rule to – 800 points –

This post is kind of judgy, nothing wrong with being a strongman's sub.

Be a sub all you want just don't hide it by claiming that ackchuallee you're a fascist and that's the only reason you like it.

I take it to mean it's playing into a fascist's insecurities; it's only supposed to sound judgy if you're insecure about being a strongman's sub.

Yeah, but the shame all plays into it. They wouldn't like it if they didn't feel bad the whole time.

halfway funny, fine to insult fascists but no need to put down subs or sluts while doing so

Yes, but consider this:

Subs and sluts when you call them slut: ☺️🥰

Fascists when you call them sluts: 😡🤡

umm there are absolutely a significant number of fascists out there who have that first reaction to being called a slut

part of “know your enemy” is recognizing that even the worst of the worst are not a monolith. halfway funny.

I think some of them imagine themselves to be the protagonist of the world and will be elevated to the dictator's best friend at some point. I'm basing this off having talked to an Iranian monarchist.

Yep. I argued with lots of fascist online before I learned the fine art of blocking & moving on, and 99% of them seem to have main character syndrome. Like, why do they always think they'd be the dictator's right-hand guy and not one of the people licking boot on all fours?

"he's hurting the wrong people" bootlickers after finding out they need to bootlick.

I also know a lot of them. They do suffer from main character syndrome. One of them gets extremely angry when it's not the common people that are doing the executions as he likes to imagine it.

The sort of "Band of Brothers" vibe is something I have noticed talking with the two folks from high school that fell that direction that I know. It feels like a high school clique but with parasocial relationships. Like they don't want the hassle of being king but they do want to be knights lording it over some peasants.

I don't think we should compare subs to facists, that's pretty insulting

Subs are fine, but fascists probably don't like being called that so it's a decent insult. It's bad on their terms because their terms are stupid.

Was that not clear from the number of fashy femboys

The femboy thing just makes it even funnier.

"Why are you pointing the gun at me, I thought we just were going after the transes for transing Lily Hoshikawa and Bridgette!" (Note that a lot of these types only started to pretend to care about femboys once they were forced to prove they weren't used for just gay bamboozle jokes.)

Accepting any kind of domineering makes you subject to be controlled. Don't accept it.

Unless you're trying to be a switch. In that case, bigger dick tops.

I assumed most would like to be that strongman

Kinda. These people like hierarchy, partially because then they know exactly where everybody stands. They of course don't want to be at the very bottom, but understand that they won't be at the top, either.