Shani Louk is still alive, mother reveals to World – 393 points –
Shani Louk is still alive, mother reveals

The mother of Shani Louk, a 22-year-old German national believed to have been kidnapped by Hamas fighters during the militant group's surprise attack on Israel on Saturday, said on Tuesday that her daughter is alive.

Louk, a tattoo artist, was attending the Tribe of Nova music festival in the plains of the Negev Desert near Urim, close to the Gaza Strip, on Saturday when Hamas fighters stormed the event. She's believed to have been seized by the militants and paraded through the streets in the back of a pick-up.


On Tuesday, Louk's family announced they had proof that Louk—who grew up in Israel—was alive. German news website Blick reported that her mother said she was in a hospital in Gaza with serious head injuries.

"We now have more information that Shani is alive," her mother told television channel NTV, adding she received the information from unnamed Palestinian sources.

The mother added that Louk is seriously injured, and asked the German government for help and quick action.


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I feel like if Hamas knows what's good for them, they'll return any foreign nationals they have ASAP.

Beef with Israel is one thing, but "accidentally" kidnapping people from foreign countries you ostensibly want sympathy for is a bad move.

The thing is Israel has a very high rate of dual-nationals. A significant percentage of Israeli settlers are second or even first generation. So they either had a previous citizenship or are eligible for their parent's.

Probably not a good idea. Israel has 0 problem bombing palestinians indiscriminately but they might think twice about killing their foreign hostages.

Here's the thing; If Hama's - an Israeli construction - does not kill foreigners, than how will the powers behind them be able to drag the rest of the world into the conflict? The aim is wwIII. They need to involve all nations. After Israel cracks down on Palestine this will draw in Iran and the Arab nations. The conflict will erupt in other countries.

I think we have a while before WW111 breaks out. Considering we haven't even gotten to WW3 yet.

That would've been WWCXI, not WWIII.

III is 3 in Roman Numerals.