17 Post – 93 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

According to an Al Jazeera journalist that's in southern gaza, the water still hasn't been turned on, despite what Israel said.

He also said it's pointless to say that Israel will turn the water back on without restoring the electricity, because electricity is needed to pump the water to Gaza.

So this just looks like a pr piece by Israel to look like they're doing something when they're not.

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Truly, it's as if Germany has learnt absolutely nothing from it's past.

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The Anglican community and Anglican owners of the hospital and Doctors without Borders operating in Gaza have denied Israel's claim. They reiterated that it was an Israeli attack on the hospital

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Al Jazeera has just reported that water is trickling through to a few areas. No other details that I've seen yet.

Edit: it's only to one area of Khan Yunis in Gaza. And the infrastructure is destroyed there, so people are unable to get to the water as of yet. Palestinians are also reiterating that without electricity for the water pumps they're unable to get water from the tanks

Immensely proud of South Africa

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US President Joe Biden will once again emphasise Israel's “right and duty” to defend itself.

The next stage of the genocide against Palestinians done by the Israelis. And, once again, they're broadcasting the next step of their genocidal plans to the world.

It seems that each time Israel ramps up their genocidal intents they get materially and politically rewarded by certain countries. Specifically the US, UK, Germany, Australia. And more, to their shame.

What is Hamas going to do with a catholic priest? They want to exchange Israeli hostages for all the Palestinian men, women and children that Israel is holding hostage in Israeli prisons.

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As horrible as South African apartheid was, what is happening to the Palestinans is degrees worse.

Ordinary South Africans still remember the deep damage Apartheid perpetrators inflicted on us, it's poisonous remnants are still affecting us as a country to this day as we try to heal as a people.

Now imagine South Africans seeing what Israel is perpetrating against the Palestinians, now and in the past. It's a punch to the gut, a searing pain, to see what was done to us and our parents being done to Palestinians. We're seeing a gross refined version of Apartheid that was inflicted on us being inflicted on the Palestinians. And largely the so called west/ global north is cheering for the Israeli Apartheid regime commiting genocide. It makes me sick to my core.

For these reasons there is immense pressure on our government by civil society to denounce Israel and support Palestine. It does help that the ANC has always been pro Palestinian in the first place. Also it's elections this year so the ANC definitely wants some good pr too.

I would say that these points factor in way more than any link to Russia or China

Possibly. But Palestinians have also said that pipelines are damaged or destroyed by Israel's bombing in all areas if Gaza.

So if water is going through then it's sitting in huge tanks and not able to go through the pipelines to whichever houses/ buildings which are not yet rubble because of destroyed/ damaged pipes and no electricity to pump the water through any undamaged pipes.

So they probaby need to collect the water via water trucks. But there's no petrol either.

They could make the dangerous walk to the water tanks, but Israel has been bombing south Gaza as well, where everyone from northern Gaza was told to go.

Is this the one where israeli soldiers said Monday to Sunday were terrorists lol.

What i don't understand is how brazen they were. They just pointed to the calendar and said the days of the week were terrorist names without even censoring it and expected people to believe them. Like what level of hubris is this?

Because the very creation of Israel was a settler colonialist state ethnically cleansing the local population.

I would say their neighbours had plenty to be pissed off about.

That's why it's doubly shameful of Germany to have this stance, and also a great pity. Germany calling out Israel for it's genocide would be as strong a rebuke as South Africa calling out Israel for Apartheid.

Spamming the comment section with pro israeli comments or even just muddying the waters. I've seen it with a few posters, including rivermonster. It distracts those reading from the real issue being discussed, usually israeli crimes against humanity.

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True. But i would add the extra detail that all the land stolen from Palestinians by Israel should be returned.

In South Africa that wasn't done. We had land and a house that my grandfather built up by himself in what is now one the most expensive suburbs in Cape Town. That land was stolen from us and never returned.

And it hurts so much everytime we have to go past there because there are rich white folks living there now. And we know we'll never be able to afford that land now no matter how hard we work. Now we struggle to even leave a home for our children to inherit.

I don't want that happening to the Palestinians again.

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As we speak israel just bombed an ambulance convoy full of injured people. And then, not long later, the indonesian hospital in gaza was damaged even more by the israelis.

Where are the people screaming that Palestinians should make peace right now? Make peace with WHOM?

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I think you're getting confused. Before the creation of Israel there were jewish palestinians, and Christian Palestinians and muslim Palestinians. And then the apartheid ethnostate of Israel was created, and israel made everyone who was not jewish a 2nd class citizen or a refugee.

Before the creation of israel people of the three faiths were living together in Palestine.

So i'm quite sure the problem is actually israel

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Yes, i actaully didn't know about this.

I suppose that's one of the reasons why the Namibian president rebuked Germany for it's stance on Israel in South Africa's genocide case against Israel.

Copying my reply from higher up in the thread:

it’s only to one area of Khan Yunis in Gaza. And the infrastructure is destroyed there, so people are unable to get to the water as of yet. Palestinians are also reiterating that without electricity for the water pumps they’re unable to get water from the tanks

Every time you think these Israeli terrorists can't get any worse they prove to the world that they can reach a new depraved low

This is Egypt's reasoning as well. The US and Israel want Egypt to accept all the Palestinians in exchange for Israel opening and not bombing the border crossing.

Egypt said no, they have to allow humanitarian aid into south Gaza, and stop the bombing in south Gaza. And only dual citizens are allowed to leave.

South Gaza is where Israel said the Palestinians should evacuate to. Note that Israel is bombing north and south Gaza.

