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Joined 1 months ago

transgander (h o n k)
all hierarchies are unjust

I can't upload a banner image so here you go

A trans pride flag with a sickle and hammer beneath a skull and crossbones

It sure sounds like racism and poorphobia to me. HR trying to make sure her surroundings don't look like what a "typical poor person" would have (clutter, children, signs of disability, "drugs", etc.) It's not super common, but it's common enough that I hear about it every so often.

I can't offer any kind of legal advice, but it sounds like this job will be potentially problematic and HR will definitely be one to watch out for.

ETA: There's a lot of paranoia in the US right now about "laptop farms". Remote jobs are paranoid about people getting remote work to send money back to North Korea. It's completely ridiculous, and it's causing issues for a lot of people, mostly marginalized people. I think it's useful context to know why this kind of thing is happening more lately.

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Definitely! However if your first experience with HR is being discriminated against, raising concerns about discrimination can be dangerous. Who do you go to when HR is causing the issues? HR is there to protect the company, not you. If the easiest way to protect the company is to fire someone, HR will probably do that.

I'm not trying to talk OP or anyone else out of going to HR, they aren't always sharks waiting to fire someone. It's just good to be careful here and OP and their wife should be aware of the risks before taking any action. Definitely document this incident. If this becomes a repeat issue, documentation can be the difference between getting fired and winning a wrongful termination lawsuit.

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Do you think there are circumstances where queer people deserve to be tortured? He moved there for work, but your victim blaming would be just as gross even if he did it for fun.

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Wow this thread is almost entirely the straights being not okay

That's my gender. I didn't pay for this clipart.

A trans pride flag with a sickle and hammer beneath a skull and crossbones

They're being "mean" because you're jumping to assumptions that a brown woman is cheating because she was very good at a sport, and all your comments are laced with transphobic undertones. There is zero evidence to suggest Imane Khelif cheated, but you keep acting like there is.

How many people have had to surrender within a minute (not a knockout or pin)?

A lot, actually. It's a violent sport, it happens all the time. Ronda Rousey famously had a match called in under a minute by a ref because she was so seriously outmatched, it doesn't mean her opponent was cheating or trans.

I don't have links because they get banned pretty quickly, but over the last week I've seen maybe 4 or 5 examples of lemmy users referencing "the race card" (derogatory) in response to others talking about systemic racist violence.

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Not yet, but I'm learning to sew so that I can make my own clothes! The only things I can find in my style just don't fit or have terrible colors and patterns. With parametric patterns I can make anything I want tailored specifically for my body shape, and I don't have to spend money I don't have on things made in unethical abusive sweatshops.

The best resource I've found so far is . It's a community based around a piece of software for creating parametric sewing patterns. There aren't many patterns there yet, but there's two patterns for underwear and one of the people involved has a youtube channel with some great tutorials

Hey uhhhhhhhhh maybe dont be weird about intersex people lol

HR can protect the company by reigning this guy in. I really feel it was a lone wolf thing, not policy.

Very true! Like I said, I'm not trying to convince you to not bring it up, just that it's something to be careful about, and to make sure you have evidence or documentation.

Not everyone can afford to not take work. Queer people are more likely to be fired and refused jobs because they're queer, and that frequently means needing to take horrible jobs in horrible places just to survive.

but does he really think

I don't mean this in a snarky way, try waterboarding yourself for 5 seconds and then consider if you would be in any way rational after sustained torture. Torture fucks you up in horrible ways, and I don't think we should be criticizing this man for how he reacted to the injustice he faced.

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My point still stands. The size of data says nothing about its contents. If OP is concerned about this from a security or privacy perspective, you shouldn't be writing them off because it's only 100 bytes.

Exactly what I was referencing! I've known a few people who were recently fired from remote jobs under very strange circumstances. I can't prove anything of course, but I distinctly got the feeling that they were fired because the intersection of their marginalizations made them look like "evil North Korean spies" to management.

Because ironically the bias checking bot is biased. MBFC is pretty terrible, as evidenced by giving LGBTQ Nation a "medium" credibility rating.

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IA is not a sustainable project, and is built as a single point of failure. It has no transparency and no recovery plan if things go bad. Compare that to Anna's Archive, a project that open sources all of their code and data so that things will continue running even if everyone involved disappears.

Ask yourself: if IA's data was silently modified, would anyone be able to tell?

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I completely believe all of that, and I'm sorry she's had to deal with so much crap. Lately a lot of employers seem to be showing their asses by being overtly racist, ableist, and transphobic. Everyone I know who isn't a white straight cis man has had employment troubles in the last six months.

I hope this is just a strange interaction with one HR person and you have a better time with everyone else!

