
2 Post – 150 Comments
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My understanding is that the difference in terms goes back to the Norman invasion, which is when a ton of French-based terms for things were carried over.

The peasants referred to everything as the name of the animal but the French nobles referred to it as porc, boeuf, etc. This is also where we got the words for venison, mutton, veal, poultry, and also apparently pheasant

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To be fair, those kind of mean the same thing

They are altering the deal. Pray they don't alter it any further.

Yeah, don't expect funding for AAA games!


"According to Air Canada, Moffatt never should have trusted the chatbot and the airline should not be liable for the chatbot's misleading information because Air Canada essentially argued that "the chatbot is a separate legal entity that is responsible for its own actions," a court order said."

Can you imagine the hellscape we'd be living in if precedent went the other way? Companies could just run every unsavory decision through some machine learning system and then wash their hands of it afterwards.

"Oh you were illegally fired? Sorry, that decision came from the Overmind, not from us."

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I'm a vegan, but one argument specifically against allowing dog meat trade is that it often encourages stealing companion animals (aka pets) to make a quick buck. Sometimes they're held ransom and people have to pay the thieves to keep a member of their family from being killed and eaten. Wouldn't wish that on anyone.

Also, dogs were bred specifically to live alongside humans, to form bonds with us. To do that to any organism and then treat it like livestock is a special kind of monstrous.

So I'm in favor of drawing as many lines as possible when it comes to animal consumption of any kind. And then, if the situation makes you uncomfortable about some of the other lines you've drawn around cows, pigs, or chickens, then you analyzing those in more depth too is also a win in my book.

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The family and also the calf are okay, fwiw.

Why block them? I like a little spice with my scrolling. Plus it's a fun mystery box to see what's under the blur. Straight/gay? Cis/trans? That one guy that literally just posts 100 fully clothed celebs every hour to disappoint you? Who knows.

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Settlers aren't the government, they're just private citizens taking people's homes from them. This all sucks. We're all losing. No one is winning when children are dying.

We shouldn't have to constantly qualify every statement we make when we talk about this. Just a constant stream of tone policing while children are dying.

I suspect Vangelis's work on BladeRunner had a big part to play in this

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"now here's more bomb money."

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This is 1000% better as a response than I've seen recently from other Islamic countries and I'm a little sad it's getting dunked on so much. Others are calling for speech to be silenced in response to Quran burnings and they're literally just saying "hey, could you just read it instead?" It's a low bar compared to Western Values ™️ I guess but this kind of response should be what we strive for even if you don't agree with them on anything else.

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Translation: shrinkflation incoming

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Ultimately, it's selecting for crabs. Crabs are perfection. There is no escaping carcinization.

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Misanthropes usually keep to themselves, whereas racists can gather up other racists to do racist things

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Based on that last bit of your post, it sounds like you may actually not be that familiar with the incel community.

Short answer is that it goes much further than it seems at first glance. So,if you're feeling unhappy about your prospects, I'd recommend looking into other communities for the sake of your mental health.

Honestly, just focusing on a hobby of some kind and making connections with the community surrounding it would be infinitely better for you.

So they install heated seats and then make you pay to unlock them?

That seems... not cost-effective

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The author made a point of calling the head of the foundation "her" repeatedly after making clear they're non-binary. I'm sure this article has no agenda or anything.

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Disco Elysium has entered the chat

Fair enough, here's the Deff Dread I spent like 4 weeks building and painting!

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Yes yes, keep complaining about trans people existing. That's much simpler than thinking about why there are so many fucking prisoners for you, isn't it?

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Meat clearly isn't gonna be a unique answer here, but it does have a weird effect on what it feels like to travel to different countries when your diet doesn't revolve around animals.

Where other people see tons of street food and opportunities for interacting with a culture, some places mostly just feel empty.

Not meaning it in a judging way, but there are tons of places where I don't really feel welcome.

Also how is your butthole doing, bro?

Void deer sounds tempting, I wonder what the 401k will be like?

He actually says in the clip, "I'm having a hard time hearing you" after the long pause, so it's also kind of inaccurate. The response was still horrifying but reporting the information correctly would still be cool.

Targeting for the weapon itself is done by a human remotely at least right?



*eta: yeah, it looks like it has a remote driver who can take over the steering and control the gun with a little PS4 controller thingy

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For real, doing a double take on one video can leave their shit popping up in your feed for weeks (on pretty much any social media site). Gotta be quick on the trigger to avoid that stuff

The vote margin in swing states in each of the past few presidential elections has been razor thin. It only takes a few thousand people in each swing state staying home to swing the election his way.

Centrist voters in the US are also quite prone to "fuck you" votes against the president's party when they aren't happy about economic conditions, and lots of Americans are feeling a cost of living pinch right now.

In October polling, 78% of Americans said the country was headed in the wrong direction.

It's really not far from possible that he-who-shall-not-be-named gets in again. He has a hardened base that has been drinking the Kool-aid of his stolen election rhetoric, up against a disillusioned and scattered Democratic coalition that has been losing steam among demographics like African Americans and Latinos.

He doesn't need to win new voters. He just needs Biden to lose a few.

Increasingly, mini painting has been eating my life. I tried to fight off 40k obsession but it's been slowly pulling me in for a while now. But probably the weirder part is, I haven't actually played the game yet. Still trying to get everything tabletop ready.

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Insofar as there's a distinction between the two, I feel like you've got it switched. Merriment would be a night out with drinks and friends, whereas deep happiness would be more like contentedness with your life choices. But they're about the same. Plus "A Christmas Carol" uses Merry, and it's like the ultimate Christmas story.

Hi, just letting you know intersex people exist. Sometimes when you're wrong, that's an opportunity to grow as a person.

If French troops were sent into Ukraine and were then hit by Russia, would that then trigger NATO agreements?

Article 6 says:

"For the purpose of Article 5, an armed attack on one or more of the Parties is deemed to include an armed attack:

on the territory of any of the Parties in Europe or North America, on the Algerian Departments of France 2, on the territory of Turkey or on the Islands under the jurisdiction of any of the Parties in the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer; on the forces, vessels, or aircraft of any of the Parties, when in or over these territories or any other area in Europe in which occupation forces of any of the Parties were stationed on the date when the Treaty entered into force or the Mediterranean Sea or the North Atlantic area north of the Tropic of Cancer."

Aware this might be a situation where the spirit of the agreement ends up being more important than the legalese.

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Hello, welcome to the internet.

When you can't afford a Big Mac, just eat the rich

I'm sure they'll do it in a way that's convenient and doesn't require 14 clicks through obnoxiously designed popups every single time you use a Google service. Yep, certainly no way this could go wrong.

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In Vietnam, if it's a café they'd ask you hot or cold.

Normal restaurants you'd get iced tea, usually very strong unsweetened Lipton yellow label.

General strike/protest? Get enough people making noise on the street and people will have to listen. With a presidential election coming up, Dems won't be able to fully ignore it either.

Both of these arguments presuppose that principles and precedent are important factors for the current conservative majority to consider. Evidence says otherwise.

The shade those parents must've felt to have their interviews used in what turned out to be free marketing for Nintendo lol

"Charlie who?"

Hopefully not TrumpFuckedUs