DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others to – 760 points –
DOJ announces arrests in ‘high-end brothel network’ used by elected officials, military officers and others | CNN Politics

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Buddy, we're still working on legalizing an absurdly common plant because for a while much of the country thought it was satanic or whatever.

"In this day and age," in America, of course it's not legal yet. That is gonna take a long time.

No, it's not illegal because people thought it was evil. It was illegal because it allowed the government to jail black men and war protestors and throw away the key.

...And because the cotton industry didn't want to compete with hemp. ... and more recently booze companies don't want to compete with weed

Yeah that isn't true. Hemp is and always has been legal in many parts of the world and couldn't compete with cotton for the bulk of applications.

My bad. I think I watched a documenrary on it like 15 years ago.

Wikipedia says 1937 marijuana tax act effectively stopped hemp from being able to compete with heavy taxation and greatly reduced production. Thou it also attributes dupont and newspaper and timber magnate William Hearst and not cotton as the killer.

Then in 1969 the courts struck down the Marijuana Taxation Act, but then the Controlled substances act of 1970 banned it all at a federal level.

So yeas still shady AF, just not Cotton being shady. My bad

The plant legalization is happening relatively quickly all things considered. Its funny how fast the laws change the moment the rich pigs smell potential profits of a new industry and the pressure of missing out on pocketing some of that sweet sweet tax revenue neighboring states are collecting instead.

Sure, but it's also taking longer than it should. It's also, fundamentally, not hard for even many conservatives to accept as "not that bad."

Legalized prostitution also has tremendous potential for new markets and profit, but it's a lot harder for conservatives to accept compared to weed, as America is just too goddamn puritanical.