The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion - 27-07-2023

Quinten@lemmy.worldmod to – 132 points –

Have you been spending hours trying to pass a level? Or maybe you are completely addicted to a newly bought game. Do you have a question about a game or would like to share something else? In the Weekly Discussion Thread, you can do it all!

Please don’t forget to use the spoiler tag as soon as you start talking about a storyline.


Playing outer wilds for the first time. I’m kinda stuck but I don’t want to look up a guide in case I see spoilers!

I dunno if the community's migrated or is still over on reddit, but /r/outerwilds was always good for gentle hints, for those who want them.

I don't know if I've seen anyone yet who QUITE got all the puzzles in their own. Some of them are a RIGHT bitch, so don't feel too bad if you need to get a little bit of help.

I used a walkthrough right at the very end. The final bit is time sensitive so I was mostly just confirming that I knew what to do and didn't have to repeat it.

This was my experience too. I knew what I had to do, but I wasn't sure if what I was doing was correct cos I couldn't get out of that one place for a little bit. You know... That place

I dunno if the community’s migrated or is still over on reddit, but /r/outerwilds was always good for gentle hints, for those who want them.

Looks like there's a small one at ! - not much content yet, but so it is while the instance has its initial growth.

Man I want to get into that game so much, but I just can't handle the controls. I understand them, and I appreciate that they actually have that type of system in the game... But I'm fighting the ship far more than I'm playing the game.

It plays a lot better with a gamepad. I bounced off it the first time I tried and then the second time I played it on my Steam Deck and got so sucked in that I finished it in a couple of days

I haven't played a PC game without a gamepad in like ten years, that's not my problem. I'm just getting old and my coordination/reaction isn't the best anymore lol

Try doing something else for a while, go see other planets, other leads you've been following. A lot of places I thought I was stuck in I later realized it was a part of a different puzzle elsewhere in the game.

Where are you stuck?

Last piece of advice, don't give up on the game. It's one of those games where you'll be glad you finished it.

Me too! I've already had to search for some very specific things so far. I've been trying to avoid a guide, but I'm not sure how much longer I can put it off. It's just very boring to have to head back to places if I get something time sensitive wrong. I'll probably stick with it, but it hasn't been keeping my interest as well as I hoped. It just feels like I'm repeating myself a lot and that's really boring.

I just got Tears of the Kingdom. I was able to go in completely blind (other than knowing what the main powers are) and hooooly shit it's amazing.

If Breath of the Wild was inspired by Zelda 1, this game is the Link to the Past version.

I miss Stasis and the remote bombs though. I wish they also kept my house. I just got my horses back.

It's a great game but a terrible sequel. Granted, I'm only up to the 3rd "dungeon" now but I dont see it coming up with a plot to tie it better with BOTW.

It's a new gold standard of sequels, how in the world could you say it's terrible? It improves on almost every single thing from the original. I don't know what you mean by plot to tie it better with BotW. Its clearly a continuation of every character and location from the first game. I feel bad for anyone that plays this before BotW, they probably have no idea who any one or thing is.

Recall is the evolution of stasis. Bombs should never have been unlimited anyways. Besides, there's multiple different ways to get the same effect as bombs now by using different items and fusing things together, and using arrows.

The house was a little jarring. But I smiled because it's Zeldas house now and that's kinda cute. The horses surprised me, I had no idea they were going to do that. One problem with them though is they take the data from your regular save, and my main save was the master quest so i didn't get the cool horses back But that's whatever in the end.

Stasis had the momentum thing going on and you could do some wacky stuff with it. And remote bombs had fun interactions too because you could place yourself and then detonate it.

There's barely anything from BOTW that carried over plotwise. It feels like nods to BOTW but it doesnt feel sequelly to me. Did I lose my champion powers from the gloom from Ganon? (Revali's gale please come back) Why is the purah pad a downgrade from the sheikah slate? Did the guardians become the towers? The whole 100 year war seems like an afterthought and it mostly feels like just a new game. And where the hell is my stuff? I wish they just kept my armor in a chest in the house or something.

Gold standard of sequels is a stretch imo. Gameplay, a bit. Plot, definitely not. It's not Arkham City or God of War on plot and carryovers and it aint no Diablo 2 in gameplay improvement.

Sequels don't need to retain the same abilities as the previous games to be a sequel. I'm not sure you've talked to any NPCs at all if you don't think there's no continuity. No gameplay improvements? Are we even talking about the same game?