Israel is refusing. They want all the Palestinians out of their land.

I mean, this is the textbook definition of ethnic cleansing. Israel is commiting ethnic cleansing and genocide for everyone to see. They're not even being subtle about it in the language they've used at press conferences.

The US, European Union countries and their allies are willing accomplices to ethnic cleansing and genocide. They are absolutely complicit in the murder of Palestinian men, women and children.

Will any of them be denounced by the International criminal court? Are they going to issue an arrest warrant for Netanyahu and the others for clearly commiting war crimes?

We all know the answer to that.

Edit: if Palestinians leave Gaza they would never be allowed to return. Israel will annexe that land like they've done with Palestinian land countless times before. And it will become the new normal to pretend that the land was always part of Israel.

No one is denying that south africa has a corruption problem. But that doesn't mean that SA's stance against israel on the ongoing ethnic cleansing and genocide of Palestinians is because Russia or China told us so.

You're conflating the two issues. There is absolute disgust and anger at the israelis and absolute empathy towards the Palestinians because we went through the same brutalisation and dehumanisation by a racist radicalised minority government that the Palestinians are going through right now.

I would say that the Palestinians are actually subjected to worse than what south africans were subjected to. And that's really saying something, because we know how awful apartheid was and how much brutalisation we were subject to during apartheid.

I think you're ignoring that the south african government ( minus the DA and and their allies) and the people of south africa support the palestinians because we recognise exactly what an apartheid oppressor state looks like, and we recognise israel as being an apartheid oppresssor.

Aparheid wasn't that long ago that we've forgotten what it was like. We're still living through the repercussions of it, and will be for many years to come. We know the palestinian people are living through the same. And when they're free of the israeli apartheid inflicted on them they'll have to live with the repercussions of that for many generations.

It's empathy that south africa is feeling.

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But that's exactly why it's extremely telling when south africa calls israel an apartheid state. Because south african's know what it's like to be brutalised and dehumanised under an apartheid state. They see direct parallels of apartheid south africa in israel.

I don't see it as ironic, i see it as damning.

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Here you go good sir: \

Right. Because south africa has absolutely no agency of our own, right? We can't do anything worthwhile without european or white masters /s

I suppose the colonial mindset hasn't left all south africans

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Yes. I believe the Israelis dug a tunnel when they built the hospital too

South Africa

Why can't there be Jewish Palestinians?

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Brah, i know this is off topic but why are all your posts being deleted? The ones about the UN delegates turning their backs to the US delegate in a show of protest while she was speaking.

I'm genuinely curious because everytime i try to go into a post to understand what's happening it says the post no longer exists.

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Enlighten us.

I'm being serious, not sarcastic, i really do want to know.

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Perfectly put. Also, the amount of money needed to fix the current problems is huge. And getting that amount of money from the taxpaying base( even without corruption siphoning off money) is placing an incredibly heavy burden on ordinary taxpayers. It's a tragic situation.

@Linkerbaan just want to say that i admire your perseverance. Explaining, with sources, to some of the same users everyday on different posts, and having to take their shitty insults everytime.

I don't think i could do it, but i appreciate that you do. Because I, and I'm sure many others, have learnt a lot from the information you provide.

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Like i said, i was watching the live tv broadcast, but they also have the articles on their website.

Thos article outlines all the facets of the humanitarian crisis the Gazan’s are facing, they talk about the water situation about halfway down in the article.

The article has actual sources that prove that US agression and also via their nato vassals is the cause of what happened in 2014 up until now.

When Russia tried to reach out to be more integrated with Western Europe they were continually rebuffed on orders from the US.

There was no reason for this of course, the USSR already dissolved. No reason besides the US trying to prevent a united Europe.

But anyway, i know you're going to spew psychotic verbal diarrhea again, so I'm out.

The settlers (aka colonolialist thieves and murderers) are literally killing, maiming, torturing Palestinians on their own land in the West Bank. Driving them out of their own houses, lands and farms. The Israeli army stands by and watches this. If any Palestinian tries to fight back against the settlers in the process of stealing their land they are maimed and/or murdered. And this is only in the West Bank where land theft and murder by the Israelis is still happening to this day. It doesn't include any of the other clear land theft that had taken place in historic Palestine by the Israelis.

Now tell me that is not similar to the Apartheid police force breaking into houses in your area and telling you to move or be murdered, because your property now belongs the Apartheid state that is going to parcel it out to the white Apartheid supporting citizens.

Finding similarities between the atrocities commited by the Apartheid South African government and the Apartheid Israeli government is not adding my country's baggage to a complex reality. A lot can be learnt by looking back at similar atrocities commited in the past and the repercussions of that, whay was learnt, etc.

Also an important point is that because of experiencing a similar repression of my people, parents, grandparents, and living through the tail end of that repression, i have empathy and some understanding of what the Palestinians are going through. I can't claim to know exactly how they're feeling but i do have some idea.

I have been campaigning in South Africa for Palestinian rights and self determination since i was a young teenager with my peers and my parents. I have been aware of the history, geopolitics and reality of the situation of the Palestinians since then. I have a pretty decent understanding of what is going on over there.

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It's not even true to call it collateral damage. Israel is deliberately targeting civilians, it's mass murder.

I sometimes feel like the DA would damn us all for the sake of a little publicity

I doubt they'll see their babies again if they let israel take them. And they've already seen that the world will do nothing to help them

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I find that really strange. Nowhere in my comments did i say i want white minority rule in South Africa. In fact, you were the only one to mention it first. So how can you say the opposite of something i did not say?