12 Post – 62 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yet another ND linux-using transfemme who programs for a living

She/her, fae/faer if you're feeling fancy

Either way you as a country still need something better than First Past The Post voting, which absolutely centralises power in to just two parties and makes a 3rd party impossible.

Mixed Member Proportional looks pretty good, where half of all seats are tied to local electorates and won by the votes in them, while the other half are given out to parties based on what's needed to make the assembly match the overall voting of the country, e.g. if your party gets 50% of the popular vote but only wins 25% of location-based seats, you're given enough unassigned seats to make it so that you control 50% of seats in the assembly.

Too bad one party has no interest in making it the system you use, and the other would actively fight it because it would kill them as a political force forever

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Until the fetus can survive outside the womb, it's not a person, it's a part of the person carrying it. And nobody should be allowed to dictate what a person can and can't do to themself, but themselves.

Total Bodily Autonomy, motherfucker.

Maths understander here, in 2042 they'll be 60, not 62. Also the average life expectancy in the US is around 77-78 years, i.e. enough of a difference compared to 60 that you could more or less fit (and live to see) a grandkid/great-grandkid's entire childhood in there.

Although that 79 years figure is Life Expectancy at Birth, in practice it tends to be longer for most surviving adults older than a certain point, mostly because the lower ranges of the chart hit their allotted moment and pass on for whatever reason, leaving the remaining average higher still

Of course, with calculus living rent free in my head rn thanks to the uni course of the same name, I'm wondering what that chart of "current age vs expected remaining age" looks like, and where the point of "ageing faster than your remaining likely time grows" lies

Edit: source turned out to be a little out of date (although they always tend to bicker a little on the exact number), corrected for it

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Even if you miss, the shockwaves the bullet makes will kill every fish in the barrel anyway. The Mythbusters tested it.

Every time you repost this meme, a philosopher weeps

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brb, going to grab a minor in philosophy so I can make fun of them for being ultimately useless to greater humanity and incapable of morality, ethics or self-reflection

(every business major I know easily fulfills both criteria)

Trans? Tick

Programmer? Tick

Furry? That depends on your definition, does wanting to be a giant snake from the waist down but basically human with some cosmetic additions above the waist make me a furry? (or more specifically a scaly?)

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"Should I eat meat again to avoid being a redditor" though

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Speaking as an Australian:

I also feel like you need mandatory voting (with enforcement), like what we have. That reframes elections from "riling up your power base so they go out and vote" to "hey average voter, here's why you should vote for me and how things will improve if you do so".

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It's a Keychron K8 with a custom set of keycaps I ordered from a guy on Etsy

If this sends you down the mechanical keyboard rabbit hole, sorry not sorry

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Your inner dog tells you that you have contracted the PathOwOgen and will soon be a furry

The point was more that this is one of the most bizarre cases of "making up a strawman and then compromising on your own views to not be like them, just to fit in with the tribe who will hurt you far more than help you" I've seen in a while

Okay, but why should it be acceptable to induct a child into a religion from the moment of birth, spend their formative years being taught a belief system that they have no ability to think critically about, while isolating them from alternative systems of belief? Why shouldn't it be the norm to raise your children on the idea of all religious beliefs or lack thereof being equally valid and plausible, that we can't prove one or another definitively true so it becomes a matter of "what do you chose to have blind faith in?", and let them decide as an adult?

I mean, even assuming that business degrees aren't a waste of money and time, learning things you would pick up working in the corporate world anyway, while not learning any creative or practical skills...

Humanities still make better general-purpose degrees because they actually teach you things like critical thinking, questioning your sources and their biases, self-examination, etc. Things that society needs now more than ever. From my experience of friends with philosophy degrees, the world would be a vastly better place if even 1 in 20 people had one.

  1. not all of us live in countries that have any political influence over Israel, only the US holds their leash, and protesting anywhere else can't really affect that clusterfuck

  2. plenty of awful shit is still going on around the world that needs to be fought, and that doesn't change just because a worse thing is going on in a very specific part of the world. Climate change, for example, is still happening, still an existential threat to all of humanity, and still needs public protesting to do something about.

Which, living in a country that can't help Palestine in any diplomatic way, gets a bit annoying when people are regularly protesting about that (and before that, the invasion of Ukraine), while a huge percentage of our country's electricity still comes from burning fucking coal, we still export large amount of it to the global market, our CO2 emissions per capita manage to be some of the highest in the world, and protests about that could actually do some tangible good, but are a blip in the ocean compared to foreign wars of late. I get the anger at the injustices going on right now, but it's not anger that can get anything done here

Too much evidence for that, thanks to how many almost complete t. rex skeletons we have + the fact that almost all giant carnivorous dinosaurs had tiny arms. However, there's a non-zero chance they were fluffy in at least some places, and a high chance they were incredibly fluffy as chicks, given how fluffy one of their close relatives is known to be.