But hey if the game isn't for you that's fine. There's no need to make things up though lol it's just a game.

When did I say that I didnt like the game? It feels as if youre offended by this opinion and just assuming stuff that isnt even on my comment. Im playing the game right now and im loving it, its just not sequelly enough for me.

It was so hard to dodge spoilers! I also went in mostly blind, and it's been pure joy. But also... feeling a bit overwhelmed! There's SO MUCH to explore and do, and I have serious anxiety that I'm going to miss things or forget to go back somewhere.

Yeah I feel that. I just assume I'm going to miss stuff and go with it.

I am constantly amazed how much there is to explore. The world is so freaking huge with so many layers. I've been in little areas thinking "I'll just check this out for a second" and an hour later I'm still seeing what's around the corner in that area.

This game is amazing, I've playing for a few months and it's the type of game that every session you find out something cool to explore.

I'm 60 hours deep into Balders Gate 3 so I've been trying to chill out and not play until full release next week. Ive been having a lot of fun with Dave the Diver in the meantime.

I took a break from BG because I didn't want to get burned out on the starting area. Really looking forward to the release.

I play a weekly dnd session. I've been playing for almost 7 years. I thought I'd check out baldurs gate. I got absolutely bodied in the first encounter.

I learned 2 things; my DM is very kind and wants us all to have fun, baldurs gate is not kind and is coldly indifferent to my concept of fun.

I'm exaggerating a bit, but it was tougher than I thought. Saving helps a lot. I'm sure I wouldn't have gotten wrecked right away if I planned better.

Yea some of the encounters are quite difficult in the early stages. Once you get a full party and some levels/items it gets smoother

Do you mean the original Baldurs Gate or Baldurs Gate 3, the upcoming one?

I’m sure it’s the upcoming, it’s been in EA for almost a year so plenty of people like myself have been playing it for some time

Couldn't be too sure, older games tend to be a bit more brutal and I think the original uses a bit of less forgiving ruleset.

And I've played the Early Access as well, just last week. The combat didn't seem to hard, though I may have just been better planned and more aware of how much more combat-focused CRPGs tend to be over TTRPG.

I think the biggest difference is that my brother is our DM and he'll pull his punches if he can tell we're getting really bad luck or frustrated.

Baldurs Gate doesn't do that, and really shouldn't. It's supposed to be challenging. Ngl, having to control your entire party in combat is kinda difficult for me. I guess I'm too used to only having control of just my PC that it's intimidating playing the other classes, especially the ones I don't have much experience with. I also don't have other player's turns to plan my next turn.

Growing pains, I'm looking forward to the full release.

I'm still on Death Stranding like last week. I can't get enough of this game, though I wish the Director's Cut version was available on Game Pass

Just finished my second play through a couple weeks ago, what an incredibly unique game. The balance system almost felt like a rhythm game to me, really makes me hope it inspires other similar games. This was my first time on directors cut, I was pleasantly surprised with the amount of bonus content. Definitely worth playing if it ever goes on a big sale or gamepass.

I just finished Directors Cut and currently trying to 100% it. Just can't get enough of it! What's the difference between DC and the original release? Could you please tell me if the spoiler tag is working on your end if you don't mind?

::: spoiler spoiler Spoiler tag test :::

Unfortunately it doesn't look like spoiler tags are working for me (I'm on voyager, formerly wefwef.) So I'll just spam spoiler and hope people see it lol.


:::Tons of equipment/vehicles were added in the DC that were super helpful earlier in the game. The transporter trike jumps out at me as being a game changer. Also they added that loop of road that goes through the mountains in the second map which was very helpful:::

OK spoiler tag definitely doesn't work haha. I'm using liftoff which comes with built-in tools for spoilers but it didn't work too.

Transporter Trike is hands down my favourite vehicle in the game! It's a shame that I had to stop using it once I got to the mountains. It's just impossible to get S rank for premium LL time sensitive deliveries with them. Plus ziplines are immune to BTs.

To be honest I'd very much prefer riding the bike than zipping around. The latter was cool at the beginning but became too much of a chore later on and really breaks immersion for me. Would be nice if they could add some sort of snow bikes. Maybe we'll see that in DS2.

Hi all, I'm Nailbar, and I am now a Subnautica addict.

Just finished that! It was fun, but also really stressful, especially earlier on. The map was also super confusing at times.

