Google has sent internet into ‘spiral of decline’, claims DeepMind co-founder to – 1035 points –
Google has sent internet into ‘spiral of decline’, claims DeepMind co-founder

Google has plunged the internet into a “spiral of decline”, the co-founder of the company’s artificial intelligence (AI) lab has claimed.

Mustafa Suleyman, the British entrepreneur who co-founded DeepMind, said: “The business model that Google had broke the internet.”

He said search results had become plagued with “clickbait” to keep people “addicted and absorbed on the page as long as possible”.

Information online is “buried at the bottom of a lot of verbiage and guff”, Mr Suleyman argued, so websites can “sell more adverts”, fuelled by Google’s technology.


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I'd really like it if we stopped blaming the corporation and start blaming the people that make the decisions there and the people that implement those decisions. From the CEO's to the programmers. Put their names everywhere, show the world who actually ruined it. Google was the best resource humanity had to access information. Now, more often than not, I can not find anything related to my search. The search algorithm they used 20 years ago was better than this new junk.

I'd also argue there's a lot more shit and garbage on the internet that google needs to sift through. Tons of duplicate pages, ad infested websites and whatnot.

SEO optimised webpages are often also ad infested, clickbait webpages.

But yes. I'm using duckduckgo because it actually gives me better search results than google most of the time. So the non-personalized results are better than their personalized results.

Chatgpt has also given me better results when searching for tooling. Looking for wiki alternatives is just page after page of fucking confluence. At least chatgpt manages to list different wiki tools (including confluence ) but I don't have to go through the first 90 google pages.

I need a "distinct" checkbox in my search engine. And a plugin that rates pages based on ad presence and how clickbaity the article looks. Maybe that's a good idea for a new fucking search engine all together.



Why not just shoot them at the spot?

There is nothing better than lazy internet mob attacking individuals for shit they don't like, while don't knowing the whole picture.

(For anyone who thinks this is above is a good idea, please think about the guy who created Minecraft, made a huge success and then got depressed by just reading comments from all the kids who didn't like something about the game)

The amount of potential targets is NOT a limiting factor for the hate mob. There will not be more hate mobs as a result of more transparency.

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