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Yeah, like what do they expect? Another foreign military intervention?

That will not happen again for decades at best. Longer if all the developed nations really learn from America's mistake this time.

Sure, we can sanction them, but any aid just gets intercepted, so that's out. It sucks so many Afghans are suffering under the system, but it's the system they let happen. Did they want to be an occupied country forever? Was this a fight America was expected to wage indefinitely? Twenty years was already too long.

I mean, IANAL but I think it's pretty easy to argue that anyone with the bare minimum knowledge of firearms and intent to teach safety would know that:

  1. You presume the gun is always loaded.

  2. You check the chamber, even after pulling the mag. And then still treat the gun as loaded.

  3. You don't start the lesson by putting the barrel of the gun to anyone's chest and pulling the trigger. Because you don't do that when treating a gun as if its loaded.

With those three points, which again, I would argue constitutes the bare minimum to anyone attempting to teach firearm safety, a skilled prosecutor could argue there was some sort of intent. She would have known those things, yet didn't do those things, and so behaved in a way that indicates other intent. Easier to argue manslaughter, of course, but it's just so egregious I can see why they'd push for 1st degree.

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I feel like if Hamas knows what's good for them, they'll return any foreign nationals they have ASAP.

Beef with Israel is one thing, but "accidentally" kidnapping people from foreign countries you ostensibly want sympathy for is a bad move.

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The chip has been safe to eat for millions of people for years.

Capsaicin consumed orally isn't fatal. This kid probably has some other underlying health problems he was simply not aware of, but it's not like it's an inherently lethal product. If a kid with an unknown peanut allergy eats and dies from a Snickers, it's not like Snickers are actually a lethal food.

It does say it's intended for adults only, but that's hardly ever stopped teenagers from doing anything ever. It's probably good they pulled it temporarily, but the real answer here is probably simply "Don't sell this to minors."

Ford C-suite took home $71 million in 2021 (most recent year I could find data). They could give each worker a $1000+ bonus and still walk away with $10 million. Not that $1000 is enough for each worker, but just to illustrate that there is a ton of money floating around, they just don't want the workers to have it. It's not future investment they're worried about (they get massive tax breaks for all these new facilities, and new car designs are all being done by salaried white collar engineers anyway), it's shareholder profits. Ford doesn't want to lower their reported annual profits by increasing their worker costs.

Fuck shareholders, and fuck the C-suite for looking out for their interests instead of their workers. They don't actually produce anything. The workers are the real company asset here, not some Wall Street goon who bought stock.

Of the nine that have seen trial so far, seven have been found guilty by a jury of their peers.

Actual lawyers and the justice system have not found what the FBI did to be entrapment, despite that attempted defense being used.

That's not to say the FBI doesn't do any wrong - they have and probably will continue to do so - but these guys weren't innocent victims caught up on overblown charges just playing pretend. They were plotting to do actual harm and the planning was serious enough that it was their own recruits who defected and informed. It wasn't some FBI honeypot they all stumbled into.

Yeah, that will be the cop's defense, she was attempting to assault the cop with a deadly weapon.

Still fucking shitty though. If they really wanted to stop her from leaving, just park the police cruiser in front of her car. Or let her leave and get her tags. They had options. Maybe her family will sue since the cop stepped in front of the car.

This is a valid way to camouflage rocket artillery that was seen in Iraq by US armed forces.

It won't stop the US and S. Korea from also just bombing every garbage truck if it comes to it, but we then waste a ton of bombs on harmless garbage trucks trying to hit ~100 rocket trucks.

It's a good idea.

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Why are they getting credit? It was capital police who finally opened fire when the rioters got to the hallway with the congressional offices.

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Presumably people who bought NFTs. If you're going to trick yourself into thinking your dumb, AI-generated piece of shitty "art" was a worthwhile investment, you might as well enjoy the perks of being in such an exclusive, stupid club.

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They already go to the more liberal states for their abortions and their weed. Might as well download some porn while on the dispensary wifi.

Nah, you can go through the comments here and find people taking the easy, position here too. "Bombing kids is bad, so Israel is bad, so Palestine must be good, therefore I support Palestine." No nuance, no attempts to look at a more complex situation or consider anything other than the most basic information.

Both sides suck, both sides will happily commit war crimes, and civilians on both sides are getting hurt. One side is getting more hurt than the other, but that's just a difference in capability, not belief.

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Rings are typically found on fingers, which get washed when hands get washed.