Ironically every single trans person I know is the lo tek on the right.

Agreed. Unfortunately a lot of people don't have a union, and sometimes unionizing just isn't possible.

That's exactly the opposite of what I was saying.

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Oh, that makes more sense! Sorry for the misunderstanding :)

Please tell me more about how the person comparing a man tortured for being gay to racism is not victim blaming.

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Oh, I get it now! In my sleep deprived state I missed that two of them had the same size. That seems like a reasonable guess, I'm just paranoid about cookies :P

I mean, if you make an appeal and end up disappointed because the country doesn’t see any kind of violation to human rights… How do you call that?

That's called disappointment, that's how it works

Oh, and I never said Mexico or UK were better places for him, I said he is British-Mexican, so he probably had better places to go.

Try talking to a queer person some time, shit is bad for us everywhere right now.

Lastly, yeah, Qatar is a shithole country, and the only thing you need to know this is that no decent country makes being gay a crime.

Queer people are marginalized in every country right now. You clearly aren't actually that interested in queer politics or you would know that.

Are you sure you’re not mad?

Yes, I'm mad that you're victim blaming a gay man who was tortured and keep dropping racist dogwhistles. Are you enjoing telling the faggots how stupid they are?

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"Uppity faggots are just trolls!" wow I feel like I'm back in 2018. It's not working, nobody's falling for your bullshit.

I love how you just compared a gay man who was tortured for being gay to a racist man with a racist sign. You would be less offensive if you just called us faggots.

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You are literally attacking me for things I didn't say lmao

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When cishets are telling actual queer people about the oppression we face? Yeah, I'll drop cishet (derogatory).

You literally compared a man who was tortured for being gay to a man being racist.

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Haha yeah those faggots deserve hate because they're so whiny about human rights and dignity.

I mean come on. You're literally saying I'm exactly just as bad as queermisics because I'm uppity.

It’s ironic how the queer community

You don't get to use that word. We've been called queer by people bashing us, we've been called queer by people killing us, for decades. We're the only ones who get to reclaim our slurs, not you. And when you use that word while victim blaming a man who was tortured for being gay, while telling queer people we're responsible for our own marginalization, it's just a slur. You don't get to say queer any more than you get to say faggot.

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8 bytes is enough to store 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 (18 quintillion) different values, more than enough space for a fingerprint ID. The size of the data shouldn't factor into the potential threat.

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Can you try feeling compassion for 5 seconds?

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okay cishet

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And now you're just purposefully twisting what I said. Again. I preferred when people like you just called us faggots, it was a lot less annoying.

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Could he have chosen a country to work in that wasn’t a shithole place with a liking for killing gays and fucking human rights? And is it reasonable to expect that a country like Qatar respects human rights? I’m not sure you know anything at all about the shithole of a country this guy decided to go to work.

He never said anything about expecting Qatar to respect human rights, you're just making things up to hate on the gay man now.

I’m not sure you know anything at all about the shithole of a country this guy decided to go to work.

Earlier you said that Mexico and the UK have better opportunities for gays but both of those countries have attrocious records for gay rights. You're accusing me of "not knowing" about Qatar but you clearly don't know what you're talking about. The way you keep saying "shithole country" like Trump sure does make it sound like you just hate faggots and brown people.

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You couldn't go one post without victim blaming him. And tbh if you have to tell people you're being compassionate right before you launch into victim blaming, you are not being compassionate.

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I'm mad at you because what you're saying is fucked up, yes. I'm just asking you to show basic empathy for another human being.

You've clearly never talked to a queer person in the EU if you think they aren't marginalized. Now you're just denying oppression.

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Nah you victim blamed a man who was just tortured. I said it was a fucked up opinion and you doubled down. All he said was that he was "disappointed" and you got mad about that for some reason. He's literally not even "expecting" anything, he just said he was disapointed.

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I said nothing about condoning, I asked you to empathize with a man who was just tortured. The fact that you're getting so upset over that says a lot about you. There's a reason you like to criticize the gay man and not the homophobic government that tortures people.

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You're hyperfocusing on criticizing the man who was just tortured for being gay instead of looking at the broader context of what happened, or trying to consider how you would react in that situation. Being victimised in this way is absolutely fucking horrible, and it fucks you up forever. I reacted very similarly to situations where I was victimised for being queer, and those were nothing like what this man has been through.

It's impossible to imagine what this man has been through in any meaningful way, but you should take a bit to just think about what this man went through, how badly he's been hurt to need to go to Qatar to find work, and the defeat he must feel knowing that he is forever changed by an experience that nobody will recognize or do anything about.

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You're spending a lot of time scrutinizing the actions of a man who was just tortured for being gay. What are you trying to argue?

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