Elon Musk supports eliminating voting rights for people without children

mainaccount@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 876 points –
Elon Musk supports eliminating voting rights for people without children

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People forget a huge side of this as well. It's not just being financial able to have kids but physically able. More and more people now days are seeking fertility treatment and having fertility issues. According to elon, those people would not have the right to vote.

People who go to college and then university and then intern somewhere to get a junior position and then a senior position are in their mid 30s when they're in a stable enough position to plan for kids.

By contrast, a lot of people who are happy with a high school degree have kids before they're 20.

This is not a value judgment, but separating people by when they're having kids segments the population of into very distinct strata.

It's not hard to guess why a billionaire who's running a right-wing social media platform would prefer a certain demographic.

We waited until our 30s to have a child for a lot of reasons, and I'm glad we did it. We were more financially secure and had sowed our wild oats, so we were also not likely to go out and party. Elon was already financially secure when he had is first child. He has no idea how much a child costs in terms of money and in terms of what sort of life you want to live for most people.

I also doubt he's done much child-raising, either. People of his social class don't tend to be very involved with their kids, probably because they don't have to be. Honestly I don't blame them for that, but I do with they'd STFU about what all of us peons should be doing.