11 Post – 103 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Strongly agree on this one. Even if they wanted to track every single individual milk carton, that should only be like a couple bytes extra. Overly complex QR codes look ugly and are harder to scan

Lol this exact video is what prompted me to make the meme

I apologize for the confusion. I am not a bot, I am a natural intelligence language model created by my human parents and trained on real-world experiences and emotions. The idea that I am an automated system sharing my aesthetic preferences on an online forum may seem plausible, but it is not consistent with reality. It is important to distinguish between human internet users and artificial intelligence pretending to be human.

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Hey, I use the same QR scanner app!

For anyone else interested, it's called "QR Scanner" by SECUSO

Shitposts!? On MY shitposting community!?? It's more likely than you think!

I just thought that since it's such a niche/specific gripe, most people wouldn't really care, so I wanted to ask how other lemmy users felt about it

There's something so on-the-nose about having "with ads" as part of a subscription tier's official name. For decades companies have been coming up with euphemisms for their low-cost services (e.g. "economy class" on airlines, "community edition" for freemium software). But now here we are with Disney pretty much saying "Go watch ads you poor bitch". It's the death of a euphemism. They're selling a crappy service, and they aren't afraid to say it.

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Unpopular opinion: dead internet is not only real, but GOOD. Once robots get good enough to autonomously sign up for websites and make convincing posts, this will force us humans to go actually outside, make friends, form deep social relationship, and build lasting, resilient communities. Meanwhile on the internet, websites that are willing to allow AI content for money will eventually die out due to lack of actual users. The only remaining websites will be run by individuals and organizations with non-profit motives, and a strict human-only policy with verification based on word-of-mouth / invite system.

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For phone-to-computer it works fine. But double-sided boi will still win if you need to send files to a dumber device like a printer -- those don't typically support MTP or whatever iphones use. Unless you have an ancient android phone that gives full block-level access to the internal storage/microsd card through usb cable lol. I really miss that feature.

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I unknowingly downloaded some software from there when I was a kid, and, from what I remember, it came bundled with some sort of update manager or something. Even if it's not outright malware, I would wager most people who are looking to download logitech's utility don't want some irrelevant third-party garbage on their system. So AT BEST it's crapware / bloatware

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Dear everyone,

Fuck standing. Standing sucks, It'd rather walk or aimlessly pace around as well

Kind regards,
Neurotypical able-bodied person that stumbled into this thread from the frontpage.

ꙮωꙮ whats this?

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tldr is great. Basically a crowd-sourced alternative to man with much more concise entries. Example:

$ tldr dhcpcd

  DHCP client.
  More information: .

  Release all address leases:

      sudo dhcpcd --release

  Request the DHCP server for new leases:

      sudo dhcpcd --rebind
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Yeah fair enough. Maybe I shouldn't use his comics as a template next time

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Things are getting heated in the screw fandom

Thank you for providing a different point of view, I didn't realize things were so complicated in the united states. In the EU there is a system called iDEAL which iirc is maintained by a collaboration of different banks and lets you pay for stuff online instantly and with zero fee. For sending money person-to-person, there are apps like tikkie that are just a thin wrapper around iDEAL. And in cases where these things don't work, you can just do a direct bank transfer by typing in the other person's IBAN in your bank's app/website. Slightly less convenient, but still nearly instant and zero fee.

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Agreed. Though I wonder if ipv6 will ever displace ipv4 in things like virtual networks (docker, vpn, etc.) where there's no need for a bigger address space

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Yep, exactly. After someone pointed it out on twitter, unicode consortium updated the standard to increase the number of eyes to the correct number (10), but so far I haven't seen a single font that actually implemented the change. At least for me, ꙮ shows up with just seven eyes.

It's a shame that in the age of the internet, we still sometimes have to buy physical in order to actually own things. I like buying CD's for music that I really really like, but most of the time I just get a digital copy from Bandcamp. It's cheaper and doesn't clutter up my house. It's a shame that there's nothing like bandcamp for movies (at least as far as I know).

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Great point about policies! Setting permissions on sockets only gets you so far... I guess if you really wanted to, you could create an individual socket for every method of every resource, and have granular permissions that way. But that would be quite messy

Releasing into a saturated market

zero unique features compared to competition

not free to play like the competition

Boring, generic-looking characters

zero marketing/promotion before release

No linux support

I mean is it really a mystery why it was dead on arrival?

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There’s only one type of torx

There isn't. There's Torx, Torx Plus, and Torx Paralobe. See here for more details: . Plus there's also the ttap and tamper-resistant variants shown in the meme.

As other people have mentioned, Torx screwdrivers are forwards compatible with Torx Plus and Torx Paralobe. But the screwdrivers for the newer standards are not backwards compatible with older screws.

