
1 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This is exactly how I feel when my American colleagues discuss the weather in Fahrenheit.

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This is a good example of the worst kind of pseudo intellectual bs that tricks the uninformed. It's confidently wrong in so many different areas that I don't even know where to start.

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I mean, not as if 40C was unheard of in the Mediterranean?..

Record breaking temperatures are by definition unheard of. What the Mediterranean is experiencing is not normal by any definition.

When you pay more for a green alternative to something very much not green, you may be causing lots of bad things indirectly.

The not green versions are also costing us by costing the environment.

I mean, if a thing itself is 100% green energy\resource\process, then money you pay for it are maybe 20% green and 80% pretty much brown. So if it costs twice and you pay for that, you may be creating a demand for dirtier production just to soothe your conscience about global warming.

This makes absolutely not sense at all. You have absolutely no evidence or data to back up these numbers you made up. You've essentially made a bunch of false assumptions and then used those false assumptions to then validate your inaccurate claim.

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I love water resistance. You don't need to get rid of water resistance for removal batteries, we had both, together, at the same time, before. Samsung s5 active.

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People keep blaming Russia as if Africans are somehow incapable of making their own decisions. The reality is Africans are tired of French neo colonialism. Niger is a perfect example. They were selling france uranium for $0.8/kg when the market price is $200. That's Niger's resources going to power French power plants, while the people of Niger are struggling to survive. Fuck that shit.

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I primarily watch YouTube on tv, it is my most used video streaming platform, so yes I do. As does all my friends.

People forget a huge side of this as well. It's not just being financial able to have kids but physically able. More and more people now days are seeking fertility treatment and having fertility issues. According to elon, those people would not have the right to vote.

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Depends on the type of work. Workshops and strategy sessions are definitely better in person than online for me.

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Real estate

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Am I the only one who sees tennis balls more as green than yellow? And no I am not colorblind, it just looks closer to lime green to me then yellow.

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I don't know where it love but downtown is probably some of the most sought after property and desirable locations in Toronto. So you statement is most definitely not applicable to "any city".

How can a modern democracy even consider doing this? I mean I am not fan of most social media but still, this sounds like something you would see in Iran or China.

Record breaking temperatures do not account for anything before records start. Obviously.

Firstly setting new records repeatedly for records that have existed for a 100+ years is still extremely concerning. I don't know how you think this is actually somehow a rebuttal of what I said. Additionally we have average temperature and environmental conditions going back millions of years through ice core and geologic records.

There are no numbers in my comment which should be backed up by evidence. These are an example.

80% and 20% are numbers. My point is your "example" is made up and hence meaningless. It's as meaningful as me giving you an example where all work that is dont to pay for that additional cost is done through green means.

What I’ve used is called conditional logic mostly.

What you've done is not understand how conditional logic works as your IF/THEN conditional statement is not based on reality and is speaking purely hypothetically. I agree that in your made up reality that doesn't exist, this made up condition would not be reasonable.

About the rest - I do realize that connecting money (as the universal equivalent) to energy and energy (from all sources) to pollution may be too complex for you.

Apparently the whole concept of reading may be too complex for you as you clearly seem to lack the ability to comprehend what you've read. Dirty solutions have environmental impact that ultimately has a monetary cost to mitigate. Just because you don't pay for it at purchase does not mean there is not a monetary cost.

When they say turn exercise into a habit, I don't think they mean it the same as in other habits where you do so without thought. I would say besides my actual OCD, I am a neurotypical person who has been working out for years. Yes it's a lot easier for me to do so now, but I still have to actively decide to go workout each and every time.

Life is a lot older than 165m years. Closer to 4,000,000,000 BC.

As 15+ yr old reddit user, can't agree more. The digg migration was the best and worst thing to happen to reddit imo. It really boosted communities yes however it also significantly lowered the content quality.

Ya and in English, we pronounce things like giant, giraffe, gin, etc. with a "j" sound.

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It's more like giant or gin or giraffe.

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This happened in India. Right wing nut, sure, but probably not Christian.

I agree completely but you won't get much support on this site as people don't think about how things can cost money to run.

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Because it's hard for non techie users to even understand what the word instance means. It's not a concept you encounter in everyday life.

And then without a broad algorithm that curate your feed, most users get confused on how to manage their communities across the fediverse.

How do you pronounce giraffe? or giant? or gin?

Lol I really don't. I am trying to figure out what condition would lead to actual anxiety for something like this.

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You know, the time you took to type up this response showing that you are ignorant of reality, you could've spent just looking up the information on google and informing yourself. It literally took me 2 seconds to look it up.




I am using connect and finding it very similar to RIF as well

They do though when they are right.

We have it in Canada. Conservatives hate it and love to point to a small percentage of abuse of the option however it has really helped alleviate stresses for families and people suffering from terminal illness.

Or you know, it just makes sense and wasn't imported from anywhere? Some of us actually prefer real data and science instead of sensationalism and fear mongering.

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Yet there are still arguing that this is not a big deal, even here on lemmy. Sigh

I most definitely would not describe most of reddit as ultra liberal so if you think it is, I wonder what your definition of "not conservative" is. In my experience, a lot of reddit subs lean more to the right.

English doesn't work that way. Man is the closest work to woman. Doesn't mean you pronounce the "m" "a" "n" in the two words the same way.

I keep hearing this but my company uses teams and I rarely if ever have any issues. Could it just be a configuration thing?

No that just helps us from setting even more new records 40 years from now.

I absolutely love the flip. Much more comfortable in my pocket. And I like the student angles you can have it in for photography, watching videos, or reading.

Half of all people are dumber than the median. I am assuming the mean is actually higher than the median so chances are way more than half of all people are dumber than what people normally think of when they think average.

So how do you pronounce giraffe or giant or gin?

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That's great for now. Scale that up to billions of videos and that won't be sustainable. Video hosting, especially at the scale that youtube does it, is incredibly expensive.

Not everything is an opinion. I don't know why people now days think they can argue anything by claiming it's their opinion. She has more power and influence than the vast vast majority of Americans. Whether you want her to be relevant or not does not change the reality that she is relevant.

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Ronald, not Ron. No nicknames in Florida until he gets a signed form from his mom permitting him to use Ron.

I almost never watch YouTube on my computer and it is almost always used on my TVs by my family. YouTube premium is probably the most useful streaming sub I have.