You'll understand when you're older.

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I mean, I think it's fine to critique a movie on themes as well. It's a key aspect that makes up a film, like effects, writing, casting, or acting. I don't think critiquing it as "woke" is invalid - it tells his audience a key facet of what they want to know about a movie. If a movie was coming out and someone reviewed it saying the themes were pro-fascist, I'd also want to know that and not attend based off of theme.

I just like that a movie which, in no uncertain terms, advocated for strong, independent men is too "woke" for Ben Shapiro. But I guess if you determine your worth as a man by how much control you have over women, that tracks.

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I don't really know it's worth a new post, because I don't think this information really changes what we will see happen, which is realistically three things:

  1. Subs that didn't commit to an indefinite protest are already coming back online, like /r/technology. Admins will be happy with that and do nothing.
  2. Subs that did commit to an indefinite protest but didn't do so unanimously will have lower mods reach out to Admins to get higher mods removed, and open the subs back up. This is what happened with Advice Animals.
  3. Subs that did commit to an indefinite protest and did do so unanimously will have old mod teams removed and new mod teams put in. If they do this, they will probably do it later, and while there may be some uproar, anybody who really cares about this by then will probably have already left reddit.

The fact that it was not super common previously doesn't mean it won't become more common, especially as precedent was set year ago.

Consumer Protection says the boards would fail to maintain balance and crash, if "limits" were exceeded. I'm guessing speed limits.

So the new models get a firmware update to prevent that/provide warning if you're approaching such a limit. The old models, which are more easily modded and perhaps unable to send haptic feedback, get tossed.

I was thinking "Maybe he was more moderate or even liberal, but just knew there's no getting elected without an (R) in small town Alabama politics, and so ran as a Republican anyway." The inverse happens in our town - we're so blue, we occasionally get conservatives running as Democrats just to have a shot.

But then he ran for re-election in 2020 and used publicity of him and Trump together to get re-elected, which is farther than any actual moderate would go. So he's either a massive hypocrite to the LGBT community or a massive hypocrite to the Conservative community, but either way, wasn't super bright if he was posting all this publicly to Reddit as an elected figure. Shame he felt the need to shoot himself. Could have just moved to a blue state.

Best way to sell a browser and software services built on privacy is to do a lot of consumer reports emphasizing the value of privacy.

Right? Like someone actually wrote that.

After what Spez did. A few weeks ago. Fuck, maybe Spez himself wrote it.

I know we lost and the protests failed, but still, to write something like that... Doesn't actually surprise me, but also I'd think even a total moron would have enough self awareness not to say that.

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And as if they didn't already subpoena that information before actually filing charges either. They were already investigating for months before Musk bought Twitter.

This is one of the dumber conspiracy theories I think I've ever seen. Why are we attributing some clever political maneuver to Musk when it's clear he just made an unprecedentedly stupid business decision?

Because he accepted money in exchange to brutally beat and stabbed a person to death. "Just following orders," has never been an acceptable excuse for an individual to commit a crime, but especially when it's not an order in a military hierarchy, it's payment and a voluntary agreement. Fuck him.

Sennet Sr. committed suicide the moment the police started to investigate him. That's why he's not about to be executed.

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The concession Disney wants is Reedy Creek back under their control, and DeSantis will look even weaker than he already does if he pushes to reverse the law that took it from them in the first place.

He can't, and won't, concede anything, because if the court rules in Disney's favor he can at least blame the judiciary for the decision, so Disney won't, and shouldn't, stop hitting him with everything they got.

Buddy, we're still working on legalizing an absurdly common plant because for a while much of the country thought it was satanic or whatever.

"In this day and age," in America, of course it's not legal yet. That is gonna take a long time.

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If you want the best Android experience you're not going to do better than a Pixel. It's a Google OS, on Google hardware. I myself am looking forward to the Pixel 8 Pro.

Hardware wise, Samsung may meet or maybe even exceed Google's line, but not significantly enough to make a difference in my opinion. Especially with the newer Pixels, it's a pretty mature product at this point.

That would be a great plan if we ever elected scientists to our legislature. Or even had politicians who listened to science.

We don't, so here we are.

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Hey, don't forget those of us who made this mess and walked away,

The early 20th century British Empire?

through our continued oil addiction.

Israel, let alone Gaza, don't exactly produce a lot of oil, and I certainly don't know that they sell it.

