the ter(ule)minal is immortal to – 479 points –

I downvoted this via GUI. Using a touchscreen. Whatcha gonna do bout it?

The unicode "three dots" character is making me irrationally angry. In the terminal, just use three dots!

I feel like this was written using chat gpt, or at least a cli version of it. The fact that it still uses "biomass" and the unicode dots is pretty weird.

I'm high school I attended a summer programming program where all of the computers we used were CLI Unix boxes. No GUI, no Windows XP. Just the command line and you. Learned quite a bit there, from basic C++ to very simple shell scripting.

I liked making my terminal environment black with lime green text a la The Matrix because it made me feel like a h4x0r.

Green on black is easy on the eyes. I used to rock an amber on black monitor on my 486/33 486 DX 66 (I upgraded the CPU). It was full SCSI, coax networking, dial-up modem, and Red Hat (Halloween). The disc came with either a book or a magazine. It's been a minute.

I still have the machine in storage. Fully wrapped in cellophane.

EDIT: When I finally shut her down, her final uptime was a little over 2300 days. We were moving so down she went.

Stop gendering objects as female lol

It's gendered the same way in my native language

The terminal is itself an application or GUI where the input is text. What you really want to do is enjoin your spinal cord nerves to the chip interconnect so that you communicate efficiently using just electrical activity or the change in voltages.

Daily driving a cli only linux distro is surprisingly feasible these days due to the resurgence of various TUI applications. I'm still not insane enough to do it myself tho

Web browsing is still kind of hard though. And games. But that’s because they are designed around graphics these days.

But for the rest of it, there’s a LOT of work I can get done on a nice terminal or three.

May I recommend "w3m"? Its an awesome text based browser. It even supports images if your not running in a pure tty.

neither the graphic user interface nor the text user interface are immortal, but the graphic user interface is slightly longer lived because visual indicators are not tied to language, which is constantly in flux.

bash and *nix commands are an absolute immemorable mess. powershell is the command line shell with the most staying power, due to its standardized commmand naming scheme. but the reality is, a 🗑️ symbol will keep its meaning for much longer than “rm” “del” or even “Remove-item”.

visual indicators are not tied to language, which is constantly in flux.

Core Unix commands have not changed since the 70s my guy. The syntax of modern ls, tar etc are still 1:1 compatible with versions that predate the invention of the concept of a GUI. Go 10 years back in GUI design back to 2014 and see how similar things are to today.

The one exception to this is Powershell, which has the core Unix command names as aliases to the equivalent Powershell commands without any attempt to convert the flags between them. Microsoft really desperately wants to convert *nix programmers and sysadmins back to Windows, and they're failing spectacularly because no one wants to use a shell where ls -l throws an error.

bash and *nix commands are an absolute immemorable mess.

that sounds like a skill issue.

"grep" is an English verb, change my mind.

Yeah I can never remember the syntax for a few commands, but surprise, those are the commands I don't use often. And the command line being standardized means that using a shell on a Mac (work) feels... basically the same as using one on my Linux home servers.

i am speaking in the very long term, hundreds to thousands of years. this was a joke/facetious response to a joke/overdramatic meme. sorry that wasn’t immediately obvious lol

In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war and power shell

Ehm, as long as team-*nix doesn't uninvent the wastebasket :)

Nothing lasts forever, not two random letters that may have some meaning nor a weird emoji 🕳️

HELL YEAH! There's something about the CLI that feels so cozy and cool :3

And you never have to leave it because you can do literallu anything trough it!

Sure, try editing a movie or climbing a mountain with it.

I mean then you're at the application, which propably has it's own gui. What I meant is that you never have to use any desktop enviroment etc. It's like with dos, you do everythinf in terminal and then you just open programs trough it which might have gui

Had a class in college where we weren't allowed a GUI. Thanks Professor Becker!

Is there a way to launch graphical programs through the shell? I don't mean opening a terminal in your DE/WM but rather running without a gui but then starting a seperate gui just for graphical programs

yes, if you like your windows undecorated..

In fact, i do.

then you can just start an xserver (X11 or, i think wayland comes with a window manager integrated... so i guess not what you want. you might also consider tiling window managers like rat or something similar, i could imagine those right up your alley (if you want to multitask)