rule to – 469 points –

So long as they only hit other Cybertruck owners.

That was actually the rest of the comic:

It’s a beautifully paced cartoon, shame to loose the other two panels

This is highly pedantic, and i apologize for doing this. However, I can't leave this alone

It's lose

Personally I blame Gboard

It's a loose lose situation.

Just tried on SwiftKey. It also preferences loose.

Speaking of giggles keyboard getting worse

I think I'll just leave whatever that's gives me instead of correcting the dumb mistakes it makes. This will make things confusing, but possibly entertaining as well. It send to be doing well, but theirs another mistake, and another. Oh well, I'm going to get back to installing graphene of on my old pixel

Oddly enough, there are no randomly capitalized words this time

I removed SwiftKey as soon as it changed thus to this on me.

This is highly pedantic, and i apologize for doing this. However, I can't leave this alone

It's prefers

2 more...
2 more...

Is this…an actually funny Penny Arcade comic? It’s been so bad for so long

Can someone explain what makes a Cybertruck owner "a huge douche?" It's just a car, and it's not a eco-catasrophe like a Hummer. I think they're pretty cool and unique looking, personally. Even if you don't like the aesthetic I don't understand the harshness.

Obligatory 'but Elon Musk is a cunt.'

They spent six figures on a truck that looks like ass, drives like ass, can't actually do truck things, falls apart in the rain and is the brainchild of the world's biggest douchebag.

That doesn't make the owner a douchebag. I guess it's viewed as a distasteful accessory? Ok.

I don't understand why I'm being downvoted.

It's the latter that really seals it, IMHO. The Cybertruck is the most purely Elon vehicle to come out of Tesla, and the first since Elon went full mask-off. Buying it, at great personal expense, and driving it around is basically saying you approve of everything he's doing.

They're massive death machines on wheels. They're one of the largest and heaviest trucks on American roads, the visibility in them is virtually non-existent, the reflectors are pointed so high they barely light up the road, while blinding every other driver. Not to mention the fact that all those sharp edges and steel construction means if they hit a pedestrian, it will slice them in half.

I haven't been in a cybertruck (probably no one in this thread has) but the visibility looked decent in the MKBHD review.

Generally it's assumed that the only people gullible enough to fall for Cybertruck marketing are Elon Musk superfans.

what is the NHTSA? 🤔

Nation Highway Traffic Safety Administration. They're a child administration of the Department of Transportation

Was it the NHTSA that made them recall it? ... How'd they even allow that abomination in the first place??

It was presumably a problem in production where Elon specifically and personally fucked it up.

Based on his history of behavior.

Money? No European country will allow that thing.

There are a million other reasons besides the gas pedal as to why it cannot be sold over there. Most importantly, TERRIBLE crash safety.