
43 Post – 92 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

In addition:

A thread from a former LMG-employee about abuse and insane working conditions:


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Please note that the official title of the article is:

Yevgeny Prigozhin: Wagner chief presumed dead after Russia plane crash.

Decided not to delete this post due to the many comments and discussions.

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See the Lemmy blog:

At the same time, we are seeing lots of requests to implement major new features, such as migration between instances, or combining similar communities. As described above, we are completely overloaded with work, and definitely won’t have time to implement these in the near future. If there is a feature you want to see implemented, you will likely need to work on it yourself, or find someone who can.


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Did not expect to see this when I woke up today

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The speed at which all apps are updated is insane! Not only wefwef.app but also Memmy. The community really wants this project to succeed.

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Mod from !support@lemmy.world here.

We're currently trying to get in contact with them to maybe help and sort out the spam issue. (Link)

Saw the post here and thought I'll drop my 2 cents.

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Don’t tell our plans…

Managed to do a screwdriver plug, Floatplane plug and mention dBrand.

My god...

EDIT: and lttstore.com smh

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Lemmy feels as a aplha/beta product that we ar all testing right now. Nothing wrong with that, in fact, I like Lemmy more then Reddit. But you cannot expect everyone to love it right now.

For Reddit its clear: you sign up, you search for a community and you subscribe.

Here, you sign up (if you don't get the spinning wheel). You search for a community. Oh, it is on another instance. What is a instance? Then you browse and see different Lemmy websites. You get confused, you heard something about Fediverse but what is it?

Also, there is no karma what important is for many users. Mod tools are extremly limited and all the apps you can use on mobile are in alpha/beta/in development.

There should be a easy to understand welcome page upon sign-up and I think this needs to be prioritized if we want to welcome (more) mainstream users. The post that explains how Lemmy works on c/lemmyworld doesn't cut it.

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Lemmy Silver

That's a chungus silver not gonna lie

To show some support!

I mean, we're already browsing ad free on here and many developers are making their apps in their free time. I get that this are expensive times, but if no-one would subscribe to such apps. There would be much less developers.

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It is literally the government's website. How official do you want it?

Overheid = government Social.overheid.nl = social.government.nl

See also: https://www.overheid.nl/english

Great explanation! And thanks for the many many hours you guys put in.


I just wonder how they react at the office at EA or Activision when Battlebit got populair.

Its just funny and sad to see that these huge companies just don't learn.

For example, I play Call of Duty since MW2. What they do to Warzone is a great example of how to destroy a player base and its community. I mean, after Verdansk (I know there is some nostagia with that map) there was no map like it. The unlocking system for weapons is a grindfest for someone with a actual job and the abilities with lasers (!?) are just so stupid.

Comes all down to money I guess...

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We spoke about it with Ruud on Discord actually. He's fine with it. Most people understand that nothing comes for free.

Actually, it is even a nice gesture from the developer. The ones who cannot afford it can still use the app, without paying for it.

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Posted via Lemmy.

Good point!


EU on a roll last view years. Wonder if there are going to be European models with replacable batteries and American without. You already see that kind of behaviour with Apple: end of this year you can side load apps in the EU but in America they are stuck with the app store (according to the rumors).

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Pinned the post as long as the Summer Sale lasts. Handy overview for everyone to discuss it.

As I heard, they are gonna be nerfed during autumn, in patch 09-23.

Apparently hotfixes are only available for submarines.

Just do it and don't care about the numbers. Having fun is the most important part of the process. Seems like a great hobby!

Great news!

"One vote per IP-address" - So they already tackled the problem that people can vote more then once.

Straight-up asshole design.

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Pictures are allowed as long as it starts a useful discussion. This is because a picture can be helpful in supporting the question or statement.

And beyond that. For moderators on Lemmy, there's pretty little that can be done. We can delete comments and posts, ban someone and lock a post to the community page. That is all there is to it.

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As of this moment, there is no credible news source that confirms with 100% certainty that he's dead. It's likely, but not confirmed.

When making claims like this, always provide your source.

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I get easily spooked


Super! We will remember this one!

You got me at the first half, not gonna lie.

As stated in the post. Memes posted before the new rules will remain.

Cities Skylines II :)

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Excatly. It is so dumb. I mean, just sync with Apple Health and import it.

Besides that, the app itself is not that fun to use. Was laying in bed after the first night of sleep and got a tutorial of around 15 minutes...

I'm not going to delete this comment as some requested, but everyone should know that G2A is not a legit website. See the top comments, gives a great explanation.

Same here. Hopefully I have some time this weekend. Otherwise Soon™

If you consider, consider also to buy the one with the lowest storage. It is not that hard to upgrade it yourself. You end up with even more storage than the most expensive model (if you're planning to buy that one). You only miss the anti-glare etched glass and a custom profile background. But you can buy a anti-glare screenprotector if needed.