
1 Post – 130 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I’m hearing a lot of what y’all are saying on this thread and sitting here nodding my head in agreement. I was going to remark something a bit off color as well, but in finding the words to say, I remembered a story on a podcast that I frequently listened to.

Here it is: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/levar-burton-reads/id1244649384?i=1000651142934

I don’t want to give away the story in case anyone wants to listen to it. It was eye opening for me. One of the best that Levar read IMO.

But all that is to say, maybe, just maybe, like the black klansman, it would actually be a good thing to have a Republican Party on the campus of FAMU. I think we need leaders who inspire less polarization of our country, if she is it, then I think she should be celebrated.

For the record, I have walked the campus of FAMU, and it is a lovely place. The trees covered in Spanish moss are wonderfully bucolic to stroll through in such a busy city. And of course, shout out to Loretta.

I don’t know about y’all, but I’d prefer not to win a Darwin Award.

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And yet, in that part of the country, there will be plenty of people waiting to be on the receiving end of his TP.

Lime? Don’t see a lot of lime candy all by themselves.

Butter too. So many candies include butter, but it’s rarely hyped as the star flavor.

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No thanks, I’ll take it without the butter.

Have y’all seen the pictures of chimney rock?

Because it's fore-fathers ya dolt! Do I have to explain everything?

I also appreciated this particular nugget in the article:

While Harris has not personally given birth, neither has any other occupant of the White House.

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A modern day Cincinnatus, the Supreme Court just made him a consul and he just chose to go back to being a common man for the good of the republic.

If this plays out, he’ll go down in history books as the man who sacrificed himself to save Democracy.

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It still bewilders me why we are even having this conversation. The guy tried to overthrow our government. The government of the people, in accordance of our constitution. If that’s not the definition of treason I don’t know what is.

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I don't visit Twitter, how do I stop hearing about every little toxic bullshit line Elon has to say?

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Could have done the right thing one last time for people who actually experienced it.

Instead, it’ll remain a black mark on the state and now doubly so. We’ll have to wait for the epilogue 100 years from now.

But I suppose you couldn’t have expected much more from a folk who takes pride in stealing land, and doubling down by cheating when doing so.

A modern day Cincinnatus, the Supreme Court just made him a consul and he just chose to go back to being a common man for the good of the republic.

If this plays out, he’ll go down in history books as the man who sacrificed himself to save Democracy.

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I did and you should too: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/joe-biden-3

Yes it says Joe Biden, and yes it goes directly to Kamala.

We stand on the shoulders of giants.

Or as the young people say, we didn’t just fall out of a coconut tree.

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Found the matrix right here guys.

Humility and dedication. This is the kind of person who should be running for political office.

Coop is a lefty that presents well as a moderate. We had the fortune of seeing him in person at Lovett or leave it in Asheville. It was a good show.

It’s just that the NC GOP has such a lock on this state that there’s very little his administration can do other than be a blocker for their most batshit ideas.

I was dating this girl, was going well. We fooled around, had a lovely time. She just seemed cooler than me in many ways, had cool hobbies, hung out with cool people, I was kinda feeling like I scored.

Then one day 3 weeks later I did. For some reason she didn’t want to on her bed, so instead we attempted the act on the living room couch, she had roommates. Her shirt came off exposing her back and it just didn’t look right, I can’t explain it, was like her ribs were sunken in like a corset and her backbone was curved in this scoliosis kinda way. I was confused and my member went a bit limp. I think she could tell, but we went ahead anyway. Then the couch cushions just kept sinking and getting in the way. Me with a half limp dick and these awkward positions, neither of us really feeling it and yet we still continued on. The whole thing just felt pathetic.

We hung out a few times after, but it always felt like the ending of 1984, where the couple have all of that vibrant life sucked out of them. The relationship was over shortly thereafter.

A decade later, I haven’t seen her since. We’re still friends on Facebook.

And that scientists name? Albert Einstein.

Ok, so I am all about working to resolve climate change, very active in the movement even.

But gosh golly gee, can we talk about that particular websites UI for a moment? I do not need a roll ad every 3 seconds. And I really do not need to know that one weird trick on how to get rats to like me.

Again, all for the climate. I’m saying this as I just walked 45 minutes to go grab my lunch. Totally on board with more buses and trains. Big advocate of a Citizens Climate Lobby. Doing my part, hope you do too.

Keep the rats the f away from me!

Way to brag on your donations from the guy who is fully working to crush that state’s main manufacturing base.

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No, they don’t understand. They’d rather just sit in their basements and complain on the Internet rather than get out into the light and actually try to effect the change they wish to see.

He’s player one. All of the rest of us are just NPCs.

We’ll find out if Mr. Bones is listening in November. Until then, sit tight.

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Could you imagine? All those sick people who would stop working til they die? Harumph.

Not going to go into details due to confidentiality, but I recently was involved in an initiative to utilize AI to scan education databases and identify students who may be at risk of dropping out, with the goal of having an early safety net for these folks. And also raising the schools retention rates, thus better outcomes overall.

So yes, AI can absolutely be used for good.