This whole conflict in Israel is more about land, and the West supports Israel bEcAuSe DeMoCrAcY in an otherwise unfriendly region. The region as a whole might be messy "because oil," but that's rather tangential to this conflict.

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There's nothing more capitalist than pushing coal and oil.

And any rational green energy advocate knows it'll take us decades to build enough solar/wind to fill the fossil fuels gap, but would only take us a couple years to fill that demand with nuclear and also produce fewer emissions. That's simple numbers.

So are you just irrational or a coal-snorting capitalist yourself?

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Andrewsmith is right,

As he often is. That guy knows more about Reddit than Huffman does. Hope he moves to Lemmy.

Depends on the OEM, but generally late-2010s is when it became more ubiquitous.

Any car with an infotainment system is probably a "risk," but especially '20s cars with features tied to apps are the real vulnerability here.

Indeed, that's about 10 to 100 times more accuracy than other automakers. Those tolerances just aren't necessary so no supplier is going to have the tools or infrastructure in place to make parts to such a high degree. Body shop alone sees fluctuations in millimeters because industrial robots can't do any better than half millimeter accuracy, if they're brand new.

This specific conflict is more related to early 20th Century Britain promising two different people the same land after the Ottoman Empire collapsed and then being dicks about it for another 20 years. So UK imperialism, not US for once.

The US certainly still arms Israel, but the US arms basically anyone they consider an ally. The US would arm Israel if Palestine were its own state, were part of Israel, or if the whole conflict never happened. But Israel wouldn't have existed at all past '67 without Western equipment.

They're private, so it's not disclosed, but I'm pretty sure it's been stated by Shotwell at this point that they're cash positive.

They don't even really build Falcon 9's anymore, the existing fleet is so reliable. They're the best launch provider in the game currently, and while they spend a lot on Starlink and Starship, their actual launches are tremendously profitable.

  1. Unarmed protest is always an option. It's a harder option, but it is an option.

  2. Hamas could keep their weapons, and target actual military targets in Gaza.

  3. Israel already withdrew from Gaza in '06, but Hamas is happy to launch rockets at civilian targets in Israel.

  4. Hamas could launch rockets at civilian targets in Israel from non-civilian locations in Gaza, instead of using schools and hospitals.

Hamas has consistently picked the most hostile options because Hamas doesn't just want a free Palestine, Hamas wants the destruction of Israel and rejects any territory existing as an Israeli state. Gaza isn't even fully isolated by Israel, but Egypt wants nothing to do with Hamas either.

I'm not even saying armed resistance is wrong, but what Hamas does is. And yes, Israel's government is also just as wrong, if not more so.

Why are you saying this as if the AI would have control over the reactor.

It's unlikely they'd even be in the same building, or even the same campus. We have these crazy things called "wires" that let us transmit a lot of power over distances, so your small nuclear reactor can be remote, safe and secure and your AI lab can just be on your main campus.

The gatekeeping is especially ironic (or maybe just hypocritical) because they didn't use this meme template properly, lol. You know, like a "normie".

Is the next goal to try working towards a national ban?


Are they stupid enough to not realize that would be political suicide?


Some have expressed an interest in targeting contraception next. Keep in mind, many believe in replacement theory and want to restrict immigration (of people of color), which is the only thing currently keeping our replacement rate positive. So the fulfillment of their dream to eliminate immigration without also tanking our future economy is basically by forcing people to have babies. Ideally white babies, but they're probably not too picky on who is picking crops, flipping burgers, and building cars, because they can also keep gerrymandering the shit out of states to keep minorities from gaining proportional voting power.

Sure, but as long as they have the death penalty, it's probably best they do it as humanely as possible.

Some states are bringing back firing squads, which definitely feels like a huge step back. If they're going to kill someone, using an actual painless option instead of lethal injection or shooting them seems like as much of a step forward as we can get up to actually not executing people.

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Lol, right?

But actually probably not because it's just taken for granted tankies are here and they actually have to "work" to "infiltrate" places like Facebook and Reddit.

Sure, but even rich people don't buy more than two phones, if they have one for personal and one for business.

Yeah, state GOPs are figuring out that if they just ignore their state supreme courts, the two outcomes are: the opposition appeals to the federal Supreme Court with the same, or worse, outcome, or... nothing.

The states that can are at least addressing gerrymandering through ballot initiatives and state constitutional amendments. Ohio is on track for this. Ohioans shot down the attempts at undermining their ballot initiative process, and are now attempting to get a citizen redistricting commission on the 2024 ballot. We'll see how it goes.

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