I've tried 10-15 times to finish it on hardcore mode. The most recent time, ::: I was killed by a warper bringing up my last load from the lost river trying to finish the rocket ::: and I literally can't any more.

I'm playing it wrong and have not been trying to get home at all. Just happily building things.

Welcome to the family Nailbar. I played it for the first time 3/4 months ago and spent a ton of time just idly exploring while terrified of leviathans

I am hopelessly addicted to Battlebit Remastered

I've been playing Divinity Original Sin 2, in anticipation of Baldur's Gate 3. I got to the start of Act 2 about four years ago, and just never came back to the game. I always meant to pick it back up, so I started a fresh character and am nearly back to that point now.

I got a little ways into act two last summer and just kinda stopped. It’s supposed to be the biggest act and it’s frankly intimidating.

I've only completed Act I and can't believe Act II will be even bigger, there's already so much to do in Act I. Are there only two acts in total? After DOS2 I plan on playing through Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous and then maybe Pillars of Eternity 2

There are four acts in total, although the last two are more rushed than the first two. Act two is way bigger than one and I would recommend looking at a level map if you feel stuck somewhere, since fights with higher leveled enemies are mostly just impossible.

I just cannot stand the environmental damage in that game. Oh, the water is corrupted, fuck me I guess.

One thing I've found helpful is to make sure everyone has at least one mobility spell, so they won't be stuck trying to trudge through a lake of fire. Positioning is super important. Also, teleport and netherswap are incredibly useful.

Yeah, this is true! The constant exploding puddles and stuff is interesting to look at, but does feel a bit chaotic and out of your control at times.

Honestly, it's just making me more excited about Baldur's Gate, since although I haven't played the early access I know it's a different combat system. That and the armour system of Divinity 2 really throws me off, gameplay wise, so it'll be great to hopefully have all the RP stuff but with a less irritating combat system.

TF2 has recently released an update that allows server owners to have up to 100 players connected at once. Not officially supported, but up to 64 players seems to be stable enough (even more so if you run a server plugin to remove player cosmetics). So that's been taking my attention recently. 64 player SZF was gloriously chaotic.

I've been getting into the Green Lantern superhero, so I bought the 3DS and X360 games. 360 game is still on it's way, but personally I can confirm that the 3DS game is typical of what you'd expect from a licensed game. Really low frame rate (10s to 20s) the second anything is on screen alongside Green Lantern, which makes me wonder how the DS version of the game ran if at all. It does have some neat things going for it, the combat it is alright despite the low fps, but really It's just a time waster for by breaks at work. I also impulse bought the Heroclix Sinestro Corps War Sinario Pack, and maybe I'll get a friend to indulge me with a game or two.

I tried out the TF2 update, but the map with the seal seems to operate on a game mode that doesn’t reward being a partial contributor. If you only get a few kills each match, your objective score is zero, because you’re not the sole survivor of big brawls able to cart off all the kill score to the device that lets you cash them in (device in this case being a cute seal)

Man, I've been wanting to try out one of those TF2 megaservers but couldn't find an open one. How long until we get that coveted battle royale custom gamemode?

Cult of the Lamb. I beat it back in November but picked it up again after the developers added a lot. I've been enjoying my replay. The new additions and changes fixed some of the things that annoyed me on my first playthrough.

Remnant 2, I usually don't play games on release but I had to make an exception for this one, it's so good.

I finally finished Final Fantasy VI yesterday (a ROM-hack of the SNES original).

Being a long game, and having already played for 15 hours before losing my progress and starting again, it was a very full-on experience.

What rom hack did you play? I've been meaning to do another playthrough and I'm not impressed enough with pixel remaster to buy that.

It was the ROSE “Revised Old Style Edition”. Basically the original game with revised translation and current naming conventions.

Think I initially patched the wrong version of the ROM, and then had some further issues because of that, but got there in the end!

Hades it turns is quite beatable with a bow even if your reflexes are not great. And Control for whne i need more chill.

And for some reason I cannot kick my decade long Nhl habit.

Hades is literally my favorite game of all time. I used to pass on rougelikes and other "hard" games, but decided to try it out after hearing about how it was pretty good.

I got it on my switch and got hooked. I loved it so much. It got me into challenging games. I'm even dabbling in soulslikes now.

I bought it on my PC when I upgraded. I wanted to support the devs, so I bought it for my brother and two other friends. I even bought it for a stranger I met a party because it was on sale.

