9 Post – 222 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A pay-to-see-no-ads is not the same as pay-for-privacy.

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Cat walking across the keyboard. Didn't know how to fix whatever issue she created

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Doesn't mean they won't collect your info anyways. What has Meta done to prove that they are worthy of our trust? Nothing.

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I buy DRM free music to own it

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Bring back the standard DIN design. Then we can all change out our head unit with something that has Garmin but doesn't affect the physical buttons on the dash below it.

Use Tenacity instead

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Beta's used to be free and would actually have an impact on the game getting fixed before shipping out

See if DivestOS or Lineage support your phone and get rid of the crap Samsung software and spying.

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Try using FreeTube

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“We expect them to do so in accordance with international law and to protect innocent people..."

What an insulting thing to say to people. Don't treat your citizens like idiots.

How is it's compatibility with Word and Excel now a days? Is it as good as OnlyOffice? I use OnlyOffice because of it's compatibility and it has worked flawlessly. I am totally down to try LibreOffice again.

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I'm relatively newish to Linux and have come to notice that system packages run better for me than Flatpaks a lot of the time.

A CCTV system. That directly affects the safety of yourlifee

Good article. Rather than relying on uBo people should just stop using services they dislike (YouTube) and move to something else. Of course many people don't want to change what they're used to.

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Maybe No Man's Sky. I'm not too sure what people think of it now a days but it had a massive turn around since launch

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Great rate. Glad I bought when I did.

That would be amazing. I also think that everything and everyone one in any level of government should let their actions, money, etc. be open source and viewable to everyone.

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I tried finding a company who sold those windows in my city here in the USA and failed.

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This is exciting. A Pixel tablet with GrapheneOS, Mull Browser, extensions, and this new UI would be absolutely fantastic!

Currently the UI on mobile Firefox is pretty bad so I use Brave primarily but on a tablet this could change things

Veritasium made a video recently about the pros and cons of airship feasibility. It's quite interesting.

Exactly my thoughts! The touchpads were key

The next evolution of subscription services hahaha

Here's a video from a great independent journalist, Upper Echelon. He just released it and it specifically covers how disinformation thrives on Twitter.

It's neat to see solar technology go this far. Was there a support team?

A great positive is that it is a very light weight vehicle. The approach angle looks good. It's cool how it pops open to supposedly live in but I wonder what the interior is actually like. I can't imagine it is carrying much living supplies, water, etc as it's a very light vehicle.

Some negatives include terrible ground clearance and a horrendous departure angle. I can't imagine the break over angle is very good considering the low ground clearance. It also has small tire sidewalls so they couldn't have aired down much.

All in all, not a serious off road vehicle. I would argue it's as much of an off road vehicle as a Prius is with a roof top tent on it. It's just meant to cruise fire roads.

I remember when the name LBRY changed to Odysee. I thought the name just changed. What's the difference between LBRY Inc, LBRY, and Odysee?

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I use OnlyOffice and enjoy it. I do notice some fancy features missing but as I'm not a power user it doesn't bother me. I've opened OnlyOffice docx files in MS Office and vice versa many times with no issues ever. I've also installed MS fonts on my Linux distro and they work in OnlyOffice. I don't notice it pushing online features like somebody else said

I don't yet know the scope of everything I might need, but right now I believe that a customer management system is the focus. A way to input their details and payment information to have an automatic recurring membership.

I don't think I really need a way for them to view their account as it won't have any fancy features. I just need to know that they are a member and have a membership renewal. They can sign up and cancel in person or over the phone (I'm not making it disgustingly hard for people to cancel like the large gyms).

On top of that I would imagine it would be nice for the software to keep track of my total number of patrons and thus a total income amount

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Open source BIOS so no funny business is going on

They don't need to come up with rules to stop data brokers, they need to come up with rules to block the collection of data in general so it can't get to data brokers or anyone else. Also a great framework to adapt already exists in the EU, so stop stalling. But who am I kidding, the US government doesn't really care.

A RaspberryPi with a Flirc case is silent

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Pretty sweet. Now add Wayland and it'll be a homerun

That's nuts. I thought 4500 would be an exaggeration to make a point but I see it's actually real. I would have gray hair!

Use Freetube on the desktop and Newpipe (or the Sponsorblock version) on mobile (Android). No issues or ads

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Sounds like what Apple's been doing recently

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PC Gaming Wiki states that World of Goo is touchscreen optimized. It's such a great game.

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Even if the inflation rate lowers the existing prices of things won't go down. Also, the inflation still exists so prices will continue to go up, just at a slower pace. The US government needs to quit printing money for starters

What is the motivation for this post? Did Meta announce they will be making an instance or is the OP just thinking ahead?

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I haven't bought Starfield yet but seeing the ship creator there really reinvigorates my thoughts about how if NMS has one too it would be amazing.

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Thanks! I'm planning to use Bazzite when I get my next laptop and this is very informational. I never knew about Universal Blue but now I think it's a fantastic resource!