‘Free world, where are you?’ Gaza hospital chief pleads after babies killed

AdeptusPrimaris@lemmy.dbzer0.com to World News@lemmy.world – 148 points –
‘Free world, where are you?’ Gaza hospital chief pleads after babies killed

We're about to throw some more fuel on the fire is what we're doing.

Now where are all the Western media with the headlines about this?

“Israel bombs killed infants”. Just like they did with their fake story regards Israeli babies?

I have not seen any news about this on 3 news websites of my country (which is in Europe).

Front page of the New York times online right now reporting 1500 children killed in Gaza, multiple pictures of the destruction within Gaza including dead bodies. It should be the top story over the stupid Jim Jordan stuff in my opinion (instead of the second top story where they have it), but I think it's disingenuous to say that no western media reports on children dying in Gaza.

Surely a Biden statement about the deaths of children is forthcoming. /s

That's probably because there's little evidence Israel did it. There's more evidence it was Hamas.

And no, this isn't just me parroting the Israeli claim. Look into the publicly available evidence.

You're confusing the misfired rocket that killed 600 people to the dozens of intentional bombs fired by Isreal that killed over 3000.

So some facts first:

  • the Palestinian Health Authority is the HAMAS.
  • if the doctor does not report what Hamas wants, he and or his family will get punished
  • Al Jazeera is known to report statements made by Terrorists without questioning them

To be frank: there is no reason to believe ANYTHING they claim.

and to be really blunt: by the Israeli dead baby standard many of you folks seem to require and obviously have established („show us the beheadings“, „show us the burnt corpses“, „death to israel“ and of course „death to amerikka“) I call the whole story a lie until proven otherwise by an independent investigation.

The problem with your reporting standards, are in an active war zone we can't satisfy them, so it won't be until everyone in Gaza is dead, and verified by a third party, that you will believe terrible things are happening in Gaza. It's a catch-22. The people having terrible things happening to them, can't prove they're happening to them, because you don't trust them.

Independent third party is aren't allowed to visit, because the belligerents don't want third parties verifying anything.

It's a terrible situation, but I think it's unquestionable the civilians are suffering.

That's not the bug, that's the feature (with respect to reporting standards)

I have several ways of interpreting your comment, personally I don't think it matters who blew up the hospital and if they intended to do it. Bad shit like this is inevitable with this pressure cooker situation, and we shouldn't be worrying about blame but how to end the situation.

By your standards there's no reason to trust Israel. They literally bombed an AP building and killed one of the most respected journalists in the Arab world Shireen Abu Akleh right before committing more war crimes in 2022

Not to mention the current prime Ministers history for corruption charges

There's actually pictures and video this time with the hospital though.

I say everything is fabricated until proven otherwise by a independent investigation

Everyone loves to talk shit on America acting like the world police until some other countries start bombing each other and then the tune changes pretty quickly. I don't know about you guys but I'm perfectly content to sit this one out. Maybe that's selfish, I honestly don't know. I'm just tired of getting shit on no matter what we do. Let France or somebody else run point this time.

The US is not sitting this one out, they've been sending support to the people causing this.

I mean, they send military aid to Israel because their neighbor wants to wipe out all jews and they send economic aid to palestine because not all of them want to kill all jews. So im not really sure who you are talking about.

The US is absolutely not sitting this one out. We are supporting our ally Israel. Just as Iran is supporting their ally Hamas.

Stop pretending this is so black and white.

That's correct. I am not an official representative of the US government. I didn't think it was necessary to explicitly state that.

I’m perfectly content to sit this one out.

Sending two carrier strike groups (which is just the tip of the iceberg of aid and involvement) is hardly "to sit this one out".

Generally, I think the US is involved in all continents not because of humanitarian / world police reasons, but because they protect their economic and geostrategic interests. Viewed from this perspective, being involved is the selfish stance. Reducing engagement would mean to lose power and influence, rivals gaining ground.

Obviously I don't get consulted when deciding whether or not to deploy military assets. I'm saying I would prefer to let other countries deal with their own problems. That's what everyone says they want us to do when there's no bombs currently exploding. Sometimes that means two groups of people will want to fight each other. Why should that change anything? It seems pretty hypocritical to call for a hands off approach so long as everyone keeps doing what we want them to do. That's not removing ourselves from the situation, it's just making veiled threats.

It also seems pretty clear that our previous actions haven't done much to ease tensions in the region. These guys have been at each other for almost 100 years. Do you really think playing the referee and sending them back to their corners is going to end the fight?

Once the US figures out a way to exploit the situation it will do so. No doubt a plan is already in motion.

Why do you think war is the answer to anything? Oh right, you are american. Your national sport is shooting at people

I specifically said that I don't have any desire to be involved in someone else's war so I'm not sure what you're on about. Just looking for an excuse to be a dick I guess.