Still playing Persona 5 Royal. Man I love Persona games.

I picked up Scorn last week to try out on my Steam Deck and it’s been an awesome journey through a Giger-esque universe.

Also, I don’t care what people think, I’ve been farting around in Diablo 4.

A play though of Baldur's Gate 1 while I wait for the 3rd one to release.

I recently set up a private Valheim server for me and a friend. So far it's great fun. We just made it to the mountains tier. It's a bit grindy, but a very fun and relaxed grind.

I'm trying to play the lastest Duviri Paradox in Warframe, but man this is such a boring slog. Imagine if you took the most horrible clunky combat from the Soulsborne games and combined it with the most infuriatingly random roguelike RNG, and then you added the most insane grind to it in order to make your character not instantly die from the weakest of enemies.

Needless to say, I do love Warframe, but by the gods I thoroughly hate the Duviri Paradox with a passion I usually just reserve for Soulsborne games.

Why do you play it if you don't like it?

I wanted to give it a fair shake in case there was something obvious I was missing, but no, having gotten into the gameplay loop I can confirm that this is just awful. I'm basically going to unlock a mount for open world and then pretend that area doesn't exist as the rest of Warframe is still pretty good.

That's funny, Warframe definitely has a grind to it, but I remember the combat being a joy with excellent flow. (I haven't played in like 8 years so take that with a grain of salt)

This is bad even by Warframe standards. Basically you can't choose a loadout as it's all RNG (you get like five choices) and you play mostly as your operator, except the combat is super clunky because they're trying to rip off Dark Souls. The rest of Warframe outside of this horrid content island is still damn good though, so there's that.

X4: Foundations. Just started a new playthrough with the Kingdom End DLC.

Its the closest to Eve online, except being offline, singleplayer, pausable and moddable. It supports many playstyles and can also be played semi afk, which i like. At times it can be incredibly frustrating because the UI is complex and the AI of your fleet members can be very stupid.

Still i enjoy just doing my thing, playing for a bit, save and continue later. Not a lot of games support this. Others that do for me are Factorio/DSP and Drox Operative 2

I’m having fun with Jedi Fallen Order on my Steamdeck. One thing that caught me off guard is how imho good the facial animations are…but maybe I don’t play that much aaa anymore so that may be standard nowdays.

Red Dead Redemption 2. I remember picking it up when it was new but I didn't have the time to really get into it, plus the first chapter is very slow, so I didn't give it a proper chance and put it away. I'm very glad I gave it another shot though, because it's such a good game. I'm almost finished the second camper now I think.

I picked it up on Xbox back when it was released, because I liked the first one a lot. It was one of the biggest gaming regrets I've ever made. It is so goddamn tedious.

Like, I get why it's that way. It's the reason it's popular. It's all about the attention to detail and a semblance of realism, but holy shit do I hate it.

I got my first perfect bear skin and was pretty jazzed about it. On my way back to camp I got attacked by a mountain lion, sending me, my horse, and the skin down a hill. I only found my horse.

Maybe I did something wrong, but I've never been more upset at a videogame in my life.

This game is just so massive and definitely has a flow of its own. At some point, I just had to push through the main campaign, otherwise I woul've never seen the end of it. Maybe one day I'll come back to dig the side activities.

I'm playing Subnautica: Below Zero and I'm enjoying it very much. Even compared to the first one. It even runs better on my modest rig and I don't mind the new additions as much as some people seemingly did. Playing those games without checking infos/wikis on the net is what make them specials imo (just like Outer Wilds). It's all about the sense of wonder and figuring out stuff by yourself.

How does the exploration feel? I loved the original Subnautica but reviews of Below Zero turned me off.

If subnautica is like 10% above ground and 90% underwater exploration, then Below zero is closer to 50/50 split. Personally I was hoping for more underwater exploration and felt pretty disappointed by below zero because there wasn't enough of what IMO made the original great.

To add: I thought Below Zero felt more "designed" than the original. The biomes feel less natural, the progression is a bit more obvious, the story guides you along quite a bit more. Even just the vehicle progression makes it a little less satisfying to explore around—finding a route to get the cyclops through small cave systems was just amazing.

I ended up treating it more like a game and less like a survival sandbox, if that makes sense. I was given goals rather than finding them.