Also they weren't even the most extreme example of tiny arms

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Ask them if they'd go nude in public, to prove that they have nothing hidden under their clothes, or if they'd let their parents/the authorities see their porn collection, to make sure it's all legal and above board. Then pivot the conversation to the dignity of not being surveilled constant just in case you might be doing something wrong, with zero suspicion.

I’m not religious in the slightest and I barely see myself as part of the Jewish nation - but I do, just barely. It is unfortunately true that anti-semitism is alive and well, and will be for the foreseeable future. Even if I don’t view myself as Jewish, some anti-semites will, and we all know where that could lead. So Israel is the only country in the world where we can know for a fact that the government (police) will protect us from anti-semitism, not to mention won’t take part in it.

Which is the chicken-and-egg problem of ethno/theostates, isn't it? If most/all of a group are isolated to one geographical location, and largely absent from the rest of the world, it becomes easier for hate to spread in that rest of the world, because nobody there has lived experience, can have that moment of "but I know Elsa/Ahmed/Luna/whoever, and they're decent person" to challenge propaganda when they hear it (and anyone who's a minority where they live has at least one story of being the cause of such a realisation). But if you're a group that lives in those little geographical pockets, it becomes that much harder to move out, because you give up your support network and move into an area of potentially hostile people.

And of course, bigots know about this and weaponise it. Speaking as a trans person and noticing the current wave of vile legislation against us in the shit parts of the US, it sure as hell feels like the objective there is to force anyone who can leave to do so, and punish those who can't, specifically to prevent a sufficient mass of trans people building up that those same deradicalising experiences can happen (hence why the use of a stereotypical trans name in above example). But in a way it's both better and worse for us, because we aren't just born into certain bloodlines or cultures, we emerge almost everywhere, so and have to fight to make the whole world queer-friendly, rather than just being able to set up somewhere in a small pocket and let the whole world slowly become most hostile to us in response.

Lethal shockwaves go brrr, actually

Sound And then learn sign language + immediately do whatever is necessary to my throat to prevent it from ever being able to form another sound, since you said nothing about that

Admittedly part of the issue is that huge parts of many cities, especially in the anglosphere, are designed in such a way that living there without a car is impossible, because they've been built too spread-out and too far away from anywhere people want to go

And remedying this would basically require densifying everywhere close to urban centres, up to 5 stories in most places, then fucking razing the suburbs to the ground and making it abundantly clear to anyone who wants to live at that old suburban density or lower that the price will be having a septic tank and dirt roads

Electric cars won't change this, btw. Mass adoption of them is not practical due to their weight, strain on the grid, tendency to catch fire in a way that takes 1 entire tender per car, and use of finite lithium, and should be reserved for those with a very specific set of disabilities that make walking difficult while not impairing driving abilities, or those who actually want to live out in the country and put up with aforementioned septic tank and dirt roads

I mean, if you wanted to get the largest number of people to stop eating animals, the #1 thing would be donating money to lab-grown meat research, or at least getting other people to, rather than engaging in online arguments in a way that immediately causes people to get defensive and emotional. Sure, it's not doing anything yet, but the second it becomes less expensive than traditional meat (and that can't be hard, since you're only growing the flesh you want, rather than an entire fucking animal, it will be much more efficient given time), that's almost immediately going to sway a lot of people who do not give a shit about the ethics or morality of it, but do care about their budgets or bottom lines.

But hey at least you're not rounding up those ticks whose bite makes you allergic to red meat in order to do an eco-terrorism (8chan's /leftypol/ has just as much brainrot as the rest of that site), since a) that would cause an immense backlash and b) the difference would just be made up in chicken and fish anyway.

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I will dry everything on the line, and there is neither weather nor HOAs that can stop me

Hope you enjoy being laid off when your company eats itself to keep the growth going for just a little longer to please the capitalist parasites known as "shareholders". You can't much money from ads when the economy is utterly, utterly in the shitter like it is right now, not nearly as much as you used to. You really think that the average person has the financial leeway to buy luxury goods or pricier options shown in ads when the budget barely covers food, bills, rent and transport costs, and everything they do buy must be the cheapest thing they can get their hands on? Your company, and all other internet companies supported by ads, made a pact with the devil, and now he has come to collect his due. I will enjoy seeing you all go hard into the red.

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Reminds me of a dumb podcast story

My 980ti still holds up pretty well at 1920x1440 (high-end CRT monitors were beautiful things, restart production you cowards) for most 3d games I play on Linux, but it is starting to have performance issues in some games, and I'm getting real sick and tired of the dumb shit Nvidia keeps pulling with their Linux drivers. The current driver gives me horrible black flickering in a lot of games, and of course they arbitrarily lock me out maxing out my CRT monitor (which don't have a fixed resolution, only a balance of resolution vs refresh rate, and it keeps blocking me from a whole range of refresh rate/resolution combinations). So I confess I am starting to eye the higher-end AMD 6xxx GPUs, and I would definitely try and grab one as cheaply as I could if I ever got a 3440x1440 ultrawide.