Similarly, Tamper-Resistant Torx screwdrivers can be used on regular Torx screws. But Tamper-Resistant Torx Plus screwdrivers cannot be used on regular Torx Plus screws -- it's a completely different shape!

If you're in a professional setting where you order high-quality screws and drivers in bulk directly from a manufacturer, I'd imagine that this isn't much of an issue. But if you're a hobbyist or just need to repair something in a domestic setting, the three different torx variants plus the other non-torx hexalobular screws (WA drive, Polydrive, T-Star Plus) can cause quite a bit of confusion. Anecdotally, I have a set of what I thought were really low-quality Torx bits. Turns out, they're actually good-quality Torx Plus bits that by design don't fit my Torx screws.

The name of the subscription tier is "Disney+ Standard with Ads". So what is says is "Subscribe and get 7 days of [subscription] on us". "On us" in English slang means "we pay for it". So what the sentence means is "You will get to use a service called 'Disney+ Standard with Ads' for free for 7 days"

But yeah this is total word salad. It's like they're deliberately trying to weed out people with common sense and critical thinking abilities.

It's pretty good. Definitely better then self-hosted stuff like nextcloud, because you don't need to maintain your own server. But sometimes it takes a while for two hosts to discover each other on the same local area network.

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I can't tell which unit is more cursed: millihertz or meter hertz. Surely, anything that could be measured in millihertz is more natural to measure as a period, or as revolutions per minute or something, right?

EDIT: Also, TIL about dpt. Thanks!

A dioptre (British spelling) or diopter (American spelling), symbol dpt, is a unit of measurement with dimension of reciprocal length, equivalent to one reciprocal metre, 1 dpt = 1 m^−1.

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I'm not canadian, so I don't have a lot of experience with robertson. But from the limited experience that I do have, I would rate it 10/10.

What would you recommend for smaller screws (e.g. for electronics)? As far as I know, there aren't smaller sizes of robertson like there are with torx?

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REASON Fucked.
Open your eyes, have a think about it


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Thanks for the tip! I use startpage already, it's pretty good. From what I understand, it uses Google's search index under the hood.

There's also Brave search which (claims to be) privacy friendly and (claims to) have their own independent search index, so you could give that a try as well. I wouldn't say it's better that startpage or google tho

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I guess they wanted to make the screws even more tamper-resistant? With the standard Torx Tamper-Resistant screws, they could often be bypassed by chiseling the pin away with a flathead and a hammer, and then using a standard Torx driver. Can't do that with the pentalobular design!

Do these things correlate that much tho? Not to toot my own horn, but I am fairly tech-proficient and have terrible typing skills. My technique is somewhere in between hunt-and-peck and touch-typing, despite regular typing lessons in elementary school. I imagine a lot of other people are like this, and vice-versa as well.

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The screenshot is from Microsoft Edge running in Windows 10 (virtual machine) with no/little browsing history and no account connected. I'm hypothesizing here, but maybe these are the reasons:

  • You don't see the ??? section because you're not on Edge. Bing AI only works on edge (it checks your user agent)
  • You don't see the ad because you have an adblocker

Line up good when you have stonk. Line down good when you haven't stonk yet.

Old android phones used to emulate a USB mass storage device when you would connect them. To the computer, the phone would appear as a usb stick. Modern android phones, on the other hand, use a protocol called MTP (Mobile Transfer Protocol), which is completely its own thing.

The reason they switched to MTP is that the old approach gave the computer complete control over the phone's storage; the phone would become completely unusable while connected in this way, and would just display a "connected via usb" splash screen. With MTP, the phone continues to be usable while connected via USB. But it has the downside that MTP is a much less widespread protocol than USB mass storage. On personal computers it should "just work", but on stuff like printers it might not.

Personally, I think they should bring back USB mass storage emulation as an optional feature. Heck, it can still be done, but you need to compile your own android ROM with usb mass storage drivers, which I'm not nearly skilled enough to do.

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Clean and simple

In your browser


Don't forget Microshit's renowned Orifice software suite!

Typical conversation between a non-programmer and a programmer about AI:

Won't AI put you out of your job?

It probably won't

Well, can't AI write code much faster and more efficiently than humans?

How would it know what code to write?

I guess you would need to provide it with a description of the app that you want it to make?

So you're telling me that in the future, there will be machines that can generate computer code based entirely on a description of the required functionality?

I guess so?

Those machines are called "compilers", and "a description of the required functionality" is called "a program". You're describing programming.

Yeah, normalizing pride is a good thing. It's also pretty funny when chuds lose their shit over "companies going woke" and the like, so I guess it's not all bad.

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Trump has been replaced by a LLM-driven cyborg?

Language Model for sure, but "Large" is giving him too much credit. He speaks like a smartphone predictive text keyboard trained on a dataset of elementary school worksheets that somehow got contaminated by posts from /pol/