I still halfway through, but I feel like the map is more compact, which I personnaly don't mind. I understand why people would consider it a (fully fleshed) expansion though. Just like the first, I still have those "holy shit" moments when discovering a new biome or something of importance. It also took me a long time to get going in the first time, and I appreciate the fact to be far more efficient right from the start. The above water areas are not that bad imo. Oh, and the sound design is still amazing.

Stardew valley and mini motorways. Recently finished hue which is a nice little puzzle game. Still need to finish just cause 3

I've been slowly playing through Vampire Survivors again with each hero only using their starting weapon. I did the lightning ring dude on the first map the last time. Only barely made it to 30 minutes with that one.

Jagged Alliance 3. I loved JA2 1.13 to death, and while JA3 kinda pales in comparison so far, I do love the fresh content. Hope modding will take off for it.

Recently I started playing Darkest Dungeon again. Such a great game but sometimes it will break your heart.

It's such a depressing game. I can only ever play it in small doses

Sometimes everything is going great and then it all falls apart. I recently took on Vvulf for the first time and had a TPK with all of my highest level characters losing all of my legendary items. At that point I just rage quit and decided to start a new game on radiant because apparently I can't handle darkest mode.

Darkest Dungeon really hits it out of the park with its atmosphere and themes. I probably would have ragequit a few times if it weren't for the near perfect presentation.

I have been playing wolfensteim 3d but moded in its brutal form, "Brutal wolfenstein by Ziomcall" or something like that. Its real nice. Ads weapons like a flamethrower and some moves like kicking, modifies levels so that areas are not 100% claustrophobic dungeon tunnels, updated soundtrack and of course: gore, lots of it. Real nice, recomend if you are nostalgic or have a potato laptop and whant a decent ww2 boomer shooter (i.e. me). Its kinda hard in the hurt me plenty dificulty which is like normal but not really. Im in chapter 4 right now. Shit gets crazy on the gameplay department. Only works whit gzdoom and if you have trouble running it then turn of all lighting in the options. Other than that, works like a charm.

Hunt: Showdown. 1500hrs in. Can’t stop, won’t stop. Oh and also some THPS2 on my Anbernic RG35XX, love that little handheld.

I'm playing

  • Pikmin 3 Deluxe - Finished the story and started the side missions. It's been super fun. Such a huge leap over 1 and 2. I played 2 immediately before 3DX, and I didn't care for it. The dungeon structure didn't do it for me, but 3DX has been wonderful, albeit very easy.

  • Final Fantasy XVI - I've been very slowly trucking along through this. I took a break after I had a family tragedy recently and wanted to focus on happy games while that was happening, but I'm getting back into this and hoping to finish soon. Really liking it. It's fun, the story is good, the characters are interesting. It's just a solid game. Wouldn't want every FF game to be this going forward, but I'm not upset XVI is what it is.

  • Destiny 2 - Just leveling the season's battle pass mostly. I don't play D2 hardcore these days. Just to the story and hop off. The story for the season has been over, so I just hop on for a little bit each weekz turn off my brain, and level a few times while listening to a podcast. It's my comfort food game, though I think I'm the most disinterested I've even been in this game.

Jagged Alliance 3 - very good sequel to JA2, more of the same with enough tweaks to make it fun and the campaign has thrown enough curve balls to keep me interested. Like the original it doesn’t hold your hand, which is good. Strongly recommend if you liked the original

Remnant 2 pretty good so far. Also really... don't start your run on nightmare difficulty. Not so fun.

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun.

I was on E2M6 before work got extremely hectic and I put it on pause for a while. Now that I’m finally getting back to it, I love it so much. It combines two things I love: boomer shooters and Warhammer. To extend my playthrough, I'm playing it how I play classic Doom: Boltgun start only, no saves (death means I start the whole level over), and Exterminatus difficulty. It's gotten challenging but I love the mastery that comes from playing a map from the beginning again.

Any boomer shooter fan is doing themselves a disservice if they don't check it out.

Lots and lots of TOTK combined with OSRS!

I just started with Cassette Beasts, as it was finally on sale on Switch and I cannot get myself to play a Pokemon game on anything but a portable console. Just feels wrong.

It is... the strictly better Pokemon game, as people told me it'd be. I keep looking for issues compared to the classic games, but no, they did it all slightly~notably better. And wow is the soundtrack fantastic. And wow is the theming incredibly well done, with the walkman as the battle menu as the cherry on top.

