[MEGATHREAD] Gamescom 2023

Quinten@lemmy.worldmod to Games@lemmy.world – 146 points –

It's that time of the year again. From 23 aug 2023 – 27 aug 2023 there will be a lot of extra game-news. Dicsuss the event in this megathread!

Gamescom is the world's largest gaming event (measured by exhibition space and number of visitors), with 370,000 visitors and 1037 exhibitors from 56 countries attending the show in 2018. (From Wikipedia)


Crimson Desert looks hella good out of nowhere (for me at least)

Killing floor 3 was a nice to see and know is happening

Assassin's creed mirage still has no official gameplay....

Looks like it borrows heavily from some of the best of the open world action/arpg genre - The Witcher, RDR2, Assassin's Creed, Elden Ring, and BOTW, even a touch of Shadow of the Colossus in there. If it's as polished as any of its inspirations, it'll be a banger.

I apparently wasn’t ever paying attention bc I had never heard of gamescom before now, and now it’s been a flood of trailers coming out from there. Is gamescom the successor to E3? That was traditionally where I remember new releases coming out way back when before it dissolved/died/whatever.

Gamescom has been around for about 15 years, but it does seem like it's grown in profile since E3 ended.

At least in Europe, Gamescom is by far the most well known gaming con and has been for years.

I believe with E3 shutting down, it should now also be the biggest and most impactful worldwide

Geoff Keighly has been trying to replace E3 with his Summer Games Fest. That's where a lot of announcements come out. Iirc, Keighly said that this Gamescom wouldn't be reveals for new games, but updates on ones we know are coming.

I'd say neither are really replacements for E3, since E3 had showcases from PS/Xbox/Nintendo. Nowadays all the major publishers and console makers have their own reveals.

For players of Black Desert, how much does Crimson Desert seem to be inheriting from it? I've seen some calling the trailer bullshit but I've heard that BD is also quite mechanically broad.

Thank goodness you’re here with the best trailer by far