier strike group used.

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I bet they sold your info to cambridge analytica for a bit more than that.

I know it should be and I think it is.\_antitrust\_act


It ends when we eat our corporate overlords. I look forward to sprinkling Torgo's Executive Powder on my favorite dish.

I'm currently in Thailand and saw a couple of arrogant Chinese get ruthlessly beaten by street justice. They had been talking shit about everyone all night and then started being physical. It took seconds for there to be dozens of Thai people beating them worse than I have ever seen someone beaten. It was really bad. I'd be surprised if they lived. By the time the police came both Chinese were completely unconscious on the ground with blood everywhere. Nobody was taken into custody other than the Chinese guys.

When talking with people after it happened they mostly agreed that Chinese people have been the problem causers more than other tourists. There seems to have been a major shift in Chinese culture over the past few years and most of them seem to have a massive superiority complex.

I used to think it was the CCP that made China a bad place but it seems it's the people as well.

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When changing a motorcycle tire it helps to do a nice burnout before starting. It heats up the tire making it easier to pry off with tire irons.

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Could he though? I don't think he is that smart. He has smart people running his other companies, but he is running the show at twitter. I think this is us seeing him fail when left on his own.

I don't know. All I know is having two carrier strike groups in the same place at the same time is a big deal. They also have an carrier strike group near north korea. Something big is happening and we are not privy to the details.

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America's Uncle Tom.

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Yeah, he says n-body problem in the video I linked above. I have no idea why I am saying 2 body problem.

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I think he knows it is a money pit that will never be profitable so is intentionally trying to kill it. It will never make him money only cost him money. He can't just shut it down without seriously damaging what credibility he has left. Seriously, what are his options to stop this 'money leak?'

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I did not say NASA was better than SpaceX, or the other way around. You are putting words in my mouth. Don't do that.

Here is a link to a comment that discusses exactly what you are saying, and it was posted before your comment. So maybe read first then comment.

Damn good point.

Team blue is calling out Melendez for corruption. So maybe the infallible thing is false?

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I hope they are not used against anyone.

He used the Philips CPAP machines, developed lung cancer, and passed. He was otherwise healthy. He was never a smoker and worked in a grocery store. There were no other factors causing the cancer.

The doctor that diagnosed the cancer said it was most probably due to the Philips CPAP machine and recommended that we contact the attorneys handling the case. We contacted the attorneys for the class action and answered a few of their questions and provided documentation. We are now part of the class action.

It has been proven that the machines caused harm. The only thing in question is how long they knew and how much they will pay.

There is a video from CGP Grey titled Humans Need Not Apply that is extremely relevant. It was posted 9 years ago. It's a great video, I highly recommend everyone check it out.

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Thank you for being the first comment that is not simply "musk bad." I'm not being sarcastic. I seriously appreciate you answering my question.

You make a good point about private companies in space and I agree with it completely.

Are you sure the down votes are not because of what you said instead of who you said it about?

When it comes to "Vote blue no matter who" it is because team red has no plan other than get their guy in office. That guy fomented an insurrection, we all saw it happen live. That guy has already promised retribution if elected. There are groups readying plans to fire "non-loyal" federal workers the day that guy takes office and replace them with sycophants. That is literally an existential crisis for our country.

In addition, team red has tried to stop aid to Ukraine, repeatedly. Nobody outside of team red thinks it should be cut. Doing so would only benefit Russia.

Team red believes so much misinformation that they do not know how far out of touch with reality they are.

There are legitimate reasons to discuss politics when they have us so close to a precipice. I think we should be fighting about politics and wealth hoarders at the same time!

I don't think that was the way he portrayed it. He made it seem like they really solved the 2 body problem. Scott Manley even made a comment about how grand that was. I really wish I could find the video to better show what I mean.

edit: here is one of him recalling it.