Highly recommended. I cannot say much about the story so far, but what I've seen is indeed interesting.

Have you tried any of the other Pokémon clones? I'd be interested to hear how you think it stacks up to some of the others. I tried a few, and none really captured what I wanted. I thought Cassette Beasts looked pretty cool style-wise so it was somewhat on my radar.

Trackmania! I'm trying to get better and I've been playing for the past few months, I have mostly silvers on the summer campaign now!


Totally random purchase with a friend and we have loved it and have been hard lining it.

Pretty much at the end now post story but now we’re just finishing off the ship. It’s been so nice I’m kinda sad it’s almost over.

We did originally mean to play Conan Exiles one night but just randomly grabbed raft, it’s really really good.

Loved raft. My group of friends played.

Just wish it was longer. Feels like it's really just going, and automation starting, and it's over.

Still put like 50+ hours into it

My mom got me Bloodborne for my birthday and I'm loving it. I'm not that far in, but it's great.

I was into Dark Souls so much that I got a PS4 just for Bloodborne. Love the game, but that is probably the last non-VR console I'll ever buy. I got so little use out of it compared to my PC.

I'm addicting to Skyrim modding not the game but modding the game, I have 2tb of mods in my HDD waiting to be install

I enjoy using Skyrim mods, but it frustrates me when I have to reinstall all of them for some reason or another; otherwise, my saved game won't work. Currently, I'm using only one mod: Unread Books Glow

I can't play without it.

Every time I get back into Skyrim I spend a dozen hours over a few days just fucking with mods, then I’m burnt out and don’t play the game lol.

I've been running through Into the Radius. It's in the easily top 3 VR games for me, it's does a incredible job at immersing you into the world which is basically like Stalker. Coming back from harder missions I've felt mentally exhausted just from how stressful it can get. But that stress is so addictive.

My partner got me Far Cry 6 for my birthday, I've really been enjoying it

I remember getting all the equipment that boosts your speed, going to a plantation at night, and just sprinting between slavers butchering them before they even where alerted to me.

I think gameplay wise, Far Cry peaked at 3 or 4. I'd say 5 and 6 weren't as good in those regard, but oh boy is it waaay more fun to kill in them.

3 and 4 felt kinda weird, because you were andoutsider (3 much more than 4) that solves all the problems. It felt very white savoir.

Whereas in 5 and 6 it's all "aww, yeah, let's kill us some fascists!"

There’s a particular piece I liked, the Prisoner’s Scarf, that lets you do machete takedowns on fully alerted enemies from the front. It absolutely caters well to that madman playstyle.

Initially, I didn’t like being forced to a set of only 5 or so upgrades rather than a constant skill tree, but now I think I like it that way.

There’s a particular piece I liked, the Prisoner’s Scarf, that lets you do machete takedowns on fully alerted enemies from the front. It absolutely caters well to that madman playstyle.

Initially, I didn’t like being forced to a set of only 5 or so upgrades rather than a constant skill tree, but now I think I like it that way.

I'm playing some old school Black Ops II Zombies with some friends. Buried is such a great zombie map!

Playing Days Gone love the story and gameplay

The Mass Effect trilogy and simultaneously making a guide in Notion containing who to bring for unique dialogue, collectibles and instructions if they're not given in game.

Just bought XCOM 2 on sale and I'm overwhelmed by the difficulty but can't stop playing

Are you playing the vanilla game or war of the chosen?
I love that game so much.

I bought the collector's edition, which I think includes all the DLCs

Just wait til you try the long war mod, then you’ll know pain lol

I feel like there’s a dozen indie tactics games that might be a more fun sampling of the genre. Steamworld Heist, or even Gears Tactics, would be a bit more fun for me.

I spent more time gaming this month than any other this year and finished NO games. That’s what I get for devoting equal time to three big time-suckers.

I’m nearing the final act of Dragon Quest V on the DS. Mixed feelings but overall enjoying it. Coming straight from Chrono Trigger to anything else in that era is just unfair though.

I’m taking my time with Elden Ring and loving it. I love entering a new area and getting a stunning vista to take it all in. It’s a beautiful game.

Playing Battlebit about once or twice a week with some friends. It’s perfect for my friend group.

Almost done with Pokémon Shining Pearl.. which has not been as bad as I expected. I mainly went for it to play with my 'mons only compatible with BDSP.

Just grinding the Grand Underground for mysterious shards now to catch all the legendaries in Ramanas Park.

