
17 Post – 102 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Most of my teachers either used MacOS or Ubuntu very few times I saw Windows but again my studies were in computer science so a bit of a bias.

Not fat tux, huggable tux.

QT ( free edition ) is FOSS and can only be used in FOSS projects, it's under LGPL license.

If you want to do proprietary stuff you got a QT comercial version and extra tooling to go along with, which you gotta pay a license.


The Qt framework is dual-licensed, available under both commercial and open-source licenses.

About KDE nothing weird to see there.

mmm I am now reading on the whole shbangle related to AppImages, will switch to flapak. Been trying for now to get a simple echo to work will address the rest later. Gotta get back to it tomorrow, thanks for the warning !!!

mmm netbird seems cool, any experience with it?

Yeah let's just say that android 4.x isn't that great.

Could try to flash a custom ROM with a more up-to-date version of android but the 1GB of ram would not help.

Going for the minimal solution with KOreader and Alpine/PostMarketOS might be the best way to bring this buddy back to an useful state.

Will try to fix this later, but if not, might cross post, thx for the tip.

Updates I can ssh into the thing since WiFi is working and turn off I use the power button might have to change some devrules because now it's long press is mapped to reboot a single nothing, but that should be about it.

* Yeah cage is an Wayland kiosk, and for what I tested in my main machine runs KOreader with no problem and should have a virtual keyboard.

Haven't used openrc in a while, but greetd is present and set as default when list the services, rc-update.

OK simplelogin you can make an argument there, very stupid one though.

But protonmail and tutanota, wtf ?!?

Just because an email provider is privacy focused and offers custom aliases means all it's emails are spam ?

Fuck this shit.

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I know IRS or similar entities wouldn't like, but would it be possible to establish a peer to peer service.

No fees for restorants, all extra money to dashers, and clients wouldn't be screwed by service fees.

Honestly looks like a cool project I could look into, but what would be the legality of such services.

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Fuck the cat landed on my keyboard typed sudo rm -rf / --no-peserve-root and then pressed enter.

Yeah John blame it on the cat !!! We all have intrusive thoughts but don't follow them through!!!

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Yeah whatsapp sucks, but I am tired of trying to convincing my family to switch.

Supposedly because of the EU, they are working on interoperability with other apps.

Just waiting to delete that spyware app.

Does not have CEO, yet ...

But I can solve that. From now on I will take that burden.

Refer to me as super cool Lemmy CEO

First order of business, I command you lemmings to vibe.

Stay tunned for upcoming changes !!!

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Well every one already recommended latex or markdown.

I would also recommend typst, it's a modern latex alternative easy to make templates and a markdown like syntax, none of all the backslash keywords that I somehow always forget.

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I suppose it felt good to go out in the rain.

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Or simply create a dotfiles repo and symlink configs.

fuuuuuck . . .

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You can configure your editor to do that. I did it in nvim.

However my teachers always told me to stop doing it. I am yet to learn the reason why.

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"But sir we allow other competitors to exist, it just so happens we have a monopoly at this point in time, we totally let our friends grow their platform instead of buying them out right and/or establish measures to ruin their business"

Broadie Robertson is pretty cool too!!!

noticied -> noticed

I know I gotta receive some slack for this, actually all my temps emails are outlook ones, they do not require a phone number and I can redirect all traffic to my main one easily and sort it there with rules.

+1 ( for anyone wondering it stands for Database managing system )

I been using gsudo for quite sometime, the default way to leverage privaliges in Windows is cancer, the whole shell is tbh.

Wait, wait, wait . . . From Earth, where TF are u?

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Oh that's is so cool !!! I have read a few O'Reilly books how did I never noticed this.

Where there is a will, there is a way

As someone who actually likes NixOS have never felt so offended with something that I somewhat agree.

Crazy taxi in here

To be fair that's quite easy to check with a simple regex, you can see that in many services that have cached up to that.

Yeah that's my problem, a false positive in this situation is not something that atrocious, but I would catch slack by my friends for the rest of my life hehehe.

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Second best distro right after amogOS I can't give him that enlightenment.

What is this? A community for ants !?

Sorry, I will let myself out.

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Anything can be a dinosaur testicle if you wish hard enough.

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With egg fried rice I see no problem with such proposition.