Incidentally, how are ultrawides for having two or three windows open side-by-side at the same time?

I am not sure how you ethically kill someone who doesn’t want to die.

On principle I don’t object to scavenging, I find it repulsive but just like how if you ate your parents when they died nobody would be hurt per se collecting road kill or something is not unusually cruel. Just creepy and gross given the lack of necessity.

How do you feel about "this animal has to be culled for the good of the ecosystem, and incidentally makes good eating"?

Where I live, Australia, we have the issue that kangaroos have few predators (dingoes and wedge-tailed eagles have to attack in groups to even bring down one (plus both are rare nowadays and prefer to poach farm animals now anyway) and the predators who could have soloed a kangaroo, like thylacoleo, megalania, and quinkana, are all 40000 years extinct, give or take), but they still breed like animals expecting to meet their end to some manner of predator. So in place of the predators that would usually keep their numbers down, hunting quotas are used to keep their numbers at an appropriate level. And as a side effect of this, a large amount of kangaroo meat enters the market, because they're not exactly small animals and they're perfectly edible.

We also have issues with feral pigs, rabbits, cats, camels and horses (among other animals, most of which are either too small to eat and/or have horrible fucking toxins in their flesh) that should not be here at all, given the horrific amount of damage they do to the native ecosystem on account of evolving in a far more competitive environment. The end goal is that they all fucking die, so it's not a totally sustainable business to hunt them for meat, plus the pigs and rabbits are disease-ridden (some of which we gave them in order to achieve the objective of total eradication) and the public has issues with eating cat meat, but we could totally do the same with the camels and horses, at least until the feral populations cease existing.

It's for GPU passthrough shenanigans, i.e. loaning out an entire GPU to your VM

I need a shit-tier, low-power GPU to stay on the host when doing that, and that's what that 710 is for

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iirc it's still 0.001 ms on CRTs vs 0.1ms on the best LCDs?

But that's not their main advantage, their main advantage is having absolutely zero motion blur thanks to natural, inbuilt BFI (having one frame that just gives way to another causes some amount of them blurring together in your visual cortex, while if there's a black frame in between that keeps them perfectly separate, and even when running, 90% of a CRT's screen will be black at any given time). Also that natural BFI makes them look a lot smoother than an LCD, like a CRT at 60hz will look as good as an LCD at 120hz.

I haven't actually set it up yet (hardware is all in place, just haven't resolved the fucking driver issue that I would need to do so first, plus also I would need a game I want to run on Windows that I can't on Linux), but according to my reading, there are essentially two stages to it.

When you loan out the GPU, first you have to disconnect it from the host OS, then the VM automatically grabs it when it boots. When the VM shuts down, it releases the GPU, but the host doesn't automatically resume ownership of it, you have to either configure a system to automate that, or leave it on a manual control system.

Bit late to this, but I have a couple of big ones:

  1. Once brain uploading becomes a thing, the code/data of an uploaded person should be sacrosanct. You can't look at it, you can't fuck with it, unless they give you consent to do so.

  2. Once it becomes a possibility, every human should either move off-world or revert back to a hunter-gatherer existence. Humans in general have been a disaster for the biosphere, but especially once we started settling down and farming, and even more so once industrialisation became a thing. Earth needs time to heal from the damage we have done to it, and that means most people + all our industry and technology fucking off into space. Namely into space colonies, big rotating cans of steel the size of large islands, filled with dirt, air, water and artificial biospheres.

I'm one of those maniacs who went to the trouble of setting up a GPU passthrough VM instead of dual booting, and I have no intention of switching it from Win10 to Win11. If it gets infected, it can't do jack or shit to the important parts of my system, and I can either roll back to a snapshot or nuke it.

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There's a racing mode in Jabroni Brawl Episode 3, a very silly sourcemod you can get from the steam store (afaik only requires HL2E2 to install), but there are only a few maps for it

I get by fine with Duckduckgo and Ecosia, thank you very much.

Okay, source I used was a little out of date (was looking at 2015 numbers, oops), but even the 2022 numbers disagree somewhat. OECD claims 77, CIA claims 78.

So you don't care that the majority of people who abuse drugs are doing it to self-medicate something, be that pain, depression from the state of their life, or an undiagnosed neurological condition?