If you can do an emulator or mod your switch, there's a really good BDSP mod called Luminescent Platinum that adds a ton of QoL stuff, mons, NPCs, and Platinum stuff.

I've been playing Neon White for a few days, it's been in my backlog for a while haha. I had a lot of fun replaying levels to get an Ace & gifts. I'm currently at chapter 7. The story segments are cringy, but that's part of its charm.

Still just playing Team Fortress 2. This is how it usually goes with me; I pick one or two games at a time and play em into the ground. Relearning how to play Scout, which I was never very good at to begin with. Takes a lot of twitchy reflexes and quick reaction time, even moreso than the other classes except perhaps Sniper when flick-shotting.

I tried TF2 finally. And I got kicked out of every match for "being a bot". That's not fun at all.

I personally recommend against casual play, even though it's the most popular mode, specifically because it is unpredictably crap like this. Check the community server browser for a server running a vanilla game mode instead; the only concern may be that, depending on which one you pick, the average skill level may be higher, but with something like Skial that won't be an issue.

The wandering village

This looks really cool. It's been on my wishlist for awhile. I don't normally play these kinds of games, but it looked so cool in the trailer. I may jump in on the Game Pass version.

Yeah, it is very fun actually. I was not expecting this much joy tbh. I am also playing on game pass.

Borderlands 3 on PS plus. Which leaves in a couple of week, so I doubt I’ll have the time to complete it before it does!

Just finished the main story of Pikmin 4, now working on the post game content. Also played a little bit of Cassette Beasts with the gf and it's an interesting game, pretty fun for the couple hours I played it.

I plucked up my courage and I started Resident Evil 2 Remake. I finished Leon part. Doubting if play Claire part or not. Also I finished Inscryption. I'm now trying to finish the Warzone 2 battle pass since It ends in a few days.

Definitely do play Claire's part! It's not as long, and there are some repetitive parts, but it does add more to the story and introduce some new characters (if you're not already familiar with the original or the franchise in general).

Finally got around to playing Vermintide 2. Holy crap, I LOVE this game. Me and my girlfriend have been playing it, trying out all the classes and weapons. It is amazing how much build diversity there is in Vermintide.

Truly a solid game, the chaos wastes allow for endless fun as well

I am currently playing Everspace 2, i like the space combat very much, although at least in the beginning the crafting system feels quite slow.

Baldurs gate 3. Thought it would be more complete since it's coming out soon. Still good though.
I've always had trouble getting into these isometric rpgs for some reason. Divinity, wasteland, old baldurs gate, even dragon age origins. Somehow the disconnect between the control and the character gets to me.
I'm going to try to get deep enough into this one though so that the story can actually shine through

I've started playing Techtonica, or if you prefer, "underground satisfactory". One interesting mechanic is that research creates a sort of bulky waste product and you have to find a place for it.

I don't typically play much video games but this time I decided to start up an old one that I never finished. Tenchu fatal shadows. I'm also trying to play through Evo search for Eden

Went back to RDR2, almost 75 hours in and still not even close to finishing main story.

Just got out of almost 3 years of nonstop genshin. I'm currently looking for a game to mindlessly 100%, like an assassin's creed game for example.

It the meantime I'm trying to beat all spirits spiritless in Smash bros. Will start Xenoblade 2 in september, already got XC3 ready

You might enjoy the new Zelda game

Oh, I will. I'd like to complete Xenoblade first to avoid forgetting the story and the various connections and mindfucks

Been playing a lot of Risk of Rain 2 again. I still don't have the DLC but I'ma buy it soon

Returned to Warframe after a long time and got blasted with so much content it is difficult to decide where to start.

It is fun tho, and much more enjoyable because I have so many possibilities of content to enjoy.

Dying light 2. Second time playing through, going for the "good" ending this time.

I used £35 of Microsoft Rewards points and picked up Remnant 2 on whim. Didn't play the first one but I'm really enjoying this so far.

Citizen Sleeper. Really enjoyable sci-fi-writing and chill gameplay.

Been halfassing Yakuza 3. Really I probably could have plowed through already but ehhh

Armored Core 3! I was interested in AC6 coming out in a month, so I decided to jump into the older games to get a taste of the series beforehand. AC1 was very clunky and difficult for a newcomer to the series, that's for sure. After a bit I decided to skip to 3 since I heard it was a good entry point to the series.