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Usual one first: back in 2010 a friend and I rented a car from NC to NJ last minute to catch another buddy’s wedding. Rental agency gave me an odd look when I declined the insurance and I got one of those chilling epiphanies where something seemed wrong. Anyway, we’re coming back from NJ going 80 on the freeway in middle of nowhere Virginia and my friend was driving, me in the passenger seat. Guardrails on both sides of the road in a forest. 5 pointer comes casually walking into our lane from the one on the right. My friend saw it too late. Honestly a good thing, he only had enough reaction time to jostle the steering wheel slightly to the left, not even brake. We dodged that bucker by inches. Car insurance be damned, it would have probably ended me.

More bizarre ones:

  • The handlebar on my motorcycle broke off, and I went down quick on a freshly plowed road, 18 wheeler behind me was barely able to stop in time. He helped me up and then chucked my bike into a snowbank like it was nothing.
  • Saw a semi get blown over by a gust of wind on 81 in western VA
  • about 2 months ago I saw an entire desk fly off of the back of a junkers trailer on I-40 just west of Asheville. I thought for sure it was gonna hit the car in front of me but the desk did this brilliant upright spin off into the shoulder. The lady driving the junker was none the wiser. Secure your loads y’all.
  • not a freeway, but I was turning left from this mountain backroad as a semi turned right onto the road I was on. The shoulder on that side had a drop off and the guy misjudged the turn. I got to see the whole cab lift into the air right beside me in my peripheral, freaked me the fuck out and I barreled to the right shoulder quick. When all was done and it seemed safe enough, I got out and checked on the guys then called highway patrol. The driver and his buddy were a bit in shock from the whole situation but otherwise OK.
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Starting a daily productivity log. It started as a google form but has morphed into a larger spreadsheet. It contains:

  • Something I completed today
  • something I worked on today
  • one thing I couldn’t do and why
  • a new idea I had today
  • something I did for physical activity
  • something I learned today

Each row is a day. It also includes a section for bucket list and yearly goals and whether I achieved them.

I don’t fill it out every day and I don’t fill out every field each day either, but I do try to not get more than 10 days behind.

It gives me a sense of purpose. It helps me remember what I’ve done, so days don’t just slip through my fingers. It also, I think, shows how I’ve grown a bit as a person.

It became really special when I was able to bring it out during my wedding vows. I wrote down on paper many of the things my SO and I did on our adventures and got to share them with our friends and family.

I have a tab for each of the last 15 years.

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You don’t have to convince me, you have to convince Joe voter in Penn’s woods who voted W then Obama and then Trump and then Biden. Joe from Pennsylvania measures his vote by his gut and not so much the issues. He picks a president, not a team.

And right now all Joe’s hearing is how Biden is more senile than anyone ever thought.

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I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further.

I suppose it also tells the good guys too.

Beer And now that some good varieties are available…NA beers Hop water is super refreshing, we’re living in a renaissance y’all.

Assassinating someone in cold blood in Berlin’s main public square, then not cooperating with authorities, garnering a whole lot of brownie points from authoritarian leader Putin….

These are not the values we should encourage nor emulate.

I will be canvassing and driving people to the polls.

With Kamala, we’ll probably lose Nevada and may lose some of the blue wall, but this will put some southern states back in play.

I think we’ll get Michigan and Minnesota, but lose Wisconsin.

Georgia comes back to blue. NC comes back in play, but it will vacillate depending on what direction the wind is blowing on Election Day. I think there’s a possible chance there that Robinson/Kamala split the ticket.

I have absolutely no insight on politics in Arizona, but I’m not optimistic there.

Florida and Texas will be even more red than normal.

Pennsylvania will be an absolute squeaker, it will take every precinct in Philly to show up and show up hard. It was and will continue to be the most important state for the election.

What I personally need to see from Kamala is passion. She needs use that brilliant wit of hers to cut Trump down to the bone like she did Biden in 2016. But of course there’s a fucking “angry black woman” bias racist bullshit that the media is going to push that she has to overcome as well.

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Saying things out in the open that have long been shadow policy. Remember it was Russia and China that helped push SK troops out of NK when the war was hot 70 years ago. The hermit kingdom continues to exist because of aid from those countries.

For a long time the world was mostly aligned that more nuclear armed countries added risk, slowing proliferation, but there’s a reason the great powers key allies somehow seemed to still implement successful nuclear programs.

Sounds like Ol’ Sleepy Joe got to him. Get that fake handicap low enough Donnie, Joe’s comin’ for ya!

I know a lot of people who like to dip French fries in Ranch dressing, which is like sour cream with extra steps.

I think it’s that PayPal was one of the firsts to provide a method for collecting credit card transactions electronically.

Before PayPal, you’d often have to visit a website, then call the phone number for the seller to collect payment.

eBay needed paypal because their sellers were often not businesses, just people yardsaling stuff online.

Coincidentally, I interned at a PayPal competitor in 1998 that went under during the bust. We had an electronic interface through MS access, but it was a still a human entering in the CC number into one of those dial pads on our side and then confirming the transaction. I’m sure with all of the concerns around security nowadays that you can understand why that was a terrible long term business model.

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