How Much Spying do We as a Society Wish to Allow? to – 214 points –
Your car collects information on your sexual activity and you consented to it

Almost everything based in technology spies on everyone now a days and most people are alright with it. I don't understand why people are okay knowing this spying exists. Louis Rossman does a great job here showing us the disgusting tactics used by big corporations to gaslight people into believing them over what these companies are really nefariously up to.


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That would be amazing. I also think that everything and everyone one in any level of government should let their actions, money, etc. be open source and viewable to everyone.

I agree with you strongly. We have the technology, it's just pointed at the wrong crowd. The eyes of the surveillance state should be on the rich and powerful, not the masses. The price of power should be the loss of privacy.

It sounds great in a world where peace is the standard, but we don't live in that world.

You want our military and DoD activities to be fully transparent? Why? So any country on earth can bend us over a couch? Yeah let's be fully transparent about what we are buying and where it's going.

Look at how much money the US spends (creates) for their military. It's more and more and more every year and we have no idea were lots of it goes towards. Then wars are milked for the military industrial complex to profit off of. Certainly some operations can be kept secret to some degree but it has gone way too far currently.

It isn't so much a matter of secrecy as a lack of oversight. If they have a shitty contract awarding system it isn't secret just that no one is watching it.

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