I've been having so much fun! I spend way more time customizing and tweaking my mech and theory-crafting new builds than I actually spend doing missions. I've mostly done arena fights, since they're less stressful (no ammo or repair costs), but the entire game is great so far.

Now having played this, I'm more excited for Armored Core 6 than I thought I would be, and I cannot WAIT for it to release.

I'm considering modding my Stardew Valley game yet again. Haven't maxed out all the things, tedium is creeping in.

I've been going single player as of late. A lot of the outer worlds spacers choice and gates to hell Ostfront. Fighting against corporatism and fascism

Just finished Dave the diver, was a bit longer then expected (30hr)

Thinking about eastward of Mutazion next

Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 Remix, and experiencing extreme levels of nostalgia. My goal is to play through every HD Remix and reexperience the joys of my childhood before finally seeing what Kingdom Hearts 3 is about.

I am waiting for Baldurs Gate 3 to release and in the meantime I was just staring at my screen buuuut just got the word that both of the Zelda Oracle games are now on Switch Online or whatever it is called, so that is how I will spend my weekend:))

Been dabbling in a lot of games lately. Battlebit has been taking most of my game time for the last few weeks. Is it just me, or have servers been getting laggier?

On the single-player side, I've been slowly making my way through Asterigos, which is a Zelda-like from last year. Enjoyable combat, gorgeous settings, but I can't help being reminded of a post on r/truegaming about how bad writing can ruin a game. All of the dialog feels way too modern for its own good (which isn't helped by the "aspiring voice actor" grade acting), and most of the plot points have been boring or predictable.

I also have a guilty pleasure in f2p trash like Smash Legends and Flash Party. Judge me all you want.

Could we add a date to the titles going forward, rather than numbering them? I was attempting to start this weekly discussion myself, and have been posting it on Sundays for the last few weeks, but I'd be happy to cede to this thread from you if you'd like,

Why exactly do you prefer the date?

Mostly for reference later on down the line. I’ve used threads like this several times to see what people are saying about more recent games, and it’s nice to have the date in the thread title to more easily contextualize the comments. Just a suggestion in case anyone else uses these threads like I do.

Good point. From now on we will mention the date in the title. For future reference, you can find all posts here.

I'm shuffling around a couple of games, when I get tired of one I go to the next, and so on until I hopefully beat them all. The current one is Monster Hunter: World, followed by Desperados 3 and TLoZ: BotW.

just redownloaded fallout 4 with around 250 mods it's just bonkers to me what modders are doing with that game

I suckered myself into another Hollow Knight playthrough, so that's been my week. All I've got left are the round-2 dream bosses, and the dreamers themselves.

Not sure what I wanna pick up next. Pikmin 1&2 before 4? I never actually played 2. Persona 5: Strikers? God of War 2018? Final Fantasy 7 Remake? Horizon: Zero Dawn? Finish Hyrule Warrior: Age of Calamity?

Pikmin 4. It's real good. I was always more interested in the environmental puzzles than the combat so the lower difficulty suits me just fine. I got to credits yesterday, then ::: spoiler turns out there's a whole extra pikmin 1 campaign in there and seems like at least one more area in the main campaign. Must save Oatchi! :::

Trying to beat Tails of Iron on the hardest difficulty. The game was fun and somewhat challenging on normal and I did 100% it. The hardest difficulty feels random and just unfair at times and honestly isn't very fun to play. But I'm determined and have reached the last area, so hopefully I'll succeeded this weekend.

Finally started playing Chrono Trigger. I've never been a huge fan of older games or JRPGs, but what I heard about the quality of the game and it's story interested me enough to give it a shot regardless. So far I'm actually enjoying it a lot!

Remnant 2

I enjoyed the first but didn't complete it. Remnant 2 has much the same AA jank but it's fun as hell.

Xenonauts 2 Early Access - got to the end of playable content.

What is there already is solid, and I have no doubts the full game will be really good. It feels like somewhere between 30-50% along the plot has been added. The game on display right now is not worth the listed price, so anyone not super duper interested in seeing it take form along the way should hold off until release.

I gave in and bought Diablo 4. I haven't gotten to the endgame but I'm having a lot of fun playing through the campaign so far.

I've started playing Ys 9: Monstrum Nox. It's a quite charming action RPG. I played Ys 8 a few years back and generally found it enjoyable, so wanted to give it a shot. Not the most complex game (so far), but definitely fun!