Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence to World – 142 points –
Gay man ‘tortured’ in Qatar for his sexuality returns home after 'deeply disappointing' sentence

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Can you try feeling compassion for 5 seconds?

Is feeling compassion incompatible with anything else?

What happened to this man is a tragedy nobody should experience (this is compassion).

The reason why this happened was totally avoidable, Qatar is a country everyone should avoid (everyone includes queer people too) because they have crap laws and don't care about human rights. (This has to be said because we need to educate people so they don't suffer this again)

Do you have the power to change Qatar laws so they don't consider being gay a crime? I'd love a different solution, for example one that makes Qatar a livable place for everyone, but until this happens, the best thing we can do is not going there, especially if your mere existence is a crime for them.

Edit: punctuation.

You couldn't go one post without victim blaming him. And tbh if you have to tell people you're being compassionate right before you launch into victim blaming, you are not being compassionate.

You're mad at me because you don't like what I'm saying.

And instead of trying to understand that maybe sometimes a victim can be criticised for what they suffered, so they learn from it to never repeat it, you double down on your attacks refusing to see anything wrong in this person's behaviour. You even go as far as saying that every country is the same when it comes to queer people treatment, as if Qatar was remotely comparable to any UE country in which they can live a full life like any other citizen.

I'm mad at you because what you're saying is fucked up, yes. I'm just asking you to show basic empathy for another human being.

You've clearly never talked to a queer person in the EU if you think they aren't marginalized. Now you're just denying oppression.

You really don't know what you're talking about. But that's fine, go on.

I am saying that Qatar is not comparable to EU. And if you refuse to see that, then you're part of the problem. How many EU countries can you name in which being gay is punished with death? If you really think that queer people is oppressed the same way in a democratic civilised country than it is in an autocratic regime as the one of Qatar, you are just denying any kind of progress, and hurting queer people more than helping them. You should be ashamed of even considering that.

You look like someone looking for enemies, and that's only going to hurt yourself, not me.

And now you're just purposefully twisting what I said. Again. I preferred when people like you just called us faggots, it was a lot less annoying.

Can you point out what did I twist? Maybe when I said that there are surely better places to go for a queer person than Qatar and then you said that you are marginalized everywhere? And then I pointed out that surely it's not the same a country like Spain than a country like Qatar? But you kept going with it?

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