
12 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 2 months ago

Now you're saying Israel is solely responsible, before you were saying Biden was solely responsible.

Before switching providers I had similar experiences, to the point where I'd start every call with "Please transfer me to a manager. You can help me by transferring me to a manager. No I need to be transferred to a manager. You're not a manager so you can't help me," and so on and it was the only way to get whoever answered the phone to give me straight answers on the first try.

Does Hamas want the violence to stop?

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Oh so if Hamas doesn't want kids to be bombed why didn't Hamas ever build bomb shelters?

I don't want anyone to die.

I also want Hamas to be held accountable.

I also - now, try to follow along here - don't personally command the Israeli army.

This might shock you but I'm not pointing at things telling them where to shoot or bomb.

This is going to also be a pretty big shock to you, but, bear with me.

If Hamas surrenders right now then this conflict ends.

If Hamas didn't attack on 10/7 then this conflict wouldn't be ongoing.

Once this conflict is over there will be millions of Palestinians living in and around the region.

Oh also one other thing - you're fine with mass murder and carnage, as long as it's against Israelis. That's what you're saying when you don't say Hamas should surrender.

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Does Hamas want the violence to end?

No way, everyone knows that Biden can easily change all of the federal government whenever he wants to but just chooses not to because he's a big meanie and only ever does anything so that he's just 1% less bad than Trump.


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Be a sub all you want just don't hide it by claiming that ackchuallee you're a fascist and that's the only reason you like it.

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Plato's political career failed so bad that he invented a reason for why only he should be allowed to do politics.

How do you feel now?

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I wonder who appointed her and then who voted to confirm her appointment.

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I eventually graduated.

The short version - my mental health was fucked up, including a very intense anxiety I had about school.

Only leaving school, lucking into a job with good healthcare, earning enough to be independent for the first time ever, seeing a therapist AND taking medications, made me stable enough to finish.

Good thing Biden increased the number of IRS employees so they can do that.

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I was so satisfied by the first panel that I've opted to ignore the rest.

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Well since everyone was like "how do we get that dawg back in him" and Gandalf was the only one that thought to put a sword in his hand maybe Gandalf is the only one that is male.

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(I'm taking the picture.)


You're welcome.


Arthur, King of the Britons

Touch grass


That sounds like someone who I want to vote for.

From my basic understanding

Greater = the area including and around a city

Metro = the parts of a community within some sort of combined local government



Weird how Biden is committing a genocide while trying to get both sides to agree to a ceasefire.

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Whoa, if Joe Biden stops giving Israel money then Hamas will surrender and give up all the hostages????????

Oh so just because Hamas began hiding behind civilians after 10/7 they should get away with what they did on 10/7.

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First step - both chambers of Congress approve a draft amendment by a 2/3rds vote, or a "convention" called by the legislatures of the states (understood to mean 2/3rds of the states) adopts a draft amendment.

Then 3/4ths of the legislatures have to pass the adopted amendment, or conventions in 3/4 of the states (which a state's legislature can call).

Does Hamas want the killing to stop?

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Ghazi Hamad, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, says in an interview with a Lebanese TV channel that the terror group will repeat the October 7 attack time and again until Israel is annihilated.


Yeah Biden definitely should have nominated someone earlier, then that person could have been waiting for an even longer time before finally getting confirmation and that would definitely result in something being different.

Which the last Congress did.

Why are you blaming Biden

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