(Adderall is just a dilute relative of meth, and so has similar effects on ADHD brains, i.e. makes us more functional. Also, there is research showing that cannabis has a positive effect on autistic brains, which would explain why so many autistic people I know love their greenery. Plus, anecdotes from fellow ADHDers of "I microdose weed because it helps me focus better, and it's easier to get than legal adderall")

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So, unpacking your worldview here, how do you feel about cancer brought about by smoking, or by prolonged exposure to materials that you know are radioactive and/or carcinogenic? Does that change with the knowledge that processed meat and plastics, things that are impossible to avoid unless you structure your life around limiting exposure to them, are most likely mild carcinogens?

Also, please tell me, regardless of how you classify addiction, that you at least understand that the only evidence-based approach to drugs is decriminalisation. Almost all of the societal ills associated with them are entirely the fault of their possession and sale being crimes. You can't find safe environments to use them in if they're illegal, nor can you feel safe seeking medical aid if you've taken too high a dose without realising it. If you're a dealer, you have no regulatory bodies to answer to, and pay no taxes on the money you make. If you're running organised crime, you're already sitting on enough of a supply to land you in jail for the rest of your life, and that makes murdering competitors seem like a much more palatable option. And then there's the developing world. Most of the money this makes ends up back in the hands of rebels, warlords and cartels in the developing world, where they cause untold misery and suffering.

But if you legalise them, that nips most of those problems in the bud. You can publicly admit to using them, feel safe seeking medical aid when you mistakenly take too much, get help from programs designed to end your dependence. The dealers go out of business, replaced by actual stores that pay taxes and follow regulations, like not being able to sell to minors or water down your product to sell more of it. Organised crime loses one of its biggest sources of money overnight, given that their expensive material of unknown origin and purity is suddenly replaced by cheaper material of known origin and purity. The cross-border smuggling also ceases, because what else are you going to find that is illegal, compact, and high in value? Oh, and the developing world can actually benefit from drug production, since the criminal groups will be greatly weakened from the loss of profits, and developed world importers would rather deal with legitimate businesses than violent criminals and rebels.

We learnt this shit a century ago with alcohol, one of the most destructive drugs (even meth would not be as destructive if legalised), why are we still doing it?

But the more relevant part is that since your Win10 install is on a VM, it can’t do shit on the rest of your system, and the GPU access is just there so that it won’t run as slow as shit when gaming, right?

Pretty much

I tried to look it up, and as far as I understood it, it’s a technique that allows a virtual machine to access a physical GPU directly. I guess that means that even if your VM is elsewhere (a server or wherever) it can still use the GPU you have.

So, to get more technical, there's a motherboard technology called IOMMU, which was developed for containing malware that has infected device firmware. What Linux has is a kernel module that allows an IOMMU group to be isolated from the host operating system, and connected up to a virtual machine as if it were real hardware. On an expensive motherboard, you get a different IOMMU group for each PCIe lane, each M.2 socket, each cluster of USB ports, etc. On a cheap one, you get one that for each type of device, maybe the PCIe lanes are divided into two groups.

So the fun part, and why we do this, is that when you have two GPUs, in different IOMMU groups, one can remain on host and allow graphics drivers, desktop environment, etc. to remain loaded, while the other can be connected to the VM and used entirely for gaming (theoretically, if you wanted to you could game on both systems at once). Thankfully, cheap, shit secondary GPUs aren't expensive (was once on a 710, ditched that and its many driver issues for a 1050, and my main remains a 980ti), but setting up the main GPU to switch between proper drivers and "vfio-pci", the drivers that have to be loaded before the passthrough can occur, can be a pain.

I mean, it's been scientifically shown that antagonistically trying to change someone's mind only serves to harden their existing views and make them less open to thinking about it. e.g. at this point I'm deliberately avoiding reading your response again, because all it provokes is my anger issues, all that achieves is putting me in a state where you are The Enemy and neither morality or ethics are considerations, and I try to avoid that with people I largely agree with but have one major sticking point against these days.

I've been in a similar position with urbanist/FuckCars stuff, where no matter how many arguments you make about how the suburbs are a blight upon the cities they parasitise and we need to densify now, how cars have no right being the #1 method of transportation within cities, or how SUVs should be banned within city limits, the carbrained suburbanite will ignore them all and continue going about their lifestyle without a thought about it. You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into.

But you can always tap into the fear that comes with "this will economically ruin you if you keep doing this" and as such, high petrol prices are one hell of a gift for getting people to start catching public transport and/or biking, at least the ones who live in places where such a thing is physically possible. We're in the middle of a cost of living crisis, where the average person is getting evermore squeezed for what little they have, and you still can't shift your angle of attack from "you're a terrible person and you should feel bad" to "meat is the most expensive part of your diet and here are alternative ways to get that flavour/texture that cost far less (and incidentally are 100% plant)" and then work on them from there?

Just saying, the average(/mode) person using any English-language space on the internet a) is used to dishes where the meat, or at least some kind of fancy, dairy-based sauce, is the focal point and b) has no idea what the state of fake meat/meat alternatives is like right now.